a reply to:
operation mindcrime
no worries good man! festivals have to be celebrated as they fall.
the two colossi once were the guardian statues at the entrance to Amenhotep III’s mortuary temple where they still stand. they are depicted on the
second image of buildings i had posted earlier. they stand a staggering 20 m/60,62 ft high. this temple once was the largest and most luxurious in the
land. it never was equalled only usurped by some pharaoh – we won’t name him here. eventually the whole theben necropolis was named memnonium.
as you mentioned, annual floods had damaged the foundation of the temple which was built of sandstone at the edge of the nile. later when the temple
collapsed, the site and the broken down stones were used by later pharaos as a quarry. lucky the two statues, both of Amenhotep III, were made of a
harder sandstone and survived but not without suffering bad damage.
it must have been in the 1st c bc, ca 1300 yrs after their construction, that, mainly the northern statue, crumbled such that the loss of its upper
parts and a deep cleft into lower parts made it sing at dawn.
that must have been when the statues were named after Memnon, the name of the bloke you mentioned. he actually was an aethiopian king who helped
defend troy from the greeks and got killed by Achilles.
Memnon’s mother happens to be Eos, greek goddess of the dawn. the legend has it, that when she heard about her son’s death, she started weeping
every morning just after the rise of the morning star and her tears form the morning dew ever since. that's where the sound came from.
it was said, to hear the singing brings good luck. it attracted tourists from far around. even roman emperor Septimus Severus, in 199 ad or so,
arrived, saw and, overpowered by awe as i imagine, tried to restore the singing colossi by adding sandstone blocks. that’s when the statue sang for
the last time.
i think the stuff you pick up while you venture into this egyptian themed avatar is great. those ancient times are by far not lost and we get to hear
more and more by newest researches.
so just enjoy exploring, i also get side-tracked all the time. i’m so deep into their graves at the moment, i have no outlook for it. it might just
as well be important to plant some oil lamps here and there into the dark of this avatar.
edit on 15-8-2018 by lucia2389 because: (no reason given)