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Fords lawyers, recommended by feinstein, are harming her and have the DNC interests above hers

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posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 12:56 PM
When I first watched Dr. Fords testimony I thought the most blatant lie or misleading business was the part about her flying. How could she brazenly demand that the hearing be pushed back because of fear of flying, and the so easily admit she flies all of the time?

But then I thought about it more, and I dont think that she was the one who wanted to use the flying excuse at all. I think it were her lawyers. And so I wanted to forth some evidence of why I think her lawyers are acting in the best interests of Feinstein and the dnc instead of their client Dr. Ford.

1. Professional investigator.

The first i thought of this was the end of the Republican prosecutor Mitchells statements. She asked Dr. Ford if she would believed that actually having victims or alleged victims of sexual assault tell their story in front of millions of people and very powerful leaders was not the best way to do that.

Dr. Ford and her lawyers laughed. Of course that is true. Mitchell says the best thing to do is to get trained professionals who listen to alleged victims and let them tell there story in private, and go from there. Ford says that would have been nice.

The question becomes then, why wasnt that the first thing her lawyers recommended? Instead of getting this woman therapeutic help that would ensure the most reliable method of getting to the truth, they took her to take a polygraph.

2. The polygraph

Many people on here and elsewhere have questioned the poly graph. Why would she need to take a polygraph if she never planned on publicly coming forward?

It doesnt make sense why she would make that choice.

But It does make sense that lawyers that were most interested in helping out feinstein and the dems would want her to do that. See they were more interested in getting a political weapon than helping their client or getting the truth, and so the poly graph makes much more sense than helping her speak to a forensic investigator.

Now ford admitted that the polygraph was difficult and nerve wracking. Why would she put herself thru this if she was never coming forward? Because she put her trust in the wrong people, Katz and her other lawyers, who were working for feinstein's interests first and foremost.

Supposedly she had the polygraph on the day of her grandmother's funeral. Does that sound like something lawyers that cared about her would have let happen?

3. The fear of flying debacle

Dr. Ford may in fact have anxiety about flying. However, she clearly does it a lot for work and recreation. So it is clearly a bogus excuse for not being able to testify Monday.

I got the feeling from her testimony that she wasnt really pushing back on this claim. She didnt defend her decision to lie about this very vigorously at all.

To me it seemed like she barely knew that she gave that excuse to not be their monday. I suspect that in fact it was her lawyers that gave that excuse, and she just went along with it or didnt really think about it.

I will get to more in a moment about why this is my feeling.

But how did this delay help Ford? Rather or not you think she is a liar, telling the full truth, or anywhere in between, she is clearly going through a very stressful time. Her family is being harassed and threatened, she is basically in hiding. SO why delay this even more?

The answer is it didnt benefit ford, it benefited feinstein and the dems.

During the time period between monday when the testimony was supposed to have happened, and Thursday when it did, there were at least 4 more allegations made against kavanaugh, each one getting more ridiculous.

The second accuser was sought out by democratic lawyers, and only was sure Kavanaugh was the offender after taking with a democratic lawyer (note not a professional to help her) for 6 days.

The third accuser made farcical claims about gang rapes that were highly suspect. Turns out, she w=once sued her employer. Her lawyer? Katz!

Thats right, during the delay that Katz (who was recommended by Feinstein) wanted, former clients of hers raised incredibly implausible allegations. So the delay was good for katz and feinstein and the dems, but not so much for ford.

4. Committee flying out for her interview.

One of the more puzzling exchanges was where Dr. Ford seemed to not know that the committee had offered to fly out to anywhere she was.

How could that be when even we on ats and anyone with a computer or watching the news knew that offer was on the table?

My guess is that Dr. Ford was probably not watching tv or browsing the web. She was probably upset by the threats, and avoiding such things. So she was only communicating thru the people she trusted, her lawyers. (thats may expain that she didnt know her fear of flying was used as an excuse to dealy)

Now Dr. Ford told Grassley she would have liked them to do this at her place in private, so clearly not accepting that offer was not to her benefit.

But who did benefit? Thats right, feinsetin and the democrats.

They needed a public spectacle. And thats exactly what they got.

5. Setting on her allegations

Feinstein claims she sat on Dr. Fords allegations to protect her wish on anonymity.

However, this makes no sense. The committee and fbi all the time keep names confidential in matters such as these. The fbi could have looked into the claims, interviewed the relevant people, and none of the names on allegations would have been made public unless their was a reason to make them so.

Feinstein acts like this is what ford wanted though.

But listening to Dr. Fords testimony seems to contradict that

Ford in explaining why she waited so long, says she sought to tell someone her story when she saw kavanaugh name on the short list.

She says she didnt want the senators to vote without having this information.

So clearly she wanted the allegations put forth to the senate, but not her name or letter. Why even write the letter if she just wanted feinsetin to sat on it forever? Its clear from fords testimony she didnt want to wait to spring it at the last minute; why would that benefit her?

Who did it benefit? The democrats and feinsetein.

Had the allegation been put forth when she received it, nothing would have been made public, and there is a good chance with no coorborating evidence whatsoever, the allegations would not have been acted on or ever made public.

Feinstein and the dems needed a public spectacle at the last minute to try to delay and take down kavanaugh. They were the only group that benefited from setting on this until the last minute.

edit on 28-9-2018 by Grambler because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:04 PM
6. Leaking her letter

Clearly, other than getting her story to the senate (which feinstein went against and sat on it instead) the other most important thing for Ford was not wanting her name or letter top be made public. She was quite clear on that.

Now keep in mind, the dems are claiming a moral high ground, saying they care about victims.

However, Ford testified that only four groups had her letter; Ford herself, her democratic congresswomen Eshoo's office, Feinstein's office, and her lawyers.

One of those four groups leaked the letter, and ford is saying it wasnt her.

So that leaves three other possibilities; all democrats that were supposedly helping her.

Feinsteins office says it wasnt them, and the intercept who received the letter says it wasnt them.

I tend to believe that. I think it was fords own attorneys, who feinstein recommended, that did the leak. It is clear that they constantly had the goal of stopping or delaying kavainaughs comformation above doing the right thing for their cleient.

However, which ever of theser three it was, it was a democrat that was suppsoed to be helping dr. ford, and they were the ones that caused her all of this harm of having to go public and the threats and life turning upside down that ensued.

And they did that knowing it was against her wishes and she would suffer; but none of that mattered because it helped the dems politically.

7. Feinstein recommends Katz.

Remember thru all of the above, ford testifies it was actually feinstein that recommended katz. Katz is someone who didnt like trumps pick of kavanaugh, and seems to clearly be against trump.

So feinstein placed in a person who made all of these decisions that helped feinstein, but didnt help or sometimes harmed the client dr. ford.

This paints a picture that is disgusting.

All of the grandstanding and lip services to needing to protect women, and it is Feinstein and the democrats that have totally used this woman, sometimes to her own detriment, in a transparent attempt to play politics.

I think there should be an ethics investigation into fords lawyers.

What info did they withhold from her? Why didnt they take her to a professional? Who leaked the letter?

Aside form that, every single person, even those that feel Ford is 100% accurate and telling the truth should be outraged by feinstein and the dems behavior here.

Their faux outrage and pretending to care about alleged victims is actually quite sickening.

edit on 28-9-2018 by Grambler because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:10 PM
And for those interested (probably very few) here are my thought on ford and kavanaighs testimony.

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:14 PM
DNC Interests.....The bottom line is.... the dems are afraid that Kavanaugh will take away their right to murder unborn babies. That abortion will be knocked down, that Roe verses Wade will be thrown under the bus.

ATS, I take exception with your display of the Flag of The United States of America which affords you freedom of speech, to be displayed up side down. I am a Veteran and as such take Offence.
edit on 28-9-2018 by Plotus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:18 PM
OP, that assessment seems pretty spot on. I hope Dr. Ford is keeping her “enemies” closer, and has a capacity to recognize who they are...she is close to becoming expendable.

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: Plotus
The bottom line is.... the dems are afraid that Kavanaugh will take away their right to murder unborn babies. That abortion will be knocked down, that Roe verses Wade will be thrown under the buss.

That's the excuse they are using to rile up the masses. However I believe the huge reason is the Constitution. How many times have we seen the Constitution brought up as needing to be changed? The Rino's and Progressives represent Globalism and the only thing stopping the USA from signing on fully to it is the Constitution.

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: Plotus

Jesus, where did that come from?

Are you anti-period too?

Women should lose the right to have their period, it coulda been a baby.

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:23 PM
Obviously. Lawyers work for who pays them.
Follow the money.


posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: Plotus
The bottom line is.... the dems are afraid that Kavanaugh will take away their right to murder unborn babies. That abortion will be knocked down, that Roe verses Wade will be thrown under the buss.

That's the excuse they are using to rile up the masses. However I believe the huge reason is the Constitution. How many times have we seen the Constitution brought up as needing to be changed? The Rino's and Progressives represent Globalism and the only thing stopping the USA from signing on fully to it is the Constitution.

Spot on usual with US Constitution insights.

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: Mandroid7
a reply to: Plotus

Jesus, where did that come from?

Are you anti-period too?

Women should lose the right to have their period, it coulda been a baby.

Yea, wher'd that come from ?. I suggest you make preparations for the upcoming winter there in your Siberian Tundra.

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: Plotus

I disagree. I don't think there is any reason for Row vs. Wade to ever be looked at again by the Supreme Court.

I think this is 100% about the Dems being opposed to our constitution and our laws. They have been pushing an agenda that is against our constitution for quite some time and having a pro constitutional majority in the Supreme Court halts any progress they made.

The Supreme Court is a lifetime appointment. The dems will be stuck with our constitution for a long time if Kavanaugh is appointed, regardless of which party is in office.

Patriotism and Peace is what we need. Not a fascist global governance.

Great OP. S@F.
I think Ford might actually being telling her version of the truth. But I believe if anything like what she claimed happened to her, it wasn't Kavanaugh, even if she now believes it was.

edit on 28-9-2018 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:28 PM
edit on 28-9-2018 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:29 PM
edit on 28-9-2018 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:29 PM
edit on 28-9-2018 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:29 PM
edit on 28-9-2018 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:32 PM
Kind of emphatic there huh..... I agree with your assessment, but remain firm on my Roe verses Wade remark.a reply to: Isurrender73

edit on 28-9-2018 by Plotus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:35 PM
Can you imagine what the media would say if all the republicans in the judiciary committee had corralled and cajoled Feinstein or Booker into changing their vote?

It would be plastered on every outlet about the “mob” of angry fascists forcing a senator to change their would be a “constitutional crisis”

Seriously, flake is a snow flake....


posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: Plotus

There is a flag that is upside down on ATS? Veteran taking offense to what?

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: Christosterone
Can you imagine what the media would say if all the republicans in the judiciary committee had corralled and cajoled Feinstein or Booker into changing their vote?

It would be plastered on every outlet about the “mob” of angry fascists forcing a senator to change their would be a “constitutional crisis”

Seriously, flake is a snow flake....

-Chris[/They will answer to a higher court...

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 01:40 PM
I will take your question as honest, not sarcasm..... scroll to the top of the page. This Forum avatar.a reply to: blueman12

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