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Fire at Trump Tower in NYC

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posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 07:08 AM
A fire has broken out at Trump Tower in NYC this morning.

The fire can be seen on the roof with flames visible. Firefighters are on the roof now battling the blaze.

Hopefully they get this put out and prevent it from spreading.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: EchoesInTime

Does everyone have an alibi?

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: EchoesInTime

Local radio stations are reporting it's already been handled and was in an electrical box on the roof.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
a reply to: EchoesInTime

Local radio stations are reporting it's already been handled and was in an electrical box on the roof.

Praise KEK!

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Thats good news..

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 07:13 AM
Last week SS fire at Cinton's.

This week SS fire at Trump's??

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 07:37 AM
Did someone tell trump that intimate toys and hooker fluid can be a fire hazard?

Old man needs to upgrade his sock drawer with something waterproof.
edit on 8-1-2018 by TheLotLizard because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 07:38 AM
It was crooked Hillary’s fault!!!!

Just thought I would get the conspiracy started on this one....

Or has Donald already beaten me to it and declared this whole thing “fake news”
edit on 8-1-2018 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-1-2018 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: EchoesInTime

Burning evidence ?

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: EchoesInTime

Burning evidence ?

And just like that all of Trumps financial records were gone....

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: EchoesInTime

Burning evidence ?

And just like that all of Trumps financial records were gone....

Just like Hill Bills last week!

Political minds think alike. I bet they made a truce: I'll burn my dossier, you burn yours.

Damn, reality is stranger than fiction.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 08:04 AM
My first thought!
that it was a Drone fire bomb!

they will Not tell us it was that.
as many others will do the same...

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: EchoesInTime

Burning evidence ?

And just like that all of Trumps financial records were gone....

and 24 hours later the building falls down.
as they do!

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: EchoesInTime

Must be related to the uncle's time machine.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Think they're burning evidence?
Last week Hillary was accused. They even imported a photo of some burned up electronics to prove it. Turned out the photo was from some other source and the easily contained fire was actually in a ceiling in an out building used by the secret service. Wonder how this is going to be used politically.
No I don't believe it has anything to do with politics any more than the fire in Chappaqua did but that won't stop others any more than they were stopped last week.
It is an odd coincidence that they both experienced fire in their homes within a week of each other.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: TheLotLizard

You'll work on your jokes.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 08:30 AM
Did Trump leave his pants there?

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 08:41 AM
Fire and fury - new meme magic?

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 08:42 AM

edit on 8-1-2018 by neo96 because: nevermind

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 08:57 AM
Yes but this was a good fire. Not just good, but the very best. It was yuge. It was a very smart fire too.

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