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Game tournament mass shooter was prescribed anti-psychotic and antidepressant medications

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+8 more 
posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:45 PM

David Katz, the mass shooter who reportedly opened fire on a group of gamers at a “Madden NFL 19” tournament in Florida — killing two fellow gamers, then himself — had been treated for mental illness and prescribed both antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs, according to multiple media reports.

“[A]s a teenager he was hospitalized twice in psychiatric facilities and was prescribed anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medications,” reports Fox News.

This is yet another documented case of a young male on mind-altering psychotropic drugs who later committed mass murder

This will come as a shock to no one on ATS. Once again we see a case of a mentally ill shooter with a long, documented history of anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medication use.

I don't believe it is a coincidence that there is a high correlation between these drugs and anti-social behavior.


+19 more 
posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

We should start calling it pharmaceutical-induced violence... would be a more apt term than gun violence.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

At this point I'm more interested in the mass shooting/MSM circus workers that are not on psychotropics.

What does it mean when you have a 'pattern' of something involving a crime?


posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari
a reply to: Metallicus

We should start calling it pharmaceutical-induced violence... would be a more apt term than gun violence.

I like that term.

I may use it in a future post giving your full credit of course.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

This will come as a shock to no one on ATS. Once again we see a case of a mentally ill shooter with a long, documented history of anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medication use.

I don't believe it is a coincidence that there is a high correlation between these drugs and anti-social behavior.

I agree.. Those who have been prescribed the drugs and are in withdrawal or missed their meds that day or even took them on schedule as directed...are they twice as likely to go off the deep end or only 10%.. Either way the frequency of users versus non-users really should be looked at with a hard eye.

Someone from Farma will come by and say there is no correlation.. Just like if they are ever drug into court to remove their best selling, will make little Johnny behave and calm him down they will bring out all the Farma reps/experts to prove, "Nothing to see here" !

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 03:59 PM
Wouldn't it make more sense to say which shooter was not on anti depressants?

The list would be shorter.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus

originally posted by: Lumenari
a reply to: Metallicus

We should start calling it pharmaceutical-induced violence... would be a more apt term than gun violence.

I like that term.

I may use it in a future post giving your full credit of course.

No credit needed! Just run with it because I think it needs put out there.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

You won't hear me say those meds aren't something whose use needs to me closely monitored. I know from experience that anything that messes with your brain chemistry needs to be watched to make sure you are stable.

I am guessing there are too many docs who just don't do due diligence with it and too many people on them who aren't careful and don't have the support network they need to be safe.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus

David Katz, the mass shooter who reportedly opened fire on a group of gamers at a “Madden NFL 19” tournament in Florida — killing two fellow gamers, then himself — had been treated for mental illness and prescribed both antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs, according to multiple media reports.

“[A]s a teenager he was hospitalized twice in psychiatric facilities and was prescribed anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medications,” reports Fox News.

This is yet another documented case of a young male on mind-altering psychotropic drugs who later committed mass murder

This will come as a shock to no one on ATS. Once again we see a case of a mentally ill shooter with a long, documented history of anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medication use.

I don't believe it is a coincidence that there is a high correlation between these drugs and anti-social behavior.


I more wonder what kids these days ARE NOT on something mood altering prescribed by a doc.

Public schools make recommendations to parents often times. They have a mandate for it in GA. It's pretty sad that parents have to fight the schools to keep their kids from being labelled unless they give in to the schools demands.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

not a shock at all. What I am in shock about is that it took this long to find out.

Perhaps these drugs have more detriment than benefit to society?

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I wonder if this mandate in GA is for the benefit of the children or Big Pharma profits? I haven't seen too many teenagers that don't show symptoms of angst and depression. The answer isn't medication for most of them.
edit on 2018/8/28 by Metallicus because: Sp

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:09 PM

I don't believe it is a coincidence that there is a high correlation between these drugs and anti-social behavior.

At least we make sure they all have gunz to keep themselves protected against imaginary monsters. You never know.
One day that room full of kids might actually turn out to be real enemies!

*It probably has more to do with drugs he was taking not being effective, particularly the antipsychotic. Is that not obvious?
edit on 8/28/2018 by angeldoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Public schools will tend to take the path of least resistance.

We took the bull by the horns and got out in front of it. It was expensive, but we've paid for private assessments to uncover the issues. If the school didn't want to accept them and do their own, great, but we have them to fall back on if there is a fight.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I wonder if this mandate in GA is for the benefit of the children or Big Pharma profits? I haven't seen too many teenagers that don't show symptoms of angst and depression. The answer isn't medication for most of them.

No, it's for the benefit of the school system.

They are mandated to provide FAPE (free and appropriate education). It gets expensive and time consuming to try to provide all the services some kids need. And frankly, kids with specific learning disorders will often manifest with behavior issues rather than seeming to have learning disabilities because the behaviors are an avoidance of whatever it is they can't do.

It's easier for the school and cheaper if the parent is drugging little Johnny instead of the school having to provide a specialist to give that kid targeted remediation for things like dyslexia or dysgraphia or dyscalculia. If little Johnny is drugged off his gourd though ... it might be years or never before anyone discovers what his real problem is and by then, he's someone else's expense and problem.
edit on 28-8-2018 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Once again we see a case of a mentally ill shooter with a long, documented history of anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medication use.

And once again we have to remind people that other Western countries have a higher use per capital of anti-psychotic anti-depressant drug use compared to the US. We don't even make the top 10 - that goes to Australia, the UK, and some other EU nations. Funny though, they don't have as many mass killings?

What next? video game violence?

edit on 28-8-2018 by Southern Guardian because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:15 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari
a reply to: Metallicus

We should start calling it pharmaceutical-induced violence... would be a more apt term than gun violence.

yep, I suggest we start calling them Pharmashoottokills

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

So for the people that have an illness and these drugs are the only thing that provide any modicum of living a life... Eff us, right? Because some people are nuts, the same as found in any geographic, it's obviously the drugs that are the problem.

Have you ever thought, perhaps, it's the diseases for which the drugs are prescribed, like psychopathy as in this case that are actually the cause? Seriously.. the drugs are there to treat an *EXISTING* condition.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:19 PM
Don't antidepressants have as a possible side effect of suicidal behaviors? I never understood how those two things fit

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Yes they do, and violent behavior too. During the getting on and adjusting dosages, getting off phases. When anything messes with serotonin, dopamine (and possibly even norepinephrine in the case of SNRIs), some intense and messed up moods can result.

posted on Aug, 28 2018 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: hombero

yep. These threads always concern me, because they might cause some gullible soul to discontinue their pharmacotherapy. Medications, like many things, should be left to decide between patients and doctors.

Not to say side-effects can't occur, such as with Ambien, and other medications, but most often those symptoms are reported to the prescribing physician, and are either changed or discontinued.

We've come such a long way finding antipsychotics and antidepressants that actually work! But not all work for everybody. (as you know hombero). Glad you spoke up here.

edit on 8/28/2018 by angeldoll because: (no reason given)

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