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Trump's border wall prototypes virtually impassable, pass rigorous testing

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posted on Feb, 1 2018 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Xenogears
Why hasn't x, y, or z been done before now?

Because some people pretend securing the border is racist but now we have a President who doesn't give a # if people want to assume all illegal immigrants and drug smugglers belong to a particular race or ethnicity. That's their own racism shining through anyway.

posted on Feb, 1 2018 @ 12:08 PM
I think the problem of "illegals" in the United States could be handled administratively through agreements with Mexico.

Illegals would be defined as identified non citizens without some government granted status.

Identified illegals who are employed would be subject to a schedule of charges appropriate to their drain on the treasury. There are many details and aspects of this that would need to be worked out. Their financial status and arrangements would have to be the subject of reporting and there might be garnishment of wages and possible billing of Mexico for expenses, but these matters would be worked out in a humane and dispassionate way with the Mexican and other governments where necessary.

Employers would be required to report employees who are illegals. Failure to do so, under circumstances where it is clear that the employer was aware of the situation, should entail significant penalties to the employer. (This probably happens now, in some form.)

The drug trade in America has created a kind of opiod holocaust, and severe problems associated with trade in other illicit drugs like methamphetamine. There should be zero tolerance for trafficking in the most dangerous and destructive drugs. Traffickers should be executed, as is done in Thailand, after due process of course.

The enablers of the drug trade, such as officials in the banking industry, should no longer be fined for money laundering. They should serve at least ten years in prison for that crime.

I think the wall is an empty gesture. It will make a certain kind of voter feel good but it won't solve the problems it is meant to address. Donald Trump doesn't like the phrase catch and release, but in most cases that is what America does with dangerous drug traffickers and enablers. The worst of these people should be caught and buried.
edit on 1-2-2018 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2018 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: face23785

Yeah, I was specifically asking about sensors for finding tunnels and nothing else.

posted on Feb, 1 2018 @ 02:23 PM
I cannot figure out how Mexico still is not held accountable for the illegal immigrants.If anything it is Mexico who is irresponsible and lawless with allowing this to continue more so than just the U.S.Why not tell Mexico we will put sanctions on them next.

posted on Feb, 1 2018 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: face23785

If you rally want to build a wall which can't be breached, I have the design for you.

Two walls:

First one is made up from three inch pvc pipe mounted horizontally with a one inch space between and on rollers. It will stand twenty-five feet high and the top eight rollers will curve outward.
Second one is made up from three inch pvc pipe mounted horizontally with a one inch space between and mounted on rollers. It will stand thirty feet high and the top eight rollers will curve outward.
They will be built to be twenty feet apart at the bases and the tops will be even further because of the curves in different directions.
The twenty foot space between them will be filled with razor wire, suspended five feet above the ground.
Now, bring on your ladders and catapults. You will get one good shot at clearing both walls, so you had better make it count.
edit on 1-2-2018 by tinymind because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2018 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: tinymind

I could defeat your spinny pvc wall with a lighter.

posted on Feb, 1 2018 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: face23785

Anyone that has climbed a fence with cops actively looking for you knows that its not the path of least resistance most times.

Sensors in remote areas with drones and cameras is fine. A wall is a wall. It will be walley

Call it Wall Mc Wallface. Make Brave Heart memes.

This was #9,000.
edit on 2 1 2018 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2018 @ 12:29 AM

originally posted by: face23785

While Trump critics and editorial writers who’ve spent decades living in New York and Washington refer to the president’s “wall” as silly, stupid and useless, those who actually work on the border say fences are effective.

Walls work.

We need a wall around every state.

People are illegally shopping in nearby states that have lower sales taxes, and they don't even live or pay income tax in those states. They come to get our goodies. Then they leave without contributing to our tax revenues that support those goodies.

Solution: a wall

When you approach the border wall for a state, you'll have an agent ask you "anything to declare?" And you can disclose the items you bought, or had your car fixed in a shop across the border in the next state, so that the proper taxes can be collected at the border of the state.

Then, you can't use the public transport of a state where your don't live and pay taxes, without paying an "adjustment" fee to fix the fare to the proper amount. Since, all these things a subsidised by the local gobernments.


Walls are good. Walls prevent theft of services. Walls keep us all honest.

Vote for more walls.

edit on 2-2-2018 by AMPTAH because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2018 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: ipsedixit
I think the problem of "illegals" in the United States could be handled administratively through agreements with Mexico.

Illegals would be defined as identified non citizens without some government granted status.
... possible billing of Mexico for expenses, but these matters would be worked out in a humane and dispassionate way with the Mexican and other governments where necessary.

It might be the best idea to leave the illegals alone, and just bill the Mexican government for the cost of hosting their citizens in the United States.

The undocumented could be simply viewed as "agents of Mexico", to the extent that most of these are Mexicans, anyway.

And as "agents of Mexico" the impact of these agents operating in the foreign land of the United States could be assessed, and any financial impact could be tabulated, and the invoice sent to the owners of these agents, which is the Government of Mexico.

It's also easy to "collect" payment from Mexico. Since the US buys Oil from Mexico, it would just "re-negotiate" the price of oil, discounting it from the world market price, to compensate for the loss of revenue these "agents of Mexico" cause while operating inside the US.

Before you know it, the Mexican Government will block all Mexicans from pouring over the border, and a wall would be built by Mexico, on their side, just to stop the flow of funds out of their oil industry.

Problem would be solved, without any finger raised by the US to build a wall, or even to deport anyone. Mexico will pull them back, themselves.

posted on Feb, 2 2018 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: AMPTAH

originally posted by: face23785

While Trump critics and editorial writers who’ve spent decades living in New York and Washington refer to the president’s “wall” as silly, stupid and useless, those who actually work on the border say fences are effective.

Walls work.

We need a wall around every state.

People are illegally shopping in nearby states that have lower sales taxes, and they don't even live or pay income tax in those states. They come to get our goodies. Then they leave without contributing to our tax revenues that support those goodies.

Solution: a wall

When you approach the border wall for a state, you'll have an agent ask you "anything to declare?" And you can disclose the items you bought, or had your car fixed in a shop across the border in the next state, so that the proper taxes can be collected at the border of the state.

Then, you can't use the public transport of a state where your don't live and pay taxes, without paying an "adjustment" fee to fix the fare to the proper amount. Since, all these things a subsidised by the local gobernments.


Walls are good. Walls prevent theft of services. Walls keep us all honest.

Vote for more walls.

I'll take this joke post as an acknowledgement that you know you were had on "walls don't work". Welcome to reality.

posted on Jul, 3 2019 @ 05:54 PM
Very little time left for US border security , before EU-Canada orchestrated invasion by "uncivilized horde" ... complete the wall and make history ... otherwise just be history !

posted on Jul, 3 2019 @ 05:57 PM

edit on 3-7-2019 by Flanker86 because: (no reason given)

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