This is your friendly reminder that there are only a few days left to enter this months contest which ends on Thurs 24th.
So, if you're swithering whether to post your masterpiece or not... now is the time to just do it.
To any new or potential writers out there - please just jump right in!
We'd all LOVE to see your take on this months theme.
Everyone started somewhere right? and this is a great place to get constructive comments and assistance with the development of your own unique
writing style!
It's not much but thanks in advance for reading.
Writer The Escape Plan
And thanks to everyone who enters and gives me hours of entertainment, chills and thrills.
actually i came in to wish everyone good luck and to thank all the story writers for their great efforts
then i thought, i'm not sure what time it is on ats, i might just write a story also about how i feel gratitude and how i appreciate their kindness
and work. so here it is
***FANFARE of TRUMPETS*** The votes for this month's contest "Tough Love" have now been counted and... The Results are IN!
So, without further ado, The winners in our Writer and Non-Writer sections are as follows:
...and for those who are viewing this on a small screen -
1st Love's a Rough Ride by SprocketUK
2nd A Deeper Meaning by JinMI
3rd The Escape Plan by TNMockingbird
1st Homecoming by DBCowboy
2nd Eternal Love by verschickter
3rd Remembrance by MisterMcKill
CONGRATULATIONS To all of our winners!
Since SprocketUK chose this months theme, in accordance with the rules - the task of choosing the next theme will now fall to
our runner-up JinMI.
A Huge Well Done to DBCowboy and verschickter who have earned their official ATS Writer Status during this month's contest!
As always - a hearty thanks to EVERYONE who supports these contests; all of the entrants, the readers & voters and our wonderful Mods & staff. It
wouldn't happen without you ALL doing your bit, so THANK YOU!
Well, I didn't see that coming, I have to say.
Thanks Gordi for again giving us a great reason to write, thanks to everyone for giving us great stories, grats to the new writers and get your
thinking pants on JinMi
Congrats to all the WINNERS, both new "writers", and all who entered and voted!!
The Applauses have been awarded, and DBCowboy and verschickter now wear Writer status.
I'd have to say, it was quite enjoyable all around.
I look forward to the next contest!!!!