posted on Jul, 23 2019 @ 11:58 PM
Blow's my mind that we still haven't realized the difference between other worlds and Human tech.
The stars we observe we're not created for our viewing pleasure on a camping trip. Their are many other "worlds"
The Galaxy we inhabit will never be explained properly in our lifetime. Or has it already been explained and suppressed?
Us "humans" are taught to march on and ask no questions... I say slap it on the ass and don't feel bad.
Half of the UFO sightings we observe back to say what's up.
The other pose a threat!
Get back on your game ATS...The threat is real.
Don't be scared of people who see a potential ET craft and yell.. NO WAY it must be..
Chinese Lanterns
A F*** moth
Lense Flare's
Roman candles gone wrong
A burning man jumped from a plane
It's clearly CGI
Bug on the lens
It's so easy now to play the skeptical DBag that can discredit it all with one post
Aliens DO exist..they do walk among us!
Excuses Excuses don't bow to the doofus!