posted on Sep, 10 2018 @ 01:58 AM
a reply to:
Scared, cold, lonely and with dangerous people everywhere you look, uncaring people just walking past and no one to help when you are at your most
down then some guy('s) come over and offer you a bit of his stuff to make you feel better and God help you if you are pretty.
For many homeless it is an unmerciful spiral downward, many end up homeless in the first case due to nervous break down's or other mental issue's
while the safety net we have over here in the UK that is supposed to help vulnerable people actually does not work.
Meanwhile we now have people working all the hours God send's and still having to attend food bank's while the Tory's pat themselves on the back
claiming that we have the lowest number of unemployed for decades after there inhumane and draconian policy's have literally sent many to there
death's, some through suicide and other's from the stress and illness made worse by those policy's.
In the US it is a completely different cup of tea however, they never really had any safety net, there intelligence agency's were the one's whom
actually funneled drugs into there black ghettos to destroy them when they started to begin to mirror white america because they feared the new
economic and political power which the newly empowered black middle class was garnering back in the 50's and early 60's.
But what began as racist inspired activity by a minority of power mongering men fearing that there own personal way of life was at threat soon
expanded to include ALL poor american's.
Of course they also run a massive private prison scam over there were people of all ethnicity's with only one thing in common and that being that
they are often too poor to afford genuine high quality legal representation are railroaded often for crime's they have not committed so that the
prison system whose owner's are often the same people that own the private police forces over there can keep state money flowing into there bank
account's using these people as livestock to drive there own personal wealth in a macabre reincarnation of the slavery system.
And more recently the same tactic's used but to destabilize other nation's whom certain corporate interests want to control, how does destabilizing a
nation and creating a flood of refugee's heading to the US from that nation ever benefit the US, in short it does not but these guy's were never
really about serving US interests only those of certain financially interested group's AKA the corporation's.
edit on 10-9-2018 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)