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What makes you an 'American'

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posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 02:28 PM
I apologize to all our non-US members. And frankly anyone that is a citizen of any country in North or South America is an "American" but american ecxpectionalisim, being what it is, seems to require the moniker 'American' for certain citizens of the United States.

That said any interesting Opinion in the NY Times :

In Trump’s version, “American” is defined by three propositions.

First, to be American is to be xenophobic. The basic narrative he tells is that the good people of the heartland are under assault from aliens, elitists and outsiders.

Second, to be American is to be nostalgic. America’s values were better during some golden past.

Third, a true American is white. White Protestants created this country; everybody else is here on their sufferance.

When you look at Trump’s American idea you realize that it contradicts the traditional American idea in every particular. In fact, Trump’s national story is much closer to the Russian national story than it is toward our own. It’s an alien ideology he’s trying to plant on our soil. Trump’s vision is radically anti-American.

So I'm asking: What makes you an American, a citizen of the United States of America more accurately.

For me I'm a US citizen from birth but was not born in this country. Both of my parents families were WASPy but not religious and one had been in this country since before the revolution the other more recent (19th century) immigrants.

I believe the way I was raised, to believe in the 'melting pot', justice for all, separation of church and state, equal powers, and on and one. I wasn't raised to believe the US couldn't or shouldn't improve our execution of those ideals but was taught to work within the frame work of a system that worked (for a time).

So, enough about me, what about you? What makes you a patriotic US citizen?

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 02:35 PM
Being born here. A simple accident of birth, that's all.

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 02:37 PM
So, enough about me, what about you? What makes you a patriotic US citizen? a reply to: FyreByrd

does one need to be patriotic to be an American?

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

What makes someone an American.

The Constitution and Bill of Rights.
edit on 19-7-2019 by highvein because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 02:39 PM
The article gives a false account of Trump’s version of what it means to be American, simply because no one in Trump’s orbit suggested such a thing.

But if we look at Trump’s actual words and not the fevered fantasy of some op-Ed writer, Trump mainly distinguishes between pro-American and anti-American, not American and non-American when it comes to the 4 congresswomen.

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

I was born here and my ancestry traces back to 1814 in the state
of Virginia.

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: BuckyWunderlick

Changed my mind.
edit on 19-7-2019 by mamabeth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

I'm not an American but I think an Americn is someone who was either born there or became one legally. Someone who likes the country and it's values and who tries to keep it crime free and works hard to enjoy it's possibilities.
This includes keeping people out who do not have the same values, try to sabotage the idea of the forefathers, try to bring in their own country's bad habits and those that cause unrest.

The colour or race is utterly and totally unimportant.
Only morons think that keeping a country safe for it's legal inhabitants by not letting illegal inhabtants in is racist.

Is it racist to lock your front door?
Is it racist to throw troublemakers off your premises?
Is it racist to stop those that come into your house and call your furniture and way of life 'crap' and make an open fire in the living room?


posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 02:50 PM
My ancestors fought tooth and nail to live here since the late 1600s.

Great thing is anyone can become an American only thing I don't understand if you hate American or buy into any of the bull#. Why you dying to come here and if you're dying to gtfo of your country why would you want to replicate that # hole here.

If American values are acceptable COME ON DOWN.

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 02:53 PM
I was born here which makes me an American. My family came here in the early and mid-1700s before we were the United States of America. I love my country and dislike anyone that tries to change it into some hell-hole like they came from. I especially despise Leftists/Socialists/Communists that are trying to tear down the foundation and the people, legal immigrants included, that made this country great.

What I don't understand is why so many are trying their hardest to turn this great, albeit imperfect nation, into an unsuccessful, horrible place to live. I know it's about control and power, but really? Can't they see it isn't working anywhere else in the world? I'm blessed to have been born here by chance, it's not my fault or any other American's fault that other countries are overwhelmed by famine, crime, dictators, etc. We've tried to show them how to make it work, they have to want it or it's not going to happen. Yes I know there are some European countries that are getting by but even some of those are feeling the pain of socialism now.

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 02:54 PM
My ancestors fought tooth and nail to live here since the late 1600s. a reply to: Lysergic

did fighting tooth and nail consist of the elimination the natives.

edit on 19-7-2019 by PhilbertDezineck because: grammer

edit on 19-7-2019 by PhilbertDezineck because: added thought

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 02:58 PM
I was born and raised in the free state of Tennessee. I have traveled the world and seen the ugly, underbelly of other countries. I came back home to stay and stay free I will. I think most of the young people pushing for liberal change are naive and have little idea what they are talking about, other than what some left wing professors told them in college.

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Trump says none of those things.

To be an American you need to be a citizen and you need to defend the Constitution and the values this country was founded upon.

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 03:18 PM
Getting taxed out of the _________. While every idiot around me gets taxed out of the _______ and claims "death and taxes blah, blah, blah." While the gov we are supposed to run floods the country with more idiots that won't question the theft.

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 03:26 PM
To be an American you need to be a citizen and you need to defend the Constitution and the values this country was founded upon.
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

what values? Is that taking the land and killing the occupants? Or is it the values of going into other countries and saying my way or the highway? Is that foundational values consist of enforcing the will of business upon whole people groups such as the United Friuts of the 50's? Iran in the 50's. I could go on and on the USA is not the righteous nation it once was before we became the SS of the whole world.

edit on 19-7-2019 by PhilbertDezineck because: punchuation

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 03:28 PM
The Constitution tells you exactly what defines a citizen of the United States. You should try reading it sometime. It is an amazing document.

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: PhilbertDezineck

Precisely which founding values? The value that said one person could somehow own another? Or that only white, landholding men could vote? Perhaps you mean the value where those of one religion could legally hang and banish those not of the same sect? Last I checked, the only - I mean only requirement for citizenshiop was to be either naturalised or born here.

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: PhilbertDezineck

I don't see any values in your rant. Try again.

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: LordBlackstar

If someone wants to institute a dictatorship, is that 'American' regardless of their citizenship status?

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: PhilbertDezineck

Spanish had already conquered most of them as many tribes spoke Spanish.

You act as if only colonists committed heinous acts?

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