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-@TH3WH17ERABB17-Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings- PART -V-

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posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 12:26 AM

originally posted by: RadioRobert

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: CoramDeo

You are spot on! That's why I say take out Assad. One missile to his location. Potentially thousands of lives saved. Whomever replaces him is NOT LIKELY to be as evil.

I'd rather see a strong, antagonistic Assad in power than spend U.S. blood creating her another power vacuum which will take years to stabilize, and may not end favourably at the end anyway.

If we have to do "nation building" after assassinating Assad, I agree. Leave him alone. Come home.

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 12:30 AM

originally posted by: 40CalTone
You brought up Syria here Sir/maam.

I did as a reference to when I saw people start posting things that looked like cop outs.

and below you are saying that "Q Larpers" are holding on to a shred of hope that Trump is actually executing some kind of plan, and not just flailing in the wind and lashing out on a whim. right?


That is why I wrote you this post..

Well maybe you missed the point that while saome "Q LARPers" are holding a shred of hope others are posting cop-outs, all I was doing was pointing that out.

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 12:32 AM
Q Messages #1134 and #1135 just arrived @

Apr 12 2018 00:21:58 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: f666d7 1008463

Night [5]

Apr 12 2018 00:23:59 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: f666d7 1008491

Building 8.

Edit to add: The Washington Post article seems to be saying that subscribing to newspapers (like the WaPo), saved many voters from making the horrible mistake of voting for President Trump?

That Facebook / Building 8 / China combo is interesting.

edit on 4/12/2018 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: daskakik

Nah there's a spiritual (and psychological and thus sociological) dimension to it.

No such thing really as isolate consciousness. No person is an island unto themselves entirely. We're all in this together and we all share the same ground of being and becoming, which is actually the basis for the thinking of someone like Jesus for example and I don't mean that religiously, but logically and rationally, the commitments and obligations that flow out of our fundamental relationship. It's what I call the relativity of human being.

You can't demonize and heap it onto the "religious" all the blood ever spilled. That's absurd and you know it.

In fact, atheism, taken to it's kind of ultimate conclusion can and has led to a type of nihilism which gives birth to a kind of stoic, cold-heartedness wherein that inhumanity can find a place to live, as much as it might find it's way into the heart of the zealot and fanatic.

I've seen zealous and heartless atheists. Ice cold. The type of person where there's little to differentiate them from a sociopath or psychopath lacking in emphathy, remorse, compassion etc. But what's unnerving imho, is to begin to see a place where the left meets the left hand path and where a certain type of atheist in their anti-Christian zealotry, would rather take the position of devil's advocate and defender than to recognize the deeper nature of the essential conflict with various powers and principalities that do adhere to this theistic occult satanism and sex and sacrificial practices.

These things are an abomination to one and all, atheist and Christian alike, one would hope.

Surely on this we can absolutely agree.

Have you not seen evidence of this evil and wicked culture who care not one iota about what their victims believe or don't believe.

You should be with us in this fight, instead of trying to take a position rooted in bias and an apriori contempt, prior to investigation, which is a surefire way to keep a man, or a woman, in a state of everlasting ignorance.

edit on 12-4-2018 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 12:37 AM
Who want some free Flags?

This needs to be a thread:

Pentagon killed their “LifeLog” Project the same day Facebook was founded.

Somene else started on reddit.

Note that Myspace is what took cyberspace by storm well ahead of facebook. Then Rupert Murdoch bought it and literally torpedoed it. It was wicked for activism. I never could get the same feeling, or ability to nudge materials out of the echo chamber in facebook like i could in Myspace, nor get past the name "Facebook" LOL. Just never got into it so with the myspace front out it was a major setback and I know others from back then pre-Fox Myspace felt it too.

edit on 12-4-2018 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 12:46 AM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Go ahead. Great idea. That occurred to me earlier. Interesting coincidence.

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 12:48 AM

Apr 11 2018 21:09:57 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: e8e4fc 1005902

Found Here:

Fireworks #17 @ 71#

35 37 20 36 35 20 32 30 20 37 32 20 36 35 20 36 31 20 36 34 20 32 30 20 37 39 20 36 46 20 37 35 20 32 30 20 33 35 20 37 38 20 33 35 20 32 30 20 36 36 20 37 32 20 36 39 20 36 35 20 36 45 20 36 34 20 32 30 20 35 31 20 32 30 20 37 33 20 36 35 20 36 35 20 37 33 20 32 30 20 37 35 20 37 33 20 32 30 20 36 31 20 36 45 20 36 34 20 32 30 20 37 37 20 36 35 20 32 30 20 37 33 20 36 35 20 36 35 20 32 30 20 37 39 20 36 46 20 37 35 20 32 30 20 36 45 20 36 35 20 37 36 20 36 35 20 37 32 20 32 30 20 36 37 20 36 39 20 37 36 20 36 35 20 32 30 20 37 35 20 37 30 20 32 30 20 37 34 20 36 38 20 36 35 20 32 30 20 37 33 20 36 38 20 36 39 20 37 30 20 32 30 20 36 44 20 37 35 20 36 33 20 36 38 20 32 30 20 36 46 20 36 32 20 36 43 20 36 39 20 36 37 20 36 35 20 36 34 20 32 30

This is a Double Hex to ASCII conversion

Convert the origianal string, then convert the first output form Hex to ASCII again...

Final message from the Description of the video.

We read you 5x5 friend Q sees us and we see you never give up the ship much obliged

edit on 12-4-2018 by CoramDeo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

Well I try to only post stuff I think up, anymore.

And I havent been on my OP game for a while.

But maybe I should be the one to do it, as I was in the game back around then and saw the social media's evolution (in our sort of context).
edit on 12-4-2018 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 12:54 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Skyfloating
Maybe people just need to accept the fact that humans can be cruel and evil without the need for boogiemen like the illuminati or satan?

Im not here to discuss Epistemology. Thats another thread. Those discussions have been done over and over on ATS for 15 years. They are boring. Im here for Q-Research only.

edit on 2018 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 12:55 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Apr 12 2018 00:23:59 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: f666d7 1008491

Building 8.

Building 8 was the original titles of a video posted on the Nova Corps Blue (now 71) YT channel.

Can anyone back me up on that?

I believe it was the one titled Stage_5by5

Video Link

The description for that vidoe, converted, is:


Is there a URL burried in there somewhere? Or directions to open a program?

Maybe this is operation eggnip...FDO-135 OPERATION EGGNIP CHINA 61.049059,97.741991
edit on 12-4-2018 by CoramDeo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 12:56 AM
Some of you guys were talking about feeling haunted, but I won't reply to this to anyone in particular because it got so long:

I'm haunted by reading stuff like what Liz Crokin posted on twitter, about Hillary (just for example, I don't care about her as a person) cutting the faces off of children to wear them, and the way believers react to that. Seriously. That feeling of unease and disgust you get when you look at a weird, occult pic from Jimmy Comet's Instagram? That's how I feel when I read these memes, or even when I read some of Q's drops. I believe all of you here are good people and your intentions are pure, but to me this is a sinister thing, even if I'm sure it does a little good too, making people question things perhaps, who knows.

And don't think of me as naive or cowardly. I've seen footage of people being tortured and killed. It wasn't as flashy or exciting as they make it out in political propaganda memes, it was banal but still nightmarish. And frankly there's something disgusting about the attitude some people show, who are into this "movement"; they have this blithe concern for the victims, mixed with political glee, and childish trolling, and arrogance.

The Internet is driving people a bit nuts and I think it'll get worse before it gets better. All of this happens online; there's been no real footage, just vaguely spoopy cctv screens and such. Pics of a murdered girl from Indonesia. Some island on fire. This stuff is fed to troubled plebs who are out of touch with the American ruling classes. They only know rich and powerful people from TV and movies, so they lack real-world experience that would show them how the elite are not that different from normal people; they aren't monsters like Soros, but also not God-Emperors like Trump or Putin. Donald Trump doesn't believe in this #; he's spent his life doing business.

All of this applies in the esoteric too by the way, even more so. Meme magick.

And I'm not talking about all conspiracies here; false flags happen, murder, trafficking happens too, etc. Actually I think this might be disinfo to distract from other things.

I'm sorry for being aggressive or rude. It's better to be honest I think though. Just like I hope you'd show me the video of Hillary if you found it. Not to do so would be immoral, right?

I don't know if Trump is involved with Q, or how much, but just in case I'll leave you with this quote from Alexander Hamilton:

The truth unquestionably is, that the only path to a subversion of the republican system of the Country is, by flattering the prejudices of the people, and exciting their jealousies and apprehensions, to throw affairs into confusion, and bring on civil commotion. Tired at length of anarchy, or want of government, they may take shelter in the arms of monarchy for repose and security.

Those then, who resist a confirmation of public order, are the true Artificers of monarchy—not that this is the intention of the generality of them. Yet it would not be difficult to lay the finger upon some of their party who may justly be suspected. When a man unprincipled in private life, desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits—despotic in his ordinary demeanour—known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty—when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity—to join in the cry of danger to liberty—to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion—to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day—It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may “ride the storm and direct the whirlwind."

a reply to: AnkhMorpork

I guess maybe you're trolling, have a free laugh on my expense in that case, it's deserved. But generally I see a danger to freedom.

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

"I am sure that such research will continue to be funded under some other title," wrote Karger in an e-mail. "I can't imagine Darpa 'dropping out' of such a key research area."

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 12:58 AM

originally posted by: AnkhMorpork
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Go ahead. Great idea. That occurred to me earlier. Interesting coincidence.

I'm glad Q stopped saying that "there are no coincidences". There are.

Just searched ATS for LifeLog and Darpa. That project didn't freak people out in 2004 like it would today. The threads are less than 1 page.

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 12:59 AM

originally posted by: AnkhMorpork
Nah there's a spiritual dimension to it.

But a person's spiritual belief becomes part of the POV and if Satan isn't part of it then it also isn't something that can be blamed for their actions.

You can't demonize and heap it onto the "religious" all the blood ever spilled. That's absurd and you know it.

That is why I didn't do it. I said that there are people from all religious walks have that same trait.

You should be with us in this fight, instead of trying to take a position rooted in bias and an apriori contempt, prior to investigation, which is a surefire way to keep a man, or a woman, in a state of everlasting ignorance.

When my "investigation", which is not much better than other internet sleuths, turns up errors or inconsistencies, I'm the one witnessing biases and apriori contempt.

I can't fight against something that I have never seen. I have seen a case where an old man paid a woman to deliver her 8 year old daughter to him at a hotel. I did not see any iluminati or satanic signs anywhere near that case so, while I can acknowledge the wrong in that crime, I can't attribute it to some world wide illuminati satanic pedo ring.

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 01:04 AM
a reply to: Skyfloating

And the question is what has the Q-research actually uncovered about the "Illuminati-Satanic-Pedophile-Conspiracy"? Since you attribute your change in belief, at least in part, to it.

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: CoramDeo

I see you found it. Super duper!

edit on 4/12/2018 by carewemust because: super duper!

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 01:13 AM
a reply to: daskakik

Would you mind Private Messaging members whom you'd like to chit-chat with? TIA.

edit on 4/12/2018 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: Cutepants

The truth unquestionably is, that the only path to a subversion of the republican system of the Country is, by flattering the prejudices of the people, and exciting their jealousies and apprehensions, to throw affairs into confusion, and bring on civil commotion. Tired at length of anarchy, or want of government, they may take shelter in the arms of monarchy for repose and security.

Those then, who resist a confirmation of public order, are the true Artificers of monarchy—not that this is the intention of the generality of them. Yet it would not be difficult to lay the finger upon some of their party who may justly be suspected. When a man unprincipled in private life, desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits—despotic in his ordinary demeanour—known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty—when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity—to join in the cry of danger to liberty—to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion—to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day—It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may “ride the storm and direct the whirlwind."

Wow! That appears to describe Donald Trump to a T. But, I think it makes use of it as a necessity to trying to get the right things done and the wrong things undone, for the good of the country and the world. In other words, I think he's trying to do what's right and you can't ask for much more than that, to not be evil, not be a satanist.

That's enlightening however, how a person's own ego and self aggrandisement could allow them to be whisked away from the very people they profess to serve and do right by.

Trump could have the propensity to get a little carried away with himself, so I am hoping that he or his reps are reading this thread and that he's seen this, and given a chance to ponder over how a man like him COULD be so easily given over into the vainglorious pursuit of self greatness while losing sight of the task at hand, which is a thoughtful, considerate and sober task which I think Trump gives himself to daily.

Still needs a little reminder every now and again however.

I think he listens and listens very carefully. I think he takes time at night to surf around and see what's what. Q does this all the time as well.

It may be impossible to think that they haven't stumbled across this thread.

Thank you for that quote that's eerily synchronistic.


edit on 12-4-2018 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 01:24 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Would you mind Private Messaging members whom you'd like to chit-chat with? TIA.

Yes, I would mind because I'm not chit-chatting, I'm asking about Q-Research and this is a Q thread.

posted on Apr, 12 2018 @ 01:29 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Skyfloating

And the question is what has the Q-research actually uncovered about the "Illuminati-Satanic-Pedophile-Conspiracy"? Since you attribute your change in belief, at least in part, to it.

The five threads serve to illustrate our findings and evidence. To quicken your read, it will suffice to only read the summaries so generously provided by dashen at the beginning of each thread. From there, you can click on any aspect of the research that you'd like to examine more thoroughly. That's what people do who are actually interested. Enjoy.

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