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Radioactive prehistoric gravesite of elongated skull people in my back yard.

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posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: SRPrime
haha Yea I totally thought we were just being fooled and no pics but we did get them but it worked in building it up for less than expected.

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: eriktheawful
a reply to: one4all

So apparently your answer is "No.", you don't know what the mechanism is.

It's important to know. Very important to know considering the amount of energy require to move entire continents, who's mass is mind boggling numbers. Mainly: where is this energy coming from?

I remember back in 2012, all the people going on and on about how PlanetX was going to cause the Earth to physically flip over......which showed how ignorant they were of how gravity works. It doesn't work that way. You want a planet to flip over, you smack the crap out of it with an impactor. Venus is proof of that. Hit so hard, it flipped over, which is why it spins on it's axis different from all the other planets in the solar system (sun rises in the west, sets in the east there).

Energy can neither be created from nothing, nor destroyed. It can only be changed from one form to another. So you're going to have to show where this energy is coming from in order to move the continents that fast.....and it's going to have to be some massive energy.....enough so that when you work out the physics problem, you'll find that the crust of the Earth can't handle that amount of energy being applied to it everywhere and at once........bye bye Earth.

It's cool though. Believe what you want to believe. Everyone back in 2012 that believed it would happened were greatly disappointed once January 1st, 2013 came fact, most of them don't post here anymore.

I'll make sure to get back with you come January 1st, 2022.

The mechanism of the action is less important than the evidence the event leaves behind,but to me the fact that there is no avaiable mechanism which fits the template of the geological evidence perfectly does not dissuade me from seeking a causality,Hapgood and Velikovsky and many others have lain the groundwork for us,we now have google earth to use to finish up their work.

I do not have the time to spend showing people all the evidence on Google Earth in fact you have to TRY to NOT SEE IT......AND...Google earth has as we all know been constantly changing what they give us all....I have screen shots of Google Earth results we cannot get anymore.No worries it is IMPOSSIBLE to hide the scarring of the earth.

When I hold a shard of petrified FLESH in my hand and feel its texture,I laugh at my peers,when I consider in my short lifetime how much data has been brought forth online I shout with glee....when I consider how late in our cycle this data was released,I cry,as I said I spent many years in the Petroleum Industry on different levels.I know how deep the suppression and misdirection runs.I used to watch bits of bone and artifacts from our drilling processes run over our shale shakers and I knew it was something important but didnt have the time or impetus to investigate nor the truth to follow up with.What I do know is that the geologists working with us darn well knew what they were seeing under their microscopes didnt fit the education they were given,but I see their connendrum,without a explanation they had to rely on the status quo,which they obviously do like everyone else.

I suggest beginning with possible energy production catalysts,the sun could send us plasma shots which could produce enough energy,AND,a Planet passing through could also produce this much energy.Then mate the energy source with the process which we know is HYDRAULIC...look at the far side of the moon and its condition look at the direction the Continents shifted last time,it will show you where they will shift this time,simply looking at a topo map and using a geometry set measure the degrees that major rivers have shifted their courses....there is more than one old riverbed to read....there are at least 3 which can be discerned in most places,3 major shifts,but not covered up completely deep enough that we cannot see the scarring,3 CONSISTANT MEASURABLE shifts,all going in the same direction.Evidence shows we experienced Continental Displacement Waves,the LAND MOVED,it was not an impactor that moved the water up onto the land,the land dipped itself into the water.It is as simple as looking at a Google Earth image from space and seeing a LEADING EDGE and a TRAILING edge of scarring on the Ocean floor caused by this Continental movement.When one considers the scale of event and the speed of event,and the re-set,on a Global scale,you feel very meek.

I DID NOT subscribe to the 2012 mania...because I knew TPTB were doing damage control,just like in 2000,the Movie 2012 completely outlines what is likely to happen,rearrange the last 2 digits of the title and you have the real date of event,TPTB know this cannot be stopped and do not care if WE DISCOVER THE TRUTH NOW,it is to late to screw up their plans and they NEED as many survivors as can be had without giving up their positions of power,they are seeking continuity of control.

Out of 7 billion people I bet you only a few million know the truth.and of those only a very very small handfull in the thousands knows the truth outside of Secret Societies at their hghest levels.

In a decade I have never revealed the safest areas to be in during this event,or how to determine them,people have to BELIEVE so they must find the path to the truth themselves....they must be willing not willed......I have suggested a J-shaped underground shelter which creates an air-lock like your sink trap produces...a shelter 25 feet down into rock....anyone can build one and you dont need special tools or material...basic handtools and trees are all you need to build.Water/food/coal for heat production when wood is not available.IMHO if you make it through the initial event there will be efforts made by TPTB to round up survivors to re-build their slave-pool.Its grim but not as grim and hopeless as one might think upon learning of the truths.

From what I have experienced many many people have an internal SHUT-OFF switch which kicks in when their reality is threatened....they simply cannot handle it,they choose to take their fate into their own hands and say they would not want to be a part of such a destroyed world....they CANNOT get over themselves enough to even consider they may be of value in carrying forward HUMANITY via children,other peoples children...IMHO religon has handicapped billions,they will likely learn the truth then simply go meet in their temples to await their deaths with no fight at all while their leaders are 2 miles underground in bunkers,after all they have been prepped to be martyers their entire lives.

I do not wish to teach anyone anything and I doubt I do,I only share my observations,I do not have personal information provided to me that 2021 is the date of event...but I do know what I see in terms of geological evidence and in terms of lies I have been told my entire life by the government religons and the education system....without their lies to follow up on and reverse extrapolate with I could never have learned the truth.You see it doesnt matter if the date is 2000 or 2012 or 2021 or 2051,the fact is evidence shows us there is a cyclical event which wipes us back to the stone age.I simply choose to indoctrinate my Family and those I meet regularly so preperation can become a part of our lives,yes my friend you are right the date is critical,but not as critical as the philosophy of self-sufficiency and survival.
edit on 10-2-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2018 @ 11:46 PM
Sigh...such is the human condition. This thread is a great example of how an overgrown over reaching governing body can say:
"oh you don't like big government?? Let's see how you like no government!" That type of black/white thinking wins elections, but does little good in practice. A governing body needs balance, not an all or nothing ideology. Ideally an elected official would already know the concept of balance and not hide in loopholes of language. Anywho- I've got a few more pics now to share. Hopefully if all goes well I'll have much more to come as I venture further out or dig deeper where I've started. This is mostly just stuff from today's dig. I haven't washed anything (well the rain helped) and this was a rather fast setup just to get some pics before the sun went down.

The first couple of pics you can see the evolution of the brick work. I added the modern (1950's era) brick for comparison. Also-happily my dog said there was no calcium carbonate anywhere.

..more to come later.

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 12:03 AM
a reply to: apdjbs1

Thank you for the pictures....please keep them coming.

Do you think the occurance of Radon gas everywhere is connected to underground disenfranchisement of another culture,like does it show us where there are buried ruins breaking down over time...just a flyer with the Radon idea.

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: apdjbs1

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: one4all

Yes, radon is always a sign of disenfranchisement, because it indicates they were forced to live underground and cook with uranium. You don't need a radon detector to sniff them out though. Be creative, don't take your creative ignious mind for granite. Employ all your senses, not just vision and technology. The disenfranchised can't shower so usually they stink bad enough to find them without needing special equipment. Also you can find them when it's quiet outside just put your ear to the ground and follow the rock band. Careful how far you tread down the rabbit hole. The prisoners might be a bit happy to see you, watch out for stalag mites, don't turn your back on them.

edit on 11-2-2018 by apdjbs1 because:

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: apdjbs1
a reply to: one4all

Yes, radon is always a sign of disenfranchisement, because it indicates they were forced to live underground and cook with uranium.

As a collector, I want that cookbook.


posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: Harte

Not good for your heart.

I found something else in the woods today that might be of interest. Not sure what it is, but it appears metallic.

It's seems be much heavier than typical metals. Perhaps lead. Don't know yet. I'll clean it up and post pics later. It seems to be like a pole, maybe a part off an old car or plane I have no idea.

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 07:40 PM
Ok, now that I'm getting some better pics I might just abandon this thread and restart because this one has been derailed beyond all recognition.
I will post a pic of one of the "rocks" everyone failed to see that had sat on this path directly above the head effigy. It is certainly possible that the head effigy had been damaged just like the headstone yet I can still see it just fine.
Before closing this chapter out I'd like to go ahead and get this item I mentioned out of the way.
It appears to be around 6' long and made out of lead. Side note- also found lead bullets in area.
Maybe it'll be obvious to me once you point it out, but right now I just don't know.
It seems to have red paint on it(no not the rake), but unsure if it was painted that way or if some sort of accident like it scraped against something. Anyhow, here it is:

edit on 11-2-2018 by apdjbs1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: apdjbs1

Have you taken your finds to experts? Or are you assuming and postulating on your own? It may be good to do so with some of the more interesting ones.

Sorry if you mentioned you did already in these couple threads of yours. Most to me look normal..some quite unusual. Radiation to a degree is normal as well.

And as for saying they are "prehistoric"? It would be interesting to see what academia says about them. A University opinion would be great!

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: apdjbs1

A bush hog blade. As most of Bartow County is/was farming land those are fairly common. Looks like they hit a major NW Georgia Granite clump. Tore that one up big time....worst I have ever seen.

posted on Feb, 14 2018 @ 03:40 AM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: apdjbs1

Have you taken your finds to experts? Or are you assuming and postulating on your own? It may be good to do so with some of the more interesting ones.

Sorry if you mentioned you did already in these couple threads of yours. Most to me look normal..some quite unusual. Radiation to a degree is normal as well.

And as for saying they are "prehistoric"? It would be interesting to see what academia says about them. A University opinion would be great!

DO NOT take anything to any so-called learning Institution....keep uploading to the internet and spread your data far and wide...NEVER TAKE ARTIFACTS to Universities or ANY TYPE OF INSTITUTION....they will suppress the data with a 100% certainty....or bastardise don't need the ego-petting of a bunch of Anti-Humanitarian need the PEOPLE....hide your aware they will come steal them ..Professionals will be hired to come steal them if they cannot suppress you in their usual get the data online ASAP.

posted on Feb, 14 2018 @ 08:31 AM

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: apdjbs1

Have you taken your finds to experts? Or are you assuming and postulating on your own? It may be good to do so with some of the more interesting ones.

Sorry if you mentioned you did already in these couple threads of yours. Most to me look normal..some quite unusual. Radiation to a degree is normal as well.

And as for saying they are "prehistoric"? It would be interesting to see what academia says about them. A University opinion would be great!

DO NOT take anything to any so-called learning Institution....keep uploading to the internet and spread your data far and wide...NEVER TAKE ARTIFACTS to Universities or ANY TYPE OF INSTITUTION....they will suppress the data with a 100% certainty....or bastardise don't need the ego-petting of a bunch of Anti-Humanitarian need the PEOPLE....hide your aware they will come steal them ..Professionals will be hired to come steal them if they cannot suppress you in their usual get the data online ASAP.

That's very true. I should have proposed a wider less jaded consensus... Not a singular sided academic one. Thanks!

posted on Feb, 14 2018 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: Gothmog

Not a bush hog blade. It's lead. Maybe something from a moonshine still? Just a really wild guess. I can't imagine any plane parts or auto parts ever being made of lead, but I have no idea. Just any guess is better than thinking of it as a blade.
It seems it may have once been cylindrical like a pipe, or pole, and the end (as in picture 2) has a small half inch hole at the end, with that same end having a thicker reinforced section. Because this is the internet I might as well point out it may have originally looked like a metallic 6' penis.

edit on 14-2-2018 by apdjbs1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2018 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: Gothmog

You may be right but dang that is one long blade.

Very specific with the length one could easily track that down cause the length is rare if a bushhog blade.

posted on Feb, 14 2018 @ 11:56 AM
Information suppression much?
Plausible deniabilty, derailing, etc.
I particularly liked the accusation (right before thread was locked) that I edited my post to no longer say where these were found, but yet that's not true:

posted on Feb, 14 2018 @ 07:00 PM

originally posted by: apdjbs1
Information suppression much?
Plausible deniabilty, derailing, etc.
I particularly liked the accusation (right before thread was locked) that I edited my post to no longer say where these were found, but yet that's not true:

That was me. I must have "overlooked" it
Ahh , you are the one that called me "son" and stated you lived near to the Mounds. I have been to the mounds over 100 times and can be there in 10 minutes.
I know the area really well as I can trace my ancestors back through the Cherokee in the area. That is how long my family has been here . 10 minutes away from the mounds. I have kin that are buried in the cemetery right there at the mounds.

Now that my "credentials" have been established :

Other folks have told you there is no elongated skulls in the mounds museum or found there at all . The visualization they have in the museum is the way that a Creek Indian most likely looked naturally. And no one states anything different.

The hypothesis of the "body alterations" comes from one person - the present curator . And even he states "might have" . No one before and no other researcher posts forward that hypothesis. Although there was one episode of Unearthed America that put forward a hypothesis of Mayans moving through Georgia to the Dahlonega area .Take that as it is.

The rocks and stones are most likely that - most appear to be river rocks. The Creek had no "kilns" to fire clay in.
I am researching what I thought at first was a bush hog blade. Creek natives had no metal. And over the years there has been 2+ plane crashes in that area. It is very near and on the approach to the Cartersville/Dallas Airport. Believe it or not , the airport is a major line for the medical field in the US.

The Creek were simple farmers and built no structure with brick or anything lasting at all . Just animal skins and sticks.

Information suppression much?
Plausible deniabilty, derailing, etc.

No , just informed members putting forth valid information. Take it how you will.

posted on Feb, 14 2018 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

When someone takes the condescending tone and says "you must be new to Georgia" (which is highly inaccurate) and then couples that with inaccurate statements about Georgia, then yeah you will get corrected.

As a further correction for you, I highly doubt that it's just one person at the museum which agrees with me as the sign makes it clear on the wall. So clear in fact that if you disagree then you and your family should be outraged and demand they take down the mockery of your ancestors, as it depicts them as terribly abusing infants by deforming their skulls. It can be said it didn't hurt the babies in any way, but I feel that's not true and I think most people shake their heads in disgust at the idea and consider it a horrific and shameful practice.

I have Indian ancestry as well. Not a thing I'm particularly proud of or ashamed of. I don't even care if my ancestry was Cherokee, Creek, or Sasquatch. I simply don't need to be a proud special snowflake or apeman or whatever. If I don't like where I'm at I have no problem moving away to be among different people, ideally ones that are not excessively prideful. In fact I just bought another website and I may post the rest of my pics there because it's becoming a real circle jhere and I fully understand free speech is only free if you own the land or are able to force others off the land. Anyone can clearly see why I posted a second thread as a second chapter (and to clear up the confusion of this messed up thread) but yet that newer chapter got closed and yet now we are referencing it. If people petition the mods to reopen it then I'll consider posting new pics to it, but I know it's not going to happen and it may not be worth the effort anyway.

Anyhow, there are plenty of items in the museum that has survived through the ages but I'm guessing you must be referring to some other tribe that's entirely unrelated to anything I've been discussing.
It seems from what you are trying to say is that the only thing in the museum that is "Creek" is the sign about the skulls, and yet there is no mention anywhere on the sign (nor on anything at all in museum) about it being "Creek".
Heh... If someone put a sign up saying my Sasquatch ancestors deformed our skulls I'd be gravely upset. It is natural. Now go get'm tiger foot.

edit on 14-2-2018 by apdjbs1 because: (no reason given)

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