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An Earth Plate Is Breaking in Two

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posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 12:49 PM
Geologists Find: An Earth Plate Is Breaking in Two

"Scientists at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory report direct evidence that one of the Earth's great crustal plates is cracking in two.

In a report published in the most recent issue of Earth and Planetary Science Letters (vol. 133), the scientists say they have confirmed that the Indo-Australian Plate--long identified as a single plate on which both India and Australia lie--appears to have broken apart just south of the Equator beneath the Indian Ocean. The break has been underway for the past several million years, and now the two continents are moving independently of one another in slightly different directions.

More critically, if a separate Australian Plate were rotating counterclockwise in relation to a separate Indian Plate, the amount of compression should increase rapidly and systematically from west to east across the Central Indian Ocean."

More earthquakes and possible tsunamis to come?

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 01:05 PM
Is there no end to the bad news?

I think it was Ed Dames, a remote viewer who said this March would be chaotic for Tsunamis in India.

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 07:39 PM
Scary =(

Im sure tsunamis would be a result. Question is how big and where would they hit?

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 08:47 PM
Didn't Rense report an exageration of this very story not too long ago? He said the crust was going to snap and release all the energy at once, which I think is very improbable. I suppose it could happen..

Here's a map of the plates for anyone interested.

This isn't bad news, it's just news. The earth is more important than man, and the earth will do whatever it needs to in order to survive. I think we're seeing a lot of unusual activity all bunched up like a train wreck, but when viewed against the timeline of our planet's chaotic history, man has had a relatively smooth ride. Even if things get nutty, I have faith mankind will come out on top. Go mammals!

I also wonder if what we're seeing might lead to something even more cataclysmic than most people think. What if the cracked piece of crust gets subducted and subsequently erupted, in what's called a 'Verneshot'. Check these out and tell me if you still sleep soundly.

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne

Hmmm. "Super-belches". I wonder if we will see or hear a "super-belch" in our lifetime. There are quite some activity down there at the moment. And with the news of this plate cracking up into two pieces, a super-volcano eruption comes to mind. Toba is already there in the neighbourhood and could wake up. We might even see a new one. Compare Toba´s big eruption with Yellowstone´s. And it was 2800 times bigger than Mt. St. Helens belch...

Click picture above for info on Toba

[edit on 2005/2/19 by Hellmutt]

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 11:00 PM
I wouldn't be surprised to see one in my lifetime, it's been a while since the last one. Also, I think it's important to note that these events seem to have supervolcano precursors in the historical record. The actual mechanism by where the verneshot takes place could be a pressure swing brought on by a massive volcano eruption.

Think of all that lava erupting from the supervolcano, the magma lakes almost entirely drained, which means the neighboring crust sections are no longer supported by liquid rock and high pressure gas bubbles. A collapse would seem more likely then..

It's also interesting to note that there appears to be evidence for the verneshot theory already off the coast of Australia. Repeat anyone?

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 12:24 AM
Plates breaking, sounds like a rough ride could be ahead maybe?



posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
I also wonder if what we're seeing might lead to something even more cataclysmic than most people think. What if the cracked piece of crust gets subducted and subsequently erupted, in what's called a 'Verneshot'. Check these out and tell me if you still sleep soundly.
Biggest problem is that earth's crust (/rock) itself has certain strength, that's what sets upper limit for naturally occurring earthquakes caused by "earth's forces".
So there would be no way to collect enough pressure under the crust to cause it's "explosion to orbit". For example all Hawaii islands are result of hot spot, lighter and hotter material rising from mantle and are eruptions there explosive? No they're very calm and happen over long time.
Also if piece of crust blown to suborbital flight caused Chicxulub it completely fails in explaining concentrations of Iridium.

And "explosive" (plinian) eruptions driven by expanding gasses doesn't really produce much lava, instead they produce volcanic ash which is result of continuous explosions crushing everything to dust.

Because of strength limit of rock/crust earth itself couldn't generate events capable to totally crushing crust but that limit doesn't apply to cosmic impacts. (whose only limiting factor is size of impactor and its speed)

A possible link between impacts and volcanism became evident in 1974 when the Mariner 10 spacecraft flew past the innermost planet Mercury. The planet was found to be covered with impact craters like the moon. One giant impact crater on Mercury was particularly interesting. Directly opposite the impact point, on the other side of the planet (called the "antipodal point") was a region of highly disrupted terrain with no evidence of an impact. The shock waves from the impact on one side of Mercury had traveled around the surface and met simultaneously at the antipodal point to create the chaotic features. Similar features have since been detected on several moons of the giant planets.

Astronomer Duncan Steel has suggested that the same occurred with the Chicxulub impact and that the shock waves caused the Deccan Traps. Taking into account millions of years of continental drift, this region would have been at the antipodal point to Mexico at the time of the impact. Although the eruption may have contributed to the suffering, it now seems more likely that the Deccan Traps were just a consequence of the catastrophic initial event, the Chicxulub impact.

Notice how there's some kind of weird looking highland on antipodal point of Hellas impact basin differing greatly from huge volcanoes caused by hot spots.

Neither are tectonic plates splitting so revolutionary one time events, New Madrid Fault zone is old scar in North America plate from time when it tried to split.
Same kind structure is in Rhine area, also lake Baykal is in same kind fault.
And currently splitting of plate is happening in Great Rift Valley in Africa.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 05:09 PM
Oookeeeey.... Toba.

The Australian: Shaky faultline raises the threat of a super-volcano

now scientists warn that a Sumatran super-volcano might blow its top at any time.

Worse, Toba sits directly atop the faultline running down the spine of Sumatra. That is where seismologists say a third quake might strike.

This article is from today. But this could not be an April fools, I think. This is a scenario I´ve seen likely for quite some time now. Now scientists seems to agree...

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 05:23 PM
Are you actually telling me scientists agree on something?
That can't be good, because if they agree, then it is more than likely it will happen... ...You could almost say it has already happened...

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 05:28 PM
I don't think it's an April Fools joke. It's too serious to joke about.

This just echoes what people at ATS have been saying for months, years even.

I know I've been thinking 'Toba' ever since Dec 26th. Since Mar 26th my feeling just got more concrete, and when the scientists in the area predicted a third earthquake - well, I was sold.

It's a very unstable area, historically, but not this unstable. It's rumbling up, charging its batteries (magma chambers).

Preparing for the big badda boom.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 07:51 PM
earthchangestv also has this story, can't access it because it's a paid site, but this is serious stuff.

If Toba was to explode, can I take it for granted that the majority of the population on the island of Sumatra would be gone?

The problem with this type of scenario, is that there is no way to avoid the loss of human lives, you can't move all those people, where do they go?what if nothing happens for months, even years, it's near impossible to give an exact date of when, i just hope the people in the region are getting this information from their governments and can make their choices as to if they want to stay there or not.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Hellmutt

But this could not be an April fools, I think. This is a scenario I´ve seen likely for quite some time now. Now scientists seems to agree...

No actually someone was discusssing this very volcano with me a few days ago. The possability of the earth actually exploding is not too far off course if some events come to pass with the plates.

This planet due to having a molten core is prone to mass instability at the best of times. Now with all the settlement on the planet plus those A$$holes playing lets make a bigger gun/explosion/destructive thing I really think the earth is saying enough but it keeps happening. While a small group of us here and other places discuss the possibilities, bombs are still being made and tested and destruction still goes on.

Those in charge still endevour to sell us on this destruction and tell us it is for our own good interests. Nothing happens except it all gets worse, December was a warning. It still goes on. North Korea and the new weapons to Pakistan is a great example.

Oil prices, development, war, weapons, deforestation, nuclear dumping, chemical dumping, chemical warfare, mining, Haarp, genetically modified food, poisoning, deliberate disease causing. What is cancer to mankind, is cancer to our planet. What is cancer to our planet is cancer to our solar system, galaxy and then the universe. The microcosm and macrocosm.

God's Chosen? Favoured by God? The problem was not the first bite of the apple. Once tasted greed decreed that the whole lot had to be consumed, then the world is pillaged on the search for more apples to consume.

We have caused these changes by the constant rape of resources. Its time to stop, its time that instead of sitting back and discussing the destruction and the earth crying out to break the chains of humanity that we do hold those accountable for their actions. Its time to say no. Its time to bring back the balance.

It's not for one person to stand up there and say come on this is all sh$t it is time for everyone to stand up and speak. The created divisions are a diversion. The real issue still exists whether is is left or right, this planet is round not flat, it all joins up in the end.

What is real and what is make believe, you can't click your heals and follow the yellow brick road home from this tornado.

For one thousand lies, there is but one truth.

[edit on 1-4-2005 by Mayet]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Is there no end to the bad news?

I think it was Ed Dames, a remote viewer who said this March would be chaotic for Tsunamis in India.

He said there would be another earthquake around magnitude 9 or higher around March or April in that area this year. He made this prediction right after the quake on the 26th of December. Now he is saying that by November or December this year, a volcano is going to erupt in New Zealand's North Island, and that there will be many lives lost. He mentioned this hoping that some people in that area might heed his warning and prepare themselves in one way or another.

He also mentioned other things, but we have had enough dire predictions for one day.... he certainly has earned his nickname once more. They called him Dr Doom while he was working as an intelligence officer and on remote viewing programs for the military for a reason. Even now people still call him Dr Doom.

[edit on 12-4-2005 by Muaddib]

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by Hellmutt
More critically, if a separate Australian Plate were rotating counterclockwise in relation to a separate Indian Plate, the amount of compression should increase rapidly and systematically from west to east across the Central Indian Ocean."

We must remember that the horizontal roation isn't the only issue when it comes to the tectonic plates. You may just as well regard the plates like ice on water. When ice brakes up into pieces, and there is current, the bigger and stronger plate will drag the smaller one underneath itself.

This is the same way here. If this s*** happens, we might get new mountainous areas, but imagine the horrific sideeffects. The tsunamis would be like if you are sitting in a bathtub making waves bakwards and forwards. In one part of the plate, mountains are created, in other parts of the plate areas of continents might disappear. (Atlantis, anyone
Thankfully, plates brakes up into smaller pieces, when being pushed down, so the making of new mountainranges would not be so dramatical(...)

Another problem is if you squeeze your hand in dough, dough will come up between your fingers. Plese refer to this dough as magma/lava.
As we all know, to get this magma to surface, we need exhaustpipes, or holes in the ground to let it through... ->Volcanoes.
Lets hope that all the small ones will release enough pressure in a wide geographic area to have the plates fall into stability again. I would not like to sit, even here in Denmark, if Toba sneezes it's trumpet!

To analyze the situation, I hope the scientist are using their calculators, doing their maths on how much the earthquake during christmas, where one plate dropped 10cm (?) increased it's pressure on the stuff underneath. With a high pressure on this magmafluffstuff, it has to be released through volcanoes, but can we figure out how much that will come out?

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 05:17 AM
Tell me if i'm wrong but should nasa or other companies should get more money to find another plant that mankind can live on as this 1 is breaking up

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by Southern Hemisphere
Tell me if i'm wrong but should nasa or other companies should get more money to find another plant that mankind can live on as this 1 is breaking up

This is how it is on all active planets.
Thats actually how the cycle of planets is.
They compress themselves all the time.
Thats how we have gotten from supercontinents to what we have today. In the end, we will most likely look like Mars is doing. -With or without water is the question, my guess is.

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 05:50 AM

Originally posted by Southern Hemisphere
Tell me if i'm wrong but should nasa or other companies should get more money to find another plant that mankind can live on as this 1 is breaking up

NASA has been looking into the possibilities other moving human life to other plants (mars and moon) but we wont see this for afew decades, probably 2020 if we are lucky.

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 05:53 AM
You are proberly correct we may end up having a new country if 1 breaks up in the future

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 10:48 AM
This paper is nearly 10 years old. It was published in 1995. The paper isn't really anything that amazing, its simply saying that a zone of intraplate stess actually fits better when thought of as a seprate plate boundary.

[edit on 14-4-2005 by Rock Hunter]

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