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Why are the Chinese Communist hero’s to the American Left?

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posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 06:45 PM
The irony of this is that the Citizens of China absolutely despise the American democrat party. The communist leaders also have zero respect for American democrats because of how they betray each other and their opponents with no real plan for anyone except their own interests while claiming to care for certain types of people, but betraying them as well, using people as currency for self gain. In China these democrat politicians would be put to death for even going there. Pelosi herself is not allowed to even go there for speaking against the Communist leadership.

The democrat mindset is simply just a jumbled mass of conflicting and contradictory impulses without any cognizant pattern of coherency except the self seeking of wealth through graft and other illegal means, and holding on to power to continue that machine producing golden eggs they can put in their own pockets.

A true embarrassment to the entire world, even other very corrupted regimes are appalled at this level of human deviancy.

posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

From what I have seen, there is a lack of understanding of what something is, only focused on a word or a concept. Many never think of the consequences of what they want, only the appearance of what is wrong or bad in their mind.

posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

No, I am not being obtuse. I have studied various forms of government, and looked at communism and capitalism in particular. I am pointing out the obvious, and what exactly is socialism and the various programs that have a socialist bases in the United States of America.

Socialism, according to the dictionary is defined as: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

I did not forget such, however, I was looking in history for what it would look like. So the closest idea that I could come up with would be Victorian England. Where there really very little in the way of any sort of programs in the way of helping people, and the majority suffered from it. So law enforcement was far and few between, there were robbing and some murders. While I do not believe it would go that far, however, it is a very bleak idea, and society, where it becomes back to that, cause no one wants anything that is associated with socialism.

And I do understand the difference in the various governments.

posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 03:17 AM
the amount of pure blatant ignorance within this topic is pathetic

posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 05:23 AM
a reply to: Halfswede

Thank you for that eloquent post. The dumbing down of our populace, which the " The US Dept of Education" has overseen, is almost complete. What is washed out in High School studies from yesteryear's is destroyed in the University's various "Liberal Arts" programs. Even Scientists, with the deck stacked against them if they don't play, have been willing to give up there integrity for a paycheck. That is a hard choice for many, you likely eat well or almost starve by your actions.

posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 05:29 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
The irony of this is that the Citizens of China absolutely despise the American democrat party. The communist leaders also have zero respect for American democrats because of how they betray each other and their opponents with no real plan for anyone except their own interests while claiming to care for certain types of people, but betraying them as well, using people as currency for self gain. In China these democrat politicians would be put to death for even going there. Pelosi herself is not allowed to even go there for speaking against the Communist leadership.

The democrat mindset is simply just a jumbled mass of conflicting and contradictory impulses without any cognizant pattern of coherency except the self seeking of wealth through graft and other illegal means, and holding on to power to continue that machine producing golden eggs they can put in their own pockets.

A true embarrassment to the entire world, even other very corrupted regimes are appalled at this level of human deviancy.

ALMOST got it right.

The reason for the irony is to keep honest people who want to not believe they are hooked at the waist from realizing it. The Chicoms have repeatedly been discovered financially aiding D's like Hillary and have had operatives charged with that on ATS before. Bill, POTUS 42, gave them computer tech that aided them being able to build missiles and other weapons. Seems like his foundation is always getting funds from gov he helped as POTUS or the Wife helped with her positions.

posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 05:34 AM
So X,

What is RIGHT about the Chicom gov if you think we are going down a blind alley?

X, Can you live with the blood of TENS of millions on their hands when you accept their ideology?

If you were not so inclined you might study the subject before making blanket statements that are full of arrogance and more proof of you being triggered again and again to say things you can't back.
edit on 27-1-2019 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: neo96
Why are the Chinese Communist hero’s to the American Left?

They never met a LOSER they didn't like.

In a nutshell.

they're not...but you don't care....that's like saying the dictator putin, is a hero to the American right....

posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 08:31 AM
Well a long time ago, only about 1/3 of the colonists wanted to break away from England and 1/3 wanted to stay under the crown. We called them Tory Loyalists.

Fast forward and the Revolution ended with the US as its own country, yet we let those Tory sympathizers stay, become citizens, vote, hold office, etc. and they did. But since they were used to centralized absolute power f the crown, they decided they wanted to be the crown for the young US of A.

Same premise holds today. But just as you are not famous until enough people say you are, you are not the ruling class until you have enough toadies and subjects that say you are.

They love the commies, because they are what they desire, absolute power over the unwashed masses. Just like kings.

posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Justoneman

They know exactly what they want. They want to end America, trash the Constitution, eliminate borders and infringe on every right we have.

Their great mistake is thinking once the oppressive White male patriarchy is gone they will have utopia. If eating ashes is your idea of fine cuisine then maybe it is.
edit on 27-1-2019 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Justoneman

They know exactly what they want. They want to end America, trash the Constitution, eliminate borders and infringe on every right we have.

Their great mistake is thinking once the oppressive White male patriarchy is gone they will have utopia. If eating ashes is your idea of fine cuisine then maybe it is.

That is the part that makes this the "Zombie Apocalypse" to some people. The zombies are not affected by horrible facts that would make a normal, caring human being sick. Instead the Zombies want to pretend that people wanting to protect their family and live in a safe society are the evil ones.
edit on 27-1-2019 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 12:27 PM
the reasons communists, not just communist China are so revered by many democrats and other liberal minded people is that they admire the complete power they have over their people. just look at Canada's Trudeau and his public admittance of admiration for Castro. just think of all the good they could accomplish with that type of complete power. on the other hand at the same time they look at them with pity or remorse that communism which is socialism went so far awry.

you have to remember that on paper communism/socialism appears to be the perfect system. under it everyone has their needs met. no one goes hungry. no one goes without needed medical care. no one goes without housing. everyone gets the education that they NEED, and everyone does their part to provide for all. according to the needs of all. and of course there would be no need for war once everyone has achieved this true socialism. and you must keep in mind that the most orthodox communist believed that in the end the entire world/human race would turn to communism. since we all know ALL wars are about two basic things. power and resources. since under this perfect system everyone in the world, especially if under ONE united world government, such as the UN. where everyone on the planet would be working for everyone else. with all resources shared appropriately. and if some people happen to become better off than other, that is due to their more important contributions to society. like those government leaders' who put so much effort into insuring everyone else has their needs met. don't they obviously deserve to be amply rewarded for all their hard work on the behalf of everyone? ever notice in most discussions about the high cost of medical care, that they may pick on almost everything being overpriced due to greed yet rarely ever complain about doctors getting paid so much? in fact far from damming a doctors much higher than average wages, they will defend it. "they had to pay a lot for their education". they are skilled professionals, with skills that everyone needs, but everyone does not have". so of course they deserve those wages. so the top people "being more equal than others", actually makes very logical sense to them. after all without them, especially the leaders and their efforts and hard work, the system would not properly provide for everyone.

just as harsly dealing with anyone who opposes them also just makes logical sense. and while things like purges and gulogs are not very nice. they are not actually unethical, because to do so serves the needs of everyone. as Spock said many times in Star Treck, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few". making such things perfectly logical, as well as ethical. since it is being done to benefit everyone. and if you can get work out of them such as the USSR's work camps, China's work prisons, or the NAZI concentration camps. so much the better. at least that way they can still be of benifit to everyone else. even thogh they are if allowed to be free a direct danger to everyone else. when you think about it even most of the liberal/democtrat hypocrisy, lies, propaganda, and the end justifies the means are all very liberal ideology.

in fact just look at pretty much every communist/socialist takeover. in every instance i can think of it was all done with what would seem to be good intentions. to improve the lives of the people, even to protect them from "unjust, and unfair" rule and situations. be it the russians and their revolution against a very corrupt and harsh monarchy. the Nazis fighting against the communists who turned so "evil" in Russia, as well as the overharsh and opressive surrender terms and the chaos created by the depression. the Chinese fighting against both the corrupt Kuomintang and harsh rule of the Japanese. the North Koreans. the Viet Cong, Venisuala etc. ALL of them were supposidly fighting for the people and/or taking over by other means on behalf of the people. yet as tends to happen in most revolutions ends up with the wrong people in charge. especially when it comes to armed rebellion (the US Revolution being one of the rare exceptions, in which somehow they ended up with a pretty fair government).

i think most people if they are being intelectually honest would have to admit tha socialism as is being used in many western nations. like with things such as socialized medical care. is at best only a stop gap measure, untill a true form of socialism can be implemented. as since they don't have complete control of costs, such as from private for profit manufacturing, costs spiral out of control. yet if they could gain that full control such as in China, and othe communist nations they could controll every cost from the ground up. and thereby create a true socialist utopia. just because it hasn't ever actually worked yet will not stop them in their mainly good intentioned efforts. and that they really do need to become a totalitarian regime to create that utopia. as well as that by trying to slowly takeover, one step at a time, that they feel they have THE chance to make their totalitorian utopia with the right people in charge. and that by doing so it will actually finally work. and that currant communist nations and their failures can be used as learned from so that they don't make the same mistakes.

posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Why? I am not a communist, I don't support communists or socialists or capitalists or any kind of Political or economic system

that doesn't mean this topic isn't full of ignorance, there is so much to critique about all those ideologies, but instead, the simpletons always revert to "American liberals are commies" and "anti-American communists left"

posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: XAnarchistX
a reply to: Justoneman

Why? I am not a communist, I don't support communists or socialists or capitalists or any kind of Political or economic system

that doesn't mean this topic isn't full of ignorance, there is so much to critique about all those ideologies, but instead, the simpletons always revert to "American liberals are commies" and "anti-American communists left"

So, what do you think of AOC then?

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 12:02 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

same charlatan trash as the rest of them

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 12:08 AM

originally posted by: XAnarchistX
a reply to: Justoneman

same charlatan trash as the rest of them

Ok, i can see a lot of your points on this matter but the ignorance part. We are pointing out all the charlatan trash and saying Trump, perhaps trash to many, is the man for the job. As a human I would love them no matter their situations. But, viewing them as politicians I would have them follow the laws and know the Constitution they represent or suffer the same as the rest of us.

The Chicom strategy is why I wrote the OP. Is that a good one for them?
edit on 28-1-2019 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Trump is included in the charlatan trash

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 03:43 AM
What on earth is a Chicom?

Is it a racist or derogitory word for Chinese people? Or Chinese nationals?
Why not just call them Chinese?

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 04:34 AM
This thread is a load of absolute hogwash.

It's merely an excuse to make up a total lie about the opposite political side, stand around and have a circlejerk with your mates over the lie then walk away feeling like you've achieved something.

Grow up, seriously.

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 06:52 AM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord
What on earth is a Chicom?

Is it a racist or derogitory word for Chinese people? Or Chinese nationals?
Why not just call them Chinese?

it differentiates between the Chinese communists (Chicom a blending of the two words). and the free Chinese of Taiwan. saying just Chinese does not make that distinction between the two very different Chinese countries.

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