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Ford friend Monica L McLean....HOLY WHAT????

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posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: Agree2Disagree

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: Agree2Disagree
What do we know about this Brian Merrick fellow who says Ford helped McLean? Anyone tried digging into him yet?

Monica McLean denies that Christine Ford ever helped her with a polygraph...

I'm at a's a whole new he said she said snipshow....

This is getting frighteningly entertaining....


An aside: anyone know why mobile doesn't let me quote? It's quite annoying......

Ex Boyfriend made his statement under oath.
Did McLean deny it under oath?

At this point what difference does it make. People lie under oath all the time lol


IF they are R's or other NOT Democrats, they go to jail. If they are Dems they can do it again and start over like in "Groundhog Day" the movie.

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Believe it or not, a lot of people don't care about what he might have or might not have done in his youth.

I agree. But the people who do seem to care so much, those who have delayed the confirmation vote over an unsubstantiated allegation from 1982, seem to all be Democrats... specifically the wastes of oxygen in the US Senate and those who support them.

It's his demeanor and temperament, his (lack of) honesty and candor that he's displying NOW that are causing people to deem him unfit.

As for his demeanor and temperament, the man (and his family) was just unjustly attacked and every attempt to literally destroy not just his life, but the lives of his family, including his two young girls was used to try and destroy everything about him. The height of insincerity is to cry foul after launching such an attack! It's no different than the many times we have seen police repeatedly tasering someone to death because they were unable to respond to orders after the first taser shot.

As to his honesty and candor, I have seen no credible evidence, much less proof, that he has lied or lacked candor in any way. Or are we still going with "guilty until proven innocent" again? How'd that work out last time... you know, before the goalposts got shifted from trying to force allegations from his youth to complaining that he didn't like it?

The polls I am seeing are showing the Republicans more geared up for the election now than the Democrats...


posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

As for his demeanor and temperament, the man (and his family) was just unjustly attacked and every attempt to literally destroy not just his life, but the lives of his family, including his two young girls was used to try and destroy everything about him.

Don't most judges see defendants everyday who claim to be wrongly accused? How would any one of those judges respond if a defendant in a sexual assault case acted that way toward opposing counsel or the judge?

How do you think a judge would treat a victim testifying in their courtroom, who treated opposing counsel or the judge that way in court?

I bet the Central Park Five and their families were outraged and their families torn apart and ruined. Where was Donald Trump and "innocent until proven guilty"? Even after they were exonerated, he wouldn't accept their innocence. Donald Trump had no problem believing Bill Clinton's accusers. There was no "innocent until groven guilty then". "Lock her up"? What happened to "innocent until proven guiolty" during the campaign?

edit on 3-10-2018 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

a reply to: Martin75

All of Brett Kavanaugh’s Lies

Brett Kavanaugh’s perjury avalanche — 50 years in the making

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

The classified material on Hillary Clinton's emails, server system, and phones was actually proven and published by the State Department long before the 2016 election.

Just one example of injustice I suppose eh.

The rigged FBI investigation was a problem too, and that's been proven also.


posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Evidence is not proof and certainly the same as a guilty verdict and conviction. There is plenty of evidence that Brett Kavanaugh lied to Congress.

Just one example of injustice I suppose eh.

OJ did it.

edit on 3-10-2018 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Don't most judges see defendants everyday who claim to be wrongly accused?

You appear to not be familiar with what a Supreme Court Justice does. No, he will not be sitting in judgement over someone accused of rape or murder. Those cases are tried before juries, not judges. The judge in those cases only serves to maintain a fair environment for the trial to exist in, and will eventually pronounce sentence to those convicted.

That's the kind of judge most people are familiar with, because people are not allowed to speak to the Supreme Court. Only a handful of lawyers specializing in Constitutional Law are allowed to plead cases, and none of these cases concern innocence or guilt of anyone. Rather, a Supreme Court Justice (as with a Federal Appellate Judge) will hear cases of Constitutional law.

I find it strange (but somehow not surprising) that you don't even seem to know what the job he is nominated to is. I suppose it is enough that someone on CNN told you to oppose him at all costs.

Trump bad! Trump like Kavanaugh! Kavanaugh bad! Amirite?


posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 01:05 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

You appear to not be familiar with what a Supreme Court Justice does. No, he will not be sitting in judgement over someone accused of rape or murder.

So a US Supreme Court Justice is held to a lower standard than a Superior Court Judge?

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 01:15 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Good indication the Committee investigators knew about the "lessons" before the "Dr Ford" hearing.

Click Click



I thought the question about coaching someone how to take a polygraph was odd....they totally already knew.

Hey, you're right! That was an odd question for the Prosecutor to ask Ford.

Can you recall any other "trap" questions like that?

This might explain why the FBI (as of this afternoon) is not returning Ford's attorneys phone calls...requesting that they interview her. (Unless the attorneys are lying about that.)

Might also explain why Fiendstien doesn't want the FBI report to be made public.

Feinstein is in DEEP with several scandals. Just saw tonight that she partnered with Sheila Jackson-Lee to DOX the GOP. I certainly hope the GOP Senators who plan on investigating Feinstein, don't chicken-out, just because she spits acid.

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 01:20 AM
Some additional information about Ford's life-long friend, Attorney Monica McClean.

Earlier today we did a deep dive into the background of Ms. Christine Blasey-Ford’s life-long friend, Monica Lee McLean.

We outlined how Ms. Ford and Ms. McLean grew up together; went to high school together; moved to California together; went to college together and were roommates together in California. [FULL BACKSTORY]

After college Ms. McLean then took the bar exam in California and joined the DOJ as a lawyer for the FBI.

Throughout their lives, Ms. Ford and Ms. McLean remained close friends and vacationed together etc. Ms. McLean worked with the FBI for 24 years retiring in 2016.

Ms. Ford and Ms. McLean were together in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware when Ms. Ford wrote the accusatory letter toward Brett Kavanaugh which was sent to Senator Dianne Feinstein.

Well, look who shows up in the hearing video walking in with Ms. Blasey-Ford when she delivered her testimony: [Video at 18:04]

Continued at:

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 01:29 AM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Hey, this crew found this gem for you to give you a heads up prior to Ford's arrest. What more do you want?

The's of Trump winning Bigly of course! LOL!!

edit on 4-10-2018 by thepixelpusher because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Pictures online of Monica Lee McLean with the slimy Michael Avenatti also. Helping with coaching for new allegations against BK? Christine Ford’s attorney is also the attorney for disgraced Andrew McCabe. Ex FBI agent gave Ford the polygraph test she now refuses to share (polygraph notes) with the Judiciary Committee, but had no problem sharing them with WaPo. Ford is dirty and this was an attempt by the deep state to deny Trump this SC nomination. Kavanaugh was pre-warned about this op so he could prepare. They will not win.

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

So a US Supreme Court Justice is held to a lower standard than a Superior Court Judge?

I'm going to assume you're being facetious... because the only other logical option is you are unable to comprehend and I don't want to insult you. That is nowhere near what I said. Not even close. Not even remotely close.

Please go back and re-read what I posted and try to understand why I am calling you facetious.


posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: thepixelpusher

It's possible that Monica McLean colluded with Lisa Page too, since they both were DOJ attorneys.

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 04:22 AM
a reply to: carewemust

A Soap Opera isn't this juicy!

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 06:52 AM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: Phage
Stupid smart people.

Who need's 'em?

Stupid people who THINK they are smart is what we have uncovered. Are you planning on joining that crowd too?

I'll stick up for Phage. He has been a staple here since I have been around. Not sure what is going on with him lately as he seems to be getting caught up in politics more than usual, but he has typically been someone the ATS community has called on for safe advice.

I say he....but have no idea if he or she. Anywho...dont discount what Phage has to say just because it goes against what you think.

Well lately, I feel I have to ask him serious questions to get him thinking and not 'parroting'.

I have called Phage out for being partisan. I don't do this without deep consideration that so many use to revere his opinion above all others. Some give him a pass when he is wrong because he's Phage. He can be awesome in a scientific discussion and that is the one we want to remember. But not awesome to witness the partisan parrot of things that Silly, Ante or the un Enlightened would try to cram down our throats.

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: ketsuko

a reply to: Martin75

All of Brett Kavanaugh’s Lies

Brett Kavanaugh’s perjury avalanche — 50 years in the making

Too bad the dems wasted Americas time with the allegations instead of focusing on his record.

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 09:18 AM
Central Park 5? Really?

That was a completely different case. No comparison at all.

There, we had a definite victim (one in a coma as I recall)....

As for the suspects, well that's more on NYPD....they certainly convinced all (including Trump, and all of us) that these five men were guilty of the crime. This case is really more of a police frame job, to put a city at ease. It's not even apples and oranges, it's like apples and tomatoes.

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: Lumenari
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Well, they DID ask for a thorough investigation...

Just bizarre, isn't it?

I am beginning to think this might be the biggest October surprise ever.

If this was purposefully executed, Hats off to Trump and team.

Seems they might have read the Dem's playbook and acted accordingly.

The thing is, the Dems aren't even putting forth an effort--at all--to hide this type of activity anymore. They just do this sh*t and hope that most Americans will either remain apathetically ignorant to their actions or will laugh off the revelations as being right-wing conspiracies.

What they fail to do, though, is give most Americans the credit that they're due, and even if most are not paying close attention, they can still smell bullsh*t when they walk past a dairy farm.

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 09:39 AM
SMALL World.

Monica McClean was Ford's Rehoboth "Beach Friend".
McLean worked as an FBI PR rep for Preet Bharara...
...and worked for Chuck Schumer on the Judicial committee.

Last week, she was seen having lunch with 'Creepy Porn Lawyer'.

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