Americans are really underinformed about Canada.Genericlly speaking .
Its hard to be what an American would call YOURSELF in Canada......oh you can dress talk and act like anything you choose....but its just not know how you see every race TALKING THE SAME IN ENGLAND...well in Canada its the same way.….everyone TRIES to be the same FOR EACH America everyone tries to be different for each other.....I feel sorry for Americans who try to come to Canada to live who are not good
people.....they are literal PINK ELEPHANTS....and the more they try to be themselves the more they stand out...does anyone understand what I mean?
I mean that America has the same problem Canada has, the OLDE GLOBAL CABAL infected Canada AND America with the same cold virus.....a split
personality …..and it has been intentionally done.
England is the origin.
The Canadian French and the American African have been used as tools of dischord….intentionally manipulated have the Indiginous People of both
Countries.....for different reasons but ALL REASON catalyse from intentional short...let the people get CLOSE to each other but NEVER
TO CLOSE that they may band together and hunt down their Masters.
In Canada our Canadian Brothers and Sisters stubbornly cling to their pre-Canadian lineage because they have been SUCKED IN AND MANIPULATED TO DO
SO......they try to keep their pre-Canadian language and historic cultural norms alive and relevant in a world that has far outgrown that mentality.In
America you have the same problem with your olde lineage African Brothers and Sisters....your Countries Leadership has manipulated them culturally
using them a a has been under the direct tutelage and direct of Mother England that these situations are a reality in Englands
constellation of owned Countries....HOWEVER we don't see the same problem in ENGLAND.....are you following me here.
In England French and African olde lineage groups talk normally and they ALL SPEAK THE SAME ...THEY DO NOT SPEAK A SCREWED UP TYPE OF LANGUAGE AND
FROM EVERYONE ELSE.....Mobilis in mobile....someone has used ancient techniques of cultural management....using specific groups within our large
families to keep us in a state of unrest.
Listen, I took a 20 year old American man who was hanging around in my Canadian cities neighborhood trying to make the poor guy was
walking around with his pants hanging to his knees or in silly looking sweat pants and gangster type rapper some kind of
jibberish America African slang language....he WALKED FUNNY HE TALKED FUNNY AND HE DRESSED FUNNY....but he actually believed he was fitting in
somehow....its was painfull to see. Finally I had to help him....I raised a couple of young boys until they were grown men both had Indiginous
pre-Canadian tried to follow that mantra and one did not….one had a painfull tough life because he held onto old tactically embedded
cultural oddities that made him stand out and be punished for it.....I warned him and he was completely informed but made his own choices...nearing
thirty years old now he is my biggest an strongest advocate....FOR NOT FALLING FOR THE ANCIET PROPOGANDA AND WASTING YOUR LIFE FIGHTING A BATTLE LONG
OVER.NOw he encourages young Canadians to see this set-up for what it is...a Cultural fly-trap....and he helps them avoid more gang slang talk
no more silly clothes no more regressive focus in his life or more identifying as a beaten down Culture when you are really NOW a part
of a MUCH GREATER progressive successful Culture.
So I took this young American kid and offered him a job....short term 3 days painting my fence.....every six years I hire out to paint my
fences...always entrepeneurs….never Pros.
He declined telling me he didnt know how to paint Fences....I told him neither did I until someone showed me and that Instructions were included in
the deal.....but there was ONE CONDITION...he HAD TO SHOW UP FOR ALL THREE DAYS or he wouldn't get paid for any of them....but if he DID finish
properly he would get a 100$ bonus in cash...….he agreed to terms...I gave him the address and start time told him he didn't need any tools or
safety stuff that everything was provided....we shook hands and he was off on his way......I then went to Walmart and picked up a few things...I got
pretty good at estimating sizes raising two shorten this story.....2 years later my pal Jaylen wears pants that fit him the average
Canadian way and he speaks like a Prairie Dog from Saskatchewan would never know he wasn't born in Canada.
Know how I helped him?.... I showed him firsthand how our French Canadian Brothers and Sisters had been manipulated and used as a tool of
discontent…. I made ZERO REFERENCES to his American genetic history..... he had already figured out there was something odd about the French
Canadians he was meeting he just didn't understand until I told him they had been brainwashed into believing that they needed PROTECTION from
everyone else in their Country and that clinging to olde school ideas was their ONLY HOPE FOR SURVIVAL....that they were fooled into thinking that
being Canadian was in some way giving something up....they were blind to the fact that by birth they were designated to their Country that every
single generation since their very first landed relative got to Canada was by PROXY 100% CANADIAN....that the battle was over long long ago.....I
showed him how these people use their historic lineage as a tool to gain advantages in Canada over all other fellow Canadians when they know full well
they are misbehaving...I showed him how our Government ENCOURAGES AND SUPPORTS this cultural fearmongering with Indigenous Peoples as well.
He is a quick study...
America and Canada are owned lock stock and barrel by England....always have been...stolen French loot hidden on Oak Island was used by the British to
buy and build America...they already owned Canada....they by proxy owned all of North America but they FRANCHISED OUT......they invested into their
own business....America has always been a front.
Note the Oak Island case you missed it the first Drains were used in building the Oak Island Money
Trap....French drains had a INVENTOR....his name was...FRENCH...guess who the United States of Americas very first Assistant US Treasury Secretary
was??? got it...a guy named FRENCH...and not just any olde guy named French....he was an engineer who invented the FRENCH
DRAIN...….meaning of course that the Money Pit was built AFTER HE HAD ALREADY INVENTED THE FRENCH DRAIN...….it could have been his first big it is his SIGNATURE style and he became the USAs first ironic huh?????
Henry Flagg French...anyone get the irony was stolen French loot that they used from Oak the guys name(fake name right)
is Henry FLAGG FRENCH.....LMAO....they had funny senses of humor back then man.
Nope why build a wall when you are already legally all one big satellite Country of England.
edit on 16-2-2019 by one4all because: (no reason