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Stormy and 60min.

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posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: Sillyolme

She didn't call the police????

That is the first thing I would have done and I have a 4 year old daughter!

If she was physically threatened and intimidated, I think it's disgusting. No denying that. But she didn't even call the police and then she signed that agreement! She made terrible choices regarding her and her child's interest and safety!

And, it is true that Trump did not need to sign that agreement. I don't believe for a moment that Stormy didn't know that and that her attorney didn't know that.

This whole thing is just too bizarre. She didn't want her child to have to be exposed to all of this, and then she exposed her child all of this. She could've just said she didn't have sex with Donald Trump. Instead, she said that being accused of lying motivated her to finally talk.

Still watching and I am still thinking that she and Trump and this attorney are all in on this together.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: Sillyolme

she said ugh and that she didn't want to have sex with him and then had sex with him.


posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: Sillyolme

sure she was......
she and her attourney are as full of # as trump

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: MotherMayEye

No she didnt. She was afraid. You would not have gone against someone so powerful who do you think you're kidding.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
She said she wasn't physically attracted to him.

Yet she still spread her legs for him in the hopes of getting a shot on The Apprentice. Typical common opportunistic whore.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:12 PM
I'd been more surprised if Trump didn't bang a porn star... this what some people of wealth and power do. I do like how they have dressed her down to look like a forlorn soccer mom LOL,when she has been double tapped more than a WMA ring mat.

is the left so concerned about Trump getting a second term that they don't care that Pence is the next in line

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:14 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: burgerbuddy

Carter "lusted in his heart" So he ain't clean either.

Carter didn't have the balls to do a porn star...hell most of us don't have the balls to do a porn star, but Trump does and was successful...

Most of us aren't famous billionaires either.

That would be a game changer, tho lol!

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:16 PM
Tomorrow's Trump tweets, will be epic!!

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable

You getting off on being crude?

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye

This whole thing is just too bizarre. She didn't want her child to have to be exposed to all of this, and then she exposed her child all of this. She could've just said she didn't have sex with Donald Trump. Instead, she said that being accused of lying motivated her to finally talk.

And we are talking about a porn 275 movies porn star....
edit on 25-3-2018 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:17 PM
she is truly stupid
that interview will cost her bigly

i dont know whats worse for her
that interview or banging trump...

oh and cbs and anderson cooper are the national enquirer now
edit on 25/3/2018 by shooterbrody because: stupid fake news

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable

Yeah ok.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: UnBreakable

You getting off on being crude?

Crude? None of those words I used would be censored on prime time tv.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
she is truly stupid
that interview will cost her bigly

i dont know whats worse for her
that interview or banging trump...

Here's Trumps reaction....

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: shooterbrody

Love those rose colored glasses you view the world tbrough. They show only what you want to see. How cool is that?

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: olaru12

oh trump call the wapo now???
great work..

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: Sillyolme

the story is crap
we know trump lies
now we know stormy lies

go right ahead and pretend one has credibility...
60 minutes is worse for airing that bs

+5 more 
posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: MotherMayEye

No she didnt. She was afraid. You would not have gone against someone so powerful who do you think you're kidding.

Listen up and listen good:

When I was running my blog on Obama's birth certificate, in 2010, and wrote the open records request to which the Hawaii Department of Health confirmed that they don't maintain the seal debossment on the back of Obama's short form birth certificate, someone (unknown to me) contacted me through my blog and wished me a belated happy birthday -- a week after my birthday -- and then mentioned my four year old son (at the time) BY HIS FIRST NAME and said they bet he was "growing like a weed," I FORWARDED IT TO MY LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENT.

And I also sent it to my brother in law who is a police officer in a neighboring city.

It was terrifying.

But, I had to share it with police because it was terrifying and I love my son and wanted to protect my family!

Don't lecture me. I have faced similar intimidation (multiple times, actually) to what Stormy described.

I also closed my blog for several months after that. My first amendment rights were definitely chilled.

You have no room to lecture me or anyone. I bet no one has sent you anything threatening for your empty one line babbling comment streams on ATS.

edit on 3/25/2018 by MotherMayEye because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:28 PM
And the second woman who says trump said they remind him of his daughter. Right before he does them.
There is something very very wrong there.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 07:30 PM
This woman is either seeking attention and hoping for a movie deal, or someone is paying her a great deal of money. I think it is probably the latter.

The left is desperate, and we know they are paying people to smear Trump. What they don't seem to get is - we don't care. No one believed Trump was a priest when he was elected. I'm sure his wife does not think that either. Trump himself never even claimed anything of the sort.

edit on 3/25/18 by BlueAjah because: (no reason given)

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