originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: badw0lf
So where do you get your information from. Maybe I’ll look there and compare. From the beginning I have not trusted trump. He’s had three wives
and a cheater.
Are those traits things that make a bad person, incapable of being president? Which saint will be appointed, who has no sin? And frankly, those are
personal grievances, and not flaws in his ability. Is he a cheater? It's easy to slander someone when you have a vested interest in doing so, to bring
them under fire for things that neither carry any weight against being the POTUS, nor make any difference in what they do in their role. Nor does any
of the slander raised from before he was POTUS.
I take what I read and I investigate without looking for answers that fit what I want. I prefer to look past what 'they' want people to see, as
everyone should but so few do. That can be from any source, it's legitimacy lies in how it stands up against other sources. But time and time again I
have found that the narrative put forward by the MSM and other places that put forward their own take on things, do not.
You think there is an agenda to make the MSM look bad?? There is a concerted effort to bring down the one person in a long time, that stands against
the status quo. And he's doing what he said he would. Is he the messiah or perfect? No.. no one has said he is, or has to be. A man who has been
successful in his life, doing what he has said needed to be done, for over 20 years. that's what I see.
And some say they would vote for oprah over him? good lord. How to take their own argument and use it against themselves. Can you imagine?
Same goes for here. I've seen the most stolid of posters, fall for a twisted perspective that would see people take the MSM point of view as fact,
using half truth, out of context statements, and outright lies that are repeated time and time again. Once I see a lie revealed, I don't just jump on
it, I look even further. And the MSM have been hung, drawn, and quartered. They don't like it. And yet still, they continue to push their lies, which
have been time and time again, proven as lies. How many more so called high profile journalists will fall, before the sword is all that is left for
the MSM to fall on?
Is Trump a saint? No... a shrewd business man, yes. But hey, orange, small hands, bigly, yuge, speech, whatever the MSM can attack beyond the policies
he's fulfilling, that's all they got. And you say you would listen to them? seriously?
I don't have a source. I use many. I look closely. I'm not even from the US. So to me, it's not something I have a vested interest in. I just see what
I see, and know something is not sitting right, and I look into it. I don't look at everything, my dog isn't running here. But I am allowed my
opinions, as we all are.
If Trump does something I disagree with, you bet I will be vocal. He may not be my president, but myself being Australian, our government follows
close. And so in some ways, he does affect us.
How many times will I hear Trump is a racist, bigot, narcissist, misogynist, suffering dementia, etc etc. from people who have either not done their
due diligence, OR have simply just taken what they want to hear and run with it? Trump was just given a clean bill of health, after months of
incessant attacks on his well being. And it was NOT good enough. From dementia and early onset alzheimers to a mentally sound person. Was it enough?
no... suddenly "He's obese and needs heart medication. Impeach!!" Show me a 71 year old who is fitter. The media spent an hour attacking the outcome.
They just cannot find enough wrong. And when it's not enough, it's taken to a whole new level, and dragged on and on.
This to me is outrageous. And Why no one who comes along as against Trump cannot see it, leaves me wondering, seriously, just why this is.
And for each negative I read that I've looked into before, the reasons that these things are so prevalent are ... nothingburgers that have been
convoluted to become truth in the minds of those who run with it. And if taken to task over their reasoning, there is never any valid argument to be
had - just repeat the same, and anyone who says otherwise is just wrong, or worse, simply ridiculed. No middle ground.
I don't have a source to rely on. I rely on observation and considered thought.
So when someone says "I will trust the MSM over Trump any day" it just screams to me, someone who doesn't care for truth at all, but would prefer to
follow the narrative spoon fed to them, in order to satiate their already made up mind.
Then in the next post you say you look at things and verify for yourself... which is it? MSM or considered thought?
Because they are both mutually exclusive.