a reply to:
I am fighting all of the adds on ATS right now,
but maybe I can get this posted.
I have written in several places on ATS about these experiences but will go from memory instead of linking and quoting myself from other threads.
First is the Skinwalker Ranch.
Back in the late 90's I used to frequent a website called Spiritweb. It was a place for spiritually minded people to get together and chat, or read
several thousand articles etc. A great place back then because the internet was new still and many people found spiritweb to be their home. Many now
well known people were common there. It was a great place.
Anyways, one night I was chatting with a guy who said he was at Skinwalker Ranch. I had never heard of it but I just remember him saying there was a
bunch of weird things going on there and I didn't quite believe him.
Shortly after talking to him my police scanner starts to make weird noises, whistling and crackling.
A voice comes over the scanner, tells me exactly what I am doing at the time, and then cackles in a weird laugh and says "I AM RAPTOR" and then
laughed some more. My computer froze up...
I freaked out, turned off the scanner, and to this day, wonder what the hell.
Many years later I start reading articles and seeing things on TV about the ranch.
It is definitely a freaky subject. When Jessie Ventura was on ATS for an AMA I asked him about the ranch because they had done a show on it on
Conspiracy Theory, but he basically sidestepped the question and said I would have to ask his son as he was the one who went to the ranch (dead end
there), so anytime it comes up, it catches my attention.
I have been a sensitive my whole life. I have seen and experienced a lot. Practiced for a while, got into meditation, worked for a famous medium as a
grief counselor and web moderator etc etc...
Everyone was always talking about the good things, and although they would mention and practice psychic protection, they never really went into detail
on why or what you are protecting yourself from.
I was always willing to lend a hand or third eye if someone asked for help, as I was very open, and if it was to happen, it would. Spirit has never
really failed me although some of the lessons are tough, which brings me to the next experience.
This happened here on ATS. Someone was asking for help, they had strange knocks in their house, things acting weird, and they had already made sure it
was not something physical in the house, so they were asking for a psychic or medium to help them out. I attempted to help.
You have to go back two weeks prior to my offering to help. I had started to have these strange dreams. I was waking up with hand prints on my chest,
dreaming about spirits, everything was weird.
I was working on a painting too. My wife was concerned because I was being weird and weird things were happening. The hand prints in the morning, my
change in demeanor, my infatuation with this painting, it was a huge spirit trip, I have no other way of describing what was happening. It was like I
was insane.
Then I offered to help.
The minute it was accepted I relived a murder. I had been reliving it for 2 weeks and didn't know it. It all became very clear as the information
poured out of me for this person.
The thing is, I was in contact with several spirits during this. One was the person who died, one was an old teacher of mine who died, and then this
THING. The painting was a huge part of it all. Spirits were whispering in my ear to keep painting although I was paralyzed with fear. I was told to
paint the fear. I don't know how to describe this to anyone, but it was like I was in the painting, staring at this thing, this ancient being who was
showing me this death, telling me it did it. It used someone to commit murder. It does it a lot, it is its purpose. It is what it does. It is bigger
than we are, older than we are, as old as the universe, and it is "evil".
I looked it in the eye although it was miles away from me.
It took many months to get rid of the visions, and my own spiritual development became a much slower endeavor.
It hurt me, mentally, physically, it showed me what it did, how it manipulated. I was in someones body as the life exploded out from it in a tragic
death, and still to this day I hear the words it spoke..
I have something to show you!
And it did.
There are things out there beyond human comprehension. This for me was one of them.
It changed me in how I do things.
But it was a learning experience,
and one I have only read about in books.
Things that are hinted at but never seems to be said.
edit on 8-7-2019 by Darkblade71 because: lots and lots of typos!!