posted on Apr, 1 2019 @ 05:44 PM
Hello ATS,
Like stated, long time lurker, probably around 15 years or more. I have enjoyed reading many of the diverse threads and topics on ATS over the years.
I belong to several gun, knife and survival related forums that I am active in. I'm a prepper type, an environmental remediation supervisor by
trade, a gun and knife enthusiast, a Trump supporter from day one, and a generally reasonable and thinking non-sheep. There is certainly other life
in our galaxy, we know very little about the physical and non-physical world we live in, killing unborn babies is murder, we are born to die but not
supposed to die before we are born by human hands, and I hope that there are some real revelations in space, energy, time, and politics that come to
light before I push up daisies.