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The Dyatlov pass case has been reopened-high strangeness at it's best

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posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: 772STi
many many thanks 772sti. i'd gotten lost in a couple of old russian maps and it went downhill from there lol!

to add, the two reactors I believe operating at the time F-1 and Unit-0 were open-circuit-cooling discharging straight into the Techa river and the airborne aerolised emissions were stated as pluming North on a regular basis according to a Los Alamos report LA-921 7-MS
Issued:January1982 An Analysis of the Alleged Kyshtym Disaster DianeM.Soran DannyB.Stillman

edit on 9-2-2019 by fakedirt because: h

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: fakedirt

No problem. I feel your pain it also doesn't help that half the cities in Russia have had there named changed 3 times since the 40s.

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: sapien82

I'm glad you mentioned about the lights I has also read that locals had reported seeing them around the time that the hikers were in the pass, some people theorised that it was an experimental weapons testing by the Russian government hence the unusual levels of radiation found on a couple of the victims. But I personally don't think that is the case. I know they wouldn't exactly admit if it had been them but when they investigated the only conclusion they could come too was "The demise of the dylatov party was the result of an unknown compelling force" somehow I don't think they would have stoked the fires of mystery if they had something to do with it. So who knows. It's also strange how the hikers found furthest away from the camp suffered the most traumatic Injuries I have always found that curious.

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 04:56 PM

originally posted by: szino9
a reply to: fleabit
I like your take on this, but.... how does the single body mutilation fits in it?

If I can remember correct this females tongue was cut out from the root while she was still alive...because of the blood found in her stomach. I think the woman witnessed one of her friends being murdered and started screaming like someone crazy and did the "object" take interest in her....and needed to examen where this noise was coming from.

One or some of the men had wounds on their hands simular which can be caused by fighting. Imho all the injuries are consistent with the group being attacked by something "indistructable" and too powerfull for them. A few tried to fight the "thing" maybe to save their friends or to defend their own life. Although it is told some died because of the elements I wonder if it had a criminal intent not to leave any witnesses you can ask yourself if it was an alien attack....or something human.

I think it was a good analisys that the broken branches of the tree indicated that the tree was have a view what was happening at the tent. The way I see it ...why everybody fled the tent with fear to lose their life if they stayed.. Something entered suddently the tent...or maybe the intense heat of the light caused them to cut the tent and get out.

It reminds me of what happened on the skinwalker ranch with those bulls. In someway they were transported through the metal gate..through the wall of the container into the container. Or some other stories of aliens goig through solid walls..

Anyways... a real mystery which will never be solved unless there is more understanding of what is going on with these interacting aliens.

On the side... there was this erie story of a woodcutter...or miner. He was alone when these lights appeared..they triggered a intense fear in him and whenever he looked at the lights they came after him. As if they his eyes were needed for the lights to track him...

Brrrr...scary stuff

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: zatara
Here is something quite interesting I found on Wikipedia.
Indeed, many of those who had remained silent for thirty years reported new facts about the accident. One of them was the former police officer, Lev Ivanov (Лев Иванов), who led the official inquest in 1959. In 1990, he published an article which included his admission that the investigation team had no rational explanation for the accident. He also stated that, after his team reported that they had seen flying spheres, he then received direct orders from high-ranking regional officials to dismiss this claim.[24][25]

posted on Feb, 24 2019 @ 12:08 AM
They said the snowman was real and this picture was on their camera. The arm looks elongated, and who else would be out walking around?

Damn. Can't post it from my phone. Just Google dyatlov pass bigfoot.

posted on Feb, 24 2019 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: proloz

On one of the links I posted there is a casefile and also the groups journals they specifically mention a snowman!

its almost too weird , like they were going there on a normal mountaineering expedition but still thought it funny to mention a snowman!

Apparently that image taken with the person in the background blurred is just someone coming back from a nature call !

posted on Feb, 26 2019 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

I think it was just an event, but a human one. When people get hypothermia, and then their bodies start to literally freeze, their brain starts freezing as well. It starts to trick the body into believing it's warm, as a defense mechanism...probably so that your death won't be as horrible. When people start getting hypothermia, it's actually normal that they start removing clothing because they're tricked into feeling hot. As for the bludgeoning's, it's likely that they were out of food and fought each other to see who would get eaten first. It may have been that the brain freezing was causing them to distrust each other and then fights broke out...who knows? The mind plays tricks on you when you get that cold.

posted on Feb, 26 2019 @ 03:46 AM
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

They had hypothermia because they abandoned their camp , the stove and all of their equipment was in working order
they had enough provisions to last out there. No reason to fight over food !

posted on Jan, 5 2020 @ 06:18 AM
This was on BBC News a couple of days ago.........................................

posted on Jan, 6 2020 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

I was actually re-reading all of the case files again for some reason

this always a good mystery

Did we ever get to figure out the source element of radiation based on the half life ?

posted on Jan, 6 2020 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Not sure about the radiation mate as not too well read on the case, I just saw it on the BBC websie the other day and recollected there being something on ATS about it so posted it as might be of interest to People on here. One weird case, especially the human parts taken. Put me off camping to be honest

posted on Jan, 6 2020 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Or going to visit Russia hahaha

Aye , one of the bodies was dosed with intense radiation and me and a few folk were trying to figure out the half life
to then figure out what source of radiation they were contaminated with.

To narrow down whether it was naturally occurring or from a man made source.
If naturally occurring it would be even weirder
man made then it would explain some things

and by that I mean if the radioactive source was emitting radiation of a specific type and its half life was determined to be that of enriched weapons grade material then you could suspect that they were killed by a military operation.

If it was detected to be something more naturally occurring then the whole case just gets weirder

even weirder if its a source of radiation from an element that doesnt exist in nature on earth
or we havent developed the technique to make it stable yet.


posted on Jan, 6 2020 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: sapien82

That is pretty fascinating stuff regarding tye radiation, nice to have it expolained so the leyman can get the head round it.

They mentioned if memory is working today some orbs being seen , that just leads me to say the same............. Aliens

posted on Jan, 6 2020 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

I have sat for hours looking over all of those files from the police reports to witness statements , the diaries of the expedition , just to get some clue as to what happened.

My main theories so far are

Government test of nuclear weapons/ gone wrong / or as expected (again not likely due to the bodies being left , if you want to cover it up , just make their bodies completely vanish)

The golden woman protected by the Mansi people was close to being stumbled upon by the outsiders and so they took measures to get rid of them. (although less likely as why even leave the bodies to be found )

So my only other theory is Aliens , or Something very supernatural around those mountains
maybe something like what we have in Scotland

Schiehallion - the mound of the caledonians, otherwise known as the Mound of the Síth , Hall of the Síth
the faeries

Daoine Síth

many people experience strange things happening when interfering with the Daoine Síth
you are not meant to disturb their ancestoral homes .
People go missing, turn up dead etc
Maybe Dyatlov pass , is something similar in nature to what we have here in Scotland and Ireland

posted on Jan, 6 2020 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: sapien82

many people experience strange things happening when interfering with the Daoine Síth

What is that word? Like a burial ground / ceremony place / ?

posted on Jan, 6 2020 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Daoine Síth is Scots Gaelic for the mound people

Aos Sí in Irish Gaelic and Old Irish Daoine Sidhe , and in Scots Daoine Síth

they are a supernatural race of fairies and elves who live underground

Aos Sí

Schiehallion is a famous mountain in Scotland with many reports of strange happenings

posted on Jan, 6 2020 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: sapien82

Interesting stuff Sapien and many thanks for the info and links too. Gonna give this some thought tonight and probably dream about it too. This secret group of fairy type beings sounds so same all round the world, there's something to it and they do live in that parallel world as stated in your link being with us but invisiable (most of the time). What I'm struggling with is the idea that these entities might poises the power to murder human beings, hey it's possible and that idea if that what happed in the Dylatov Pass case is scary, really scary

posted on Jan, 6 2020 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
This was on BBC News a couple of days ago.........................................

Where is the Yeti snowman photo? Are they saying that photo was not in the camera?

I do not know if there is any truth to the radiation bit. So except for the lights, a Yeti answers most all of the relevant questions about how scared they were to claw holes in their tent to see out and why they would run away with no shoes and of course how these people got pummeled to death.

posted on Jan, 6 2020 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: spiritualarchitect

I have seen the radiation piece of the story a few times on-line in some documentaries. The thing about the injuries that is so weird is the fact that they were so inconsistent through the party. Some individuals had very little physical damage while the most severe had her tongue cut out at the base and looking at the forensics they say that it happened most likely when she was alive due to the amount of blood in her stomach. Why such a violent end for this one and not all the others?

It is just a really weird story that in my opinion is one of the most bizarre around.

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