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CA man just did his taxes... apples to apples comparison

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posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 10:32 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: MisterSpock

originally posted by: jgarc028
a reply to: MisterSpock

your missing the point of the post, I'm not glorifying or demonizing CA. im merely trying to demonstrate
how we alll need to understand how taxes truly affect us and not take the msm word for it

Do you have a breakdown of where your increase in taxes came from?

Is it from the state or federal level?

Trump can't control any state increases. While I haven't looked, I'd find it safe to assume that california state taxes increased year over year. If that's the case, what bearing does that have in your circumstance with regard to federal tax cuts.

California residents used to be able to deduct their state taxes on their federal return.

A nice little way for the state to get more federal money.

The new tax law stopped that.

Now I, as a resident of Montana, do not have to subsidize the state of California.

So yea... California residents now have to play by the same rules as most of the other states.

Thus the increase... although to OP never mentioned how much more they took home in 2018 since their monthly Federal payment went down.

i said my annual income minus my total taxes. i should have said i owed about $100 last year and this year i owe $200

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 10:32 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: MisterSpock

originally posted by: jgarc028
a reply to: MisterSpock

your missing the point of the post, I'm not glorifying or demonizing CA. im merely trying to demonstrate
how we alll need to understand how taxes truly affect us and not take the msm word for it

Do you have a breakdown of where your increase in taxes came from?

Is it from the state or federal level?

Trump can't control any state increases. While I haven't looked, I'd find it safe to assume that california state taxes increased year over year. If that's the case, what bearing does that have in your circumstance with regard to federal tax cuts.

California residents used to be able to deduct their state taxes on their federal return.

A nice little way for the state to get more federal money.

The new tax law stopped that.

Now I, as a resident of Montana, do not have to subsidize the state of California.

So yea... California residents now have to play by the same rules as most of the other states.

Thus the increase... although to OP never mentioned how much more they took home in 2018 since their monthly Federal payment went down.

i said my annual income minus my total taxes. i should have said i owed about $100 last year and this year i owe $200

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 10:35 PM
a reply to: Hypntick

My personal story is I made roughly $260 more a month more and paid less in Federal taxes this year on what I pay myself.

On my business side of things, I paid 5.2% less for the year, but some of that may have been equipment write-offs so I won't really know (or care... less is better!!!) till next year.

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: jgarc028

Fifteen bucks an hour doesn't go very far in California. Here, a person making fifteen an hour is doing pretty well, not rich but you can live half way decent anyway. Our cost of living is reasonable here.

(post by jgarc028 removed for a manners violation)

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 10:40 PM

originally posted by: jgarc028

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: MisterSpock

originally posted by: jgarc028
a reply to: MisterSpock

your missing the point of the post, I'm not glorifying or demonizing CA. im merely trying to demonstrate
how we alll need to understand how taxes truly affect us and not take the msm word for it

Do you have a breakdown of where your increase in taxes came from?

Is it from the state or federal level?

Trump can't control any state increases. While I haven't looked, I'd find it safe to assume that california state taxes increased year over year. If that's the case, what bearing does that have in your circumstance with regard to federal tax cuts.

California residents used to be able to deduct their state taxes on their federal return.

A nice little way for the state to get more federal money.

The new tax law stopped that.

Now I, as a resident of Montana, do not have to subsidize the state of California.

So yea... California residents now have to play by the same rules as most of the other states.

Thus the increase... although to OP never mentioned how much more they took home in 2018 since their monthly Federal payment went down.

i said my annual income minus my total taxes. i should have said i owed about $100 last year and this year i owe $200

Don't post between Hour:27 and Hour:32 if you are triggered.

The ATS DBase is backing up or something, response times are slow so you may be anxious to hit "reply" more than once.

Just breath, don't jam JAM jam the reply button and you will be fine.

My property taxes on some family land in California went up this year because of the fires, I guess...

Wish they would take a sensible approach and start logging again.

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 10:40 PM
IRS reported today that the average refund this year is $3,008. Up $4 over last year.


Still amazed that people allow the Federal Government to hold their money all year, only to give it back with $0 interest, every 12 months.

(post by Lumenari removed for a manners violation)

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

again as mentioned i know that. i work a ton of overtime. 10+ hours a day 6 days a week. what i work and make shouldn't take away from my original post!.... "comparing 2017 to 2018, i paid a lower percentage of all taxes added up"

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: MisterSpock

originally posted by: jgarc028
a reply to: MisterSpock

your missing the point of the post, I'm not glorifying or demonizing CA. im merely trying to demonstrate
how we alll need to understand how taxes truly affect us and not take the msm word for it

Do you have a breakdown of where your increase in taxes came from?

Is it from the state or federal level?

Trump can't control any state increases. While I haven't looked, I'd find it safe to assume that california state taxes increased year over year. If that's the case, what bearing does that have in your circumstance with regard to federal tax cuts.

California residents used to be able to deduct their state taxes on their federal return.

A nice little way for the state to get more federal money.

The new tax law stopped that.

Now I, as a resident of Montana, do not have to subsidize the state of California.

So yea... California residents now have to play by the same rules as most of the other states.

Thus the increase... although to OP never mentioned how much more they took home in 2018 since their monthly Federal payment went down.

I have not seen that on any fed. filing I've done since becoming an adult.
I would like a source for that please.

ETA: looked back through my taxes- I had to finish Fed first, because state referenced Fed multiple times.
edit on 18-3-2019 by randomtangentsrme because: Added information.

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 10:52 PM
ive given everyone here my filing status and that I'm not eligible for tax breaks... it's remain the same from mid 2016 till i filled for 2018. i paid less over all as a percentage of my income for year 2018 compared to 2017.

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 10:59 PM

originally posted by: randomtangentsrme

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: MisterSpock

originally posted by: jgarc028
a reply to: MisterSpock

your missing the point of the post, I'm not glorifying or demonizing CA. im merely trying to demonstrate
how we alll need to understand how taxes truly affect us and not take the msm word for it

Do you have a breakdown of where your increase in taxes came from?

Is it from the state or federal level?

Trump can't control any state increases. While I haven't looked, I'd find it safe to assume that california state taxes increased year over year. If that's the case, what bearing does that have in your circumstance with regard to federal tax cuts.

California residents used to be able to deduct their state taxes on their federal return.

A nice little way for the state to get more federal money.

The new tax law stopped that.

Now I, as a resident of Montana, do not have to subsidize the state of California.

So yea... California residents now have to play by the same rules as most of the other states.

Thus the increase... although to OP never mentioned how much more they took home in 2018 since their monthly Federal payment went down.

I have not seen that on any fed. filing I've done since becoming an adult.
I would like a source for that please.

ETA: looked back through my taxes- I had to finish Fed first, because state referenced Fed multiple times.

Until last year, California residents could claim state and federal taxes as a Federal tax deduction if you itemized.

If you just used your standard Federal exemption, then it wouldn't have mattered to you, I guess.

I've used it before on an itemized Federal return when I lived in California.

Quick Article on it

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

i said it before, i took the standardized deductions, i didn't itimize. i payed less this year in total taxes as a percentage of my total income than i did in 2017. im happy, i find that good.

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

Due to buying a Fixer-upper house at the bottom of the market (now doubled in value), and some other good decisions- I've not had the opportunity to go into itemizing. But I looked into it every year.

I guess I either did not get that far into the form before I saw it (the form) didn't work for me, or I had forgotten about it, as it did not pertain to me.

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 11:17 PM

originally posted by: randomtangentsrme
a reply to: Lumenari

Due to buying a Fixer-upper house at the bottom of the market (now doubled in value), and some other good decisions- I've not had the opportunity to go into itemizing. But I looked into it every year.

I guess I either did not get that far into the form before I saw it (the form) didn't work for me, or I had forgotten about it, as it did not pertain to me.

Yea... the tax change hit Holly-weird and the rich more than it did normal people in California.

I still think the North should split from the South there.

Better representation for all.

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 11:23 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: randomtangentsrme
a reply to: Lumenari

Due to buying a Fixer-upper house at the bottom of the market (now doubled in value), and some other good decisions- I've not had the opportunity to go into itemizing. But I looked into it every year.

I guess I either did not get that far into the form before I saw it (the form) didn't work for me, or I had forgotten about it, as it did not pertain to me.

Yea... the tax change hit Holly-weird and the rich more than it did normal people in California.

I still think the North should split from the South there.

Better representation for all.

I agree, I'm in the north.
But honestly I'd rather CA as a whole recognize what is going on is not working.

On topic:
For myself in CA, I got over 2g back from feds,
But owed some to the state.
Which is interesting, as I had my deductions at 2; My wife had hers at 1; and we are a family of 4 (soon to be 5).

posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: randomtangentsrme

a) Congrats on the incubating ATSer

b) Obviously not specifically to you - but can we discuss the fact that OP has spent over two years in a position without any promotion or wage increase?

c) As a small business owner (who got REAMED by the ACA; we're talking 400% increase), I can safely say that this year's tax returns are far kinder than last year's.


posted on Mar, 18 2019 @ 11:44 PM
What I've have seen for most people I have don't taxes for this year is:

A.) The actual amount of their Federal Tax has decreased vs last year.

B.) The amount of Federal withholding has also decreased vs last year.

C.) Hardly anyone itemizes anymore.

People may actually get a smaller refund this year but the overall actual income they got to keep has been significant. People don't seem to count the extra money they get each pay period because of the tax cuts.

Moral of the Story: People don't understand taxes and politicians should give people their tax cut when they file their taxes rather than give them more each paycheck, since most can't comprehend that is part of the tax cut.

posted on Mar, 19 2019 @ 12:10 AM

originally posted by: CooBoo
a reply to: randomtangentsrme

a) Congrats on the incubating ATSer

b) Obviously not specifically to you - but can we discuss the fact that OP has spent over two years in a position without any promotion or wage increase?

c) As a small business owner (who got REAMED by the ACA; we're talking 400% increase), I can safely say that this year's tax returns are far kinder than last year's.


To a,
I thank you

To B and C,
CA is bad with wage increases, as the employers point to Fed min, or otherwise while spouting what great wages they are paying. It's sad.
I was an independent contractor for a while in my industry, businesses in this state are to self serving to pay a livable wage, because most of the population do not understand economics. That is not a failing on the individual, but on failing of the school systems.

posted on Mar, 19 2019 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: jgarc028

I can only tell you want happened to me and my friends.

I don't make enough to pay less taxes in my weekly paychecks. The tax reform changed nothing for me in my weekly pay checks.

I got back an extra $200 in my yearly taxes. Everything was the same other wise for me last year so I know that it was extra.

I am single , work part time , and have no kids or debt.

My friend a married father of two not only didn't get any extra in his weekly paychecks but he also got 3k less back in his yearly taxes! So he is paying the same amount to the government that he always has but getting far less back then he ever has.
He works full time as a carpenter.

I have been told in my real life more stories like his then like mine.
So I don't care what the media is saying I'm paying attention to what my friends and family are going through.

The tax reform seems to have worked for me but not many other people that I care about so I'm on the side that says it didn't work the way we were told that it would.
edit on 19-3-2019 by scraedtosleep because: (no reason given)

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