posted on Jun, 27 2019 @ 01:10 PM
we need to face facts. and the fact is all this reparation nonsense has only two goals. goal one is to buy votes of a certain demographic. now that is
true about why the democrats are so interested in it. and of course those black people who feel they will benefit from it are all for it as to be
yet the democrats are not the only ones pushing this farce. the UN has also been pushing it. which in and of it's self is an interesting issue.
WHY. and i am being serious. why are they pushing for reparations for black people over slavery in the US, to be paid by the US? has
anyone heard of them also demanding reparations from countries such as Spain, the UK, Portugal or the Danes? countries that were directly involved in
the slave trade along with Africa and the mid east (the last two in which slavery can be found still going on today). heck the Portuguese and Spanish
even looked down on the US, and before that the "British colonies", for coddling their slaves. because they felt that those in the US/British
colonies that would become the US, did not treat their slaves anywhere near harshly enough. and unlike the US they didn't just have a few slaves, but
had pretty much entire countries acting as their slaves. and we certainly can not forget the British who were the ones who legalized slavery in what
was to become the US (on behalf of a black slave owner). so why are they ONLY targeting the US with needing to pay reparations? why are
they not also demanding for example that Spain pay reparations to countries such as the Philippines?
the answer is simple and is the real goal of demanding those reparations. far from fixing the issue of racism, it will as some people have
noted actually CAUSE racism, make it worse, and further split the country based on ethnicity. and anyone with half a brain should be able to easily
see that, that would be the result. just look at the racism that has been caused by things such as affirmative action. where instead of making
everyone equal, it instead gives privilege (real privilege, not this made up "white privilege"), based upon race and even sex. in short it
gives people of certain races and females advantages, over other races and males. and it has in fact cased more racism and sexism (justifiably i might
add), as people see that because of their race and sex, they are at a disadvantage. rathe like we are starting to see with tranny athletes right now.
with even at least one lawsuit being started by females pissed off that people with an unfair advantage are winning everything, and taking it away
from them. and just like affirmative action does and reparations will, has caused hate against those with the advantage. and i think we really need
to start seriously asking if the whole point behind things such as affirmative action were also intentionally put into place to divide the nation and
cause racism and sexism.
so while democrats and their supporters are using this reparations scam to try to gain votes, as well as to encourage more black people to actually
vote. when you look at the bigger picture, it is all about trying to divide and destroy the country. the country that just happens to be the
superpower, and the main country that is keeping a one world tyranny (government), from becoming a reality.