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Humanity's Screwed!

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posted on May, 13 2018 @ 01:59 AM
a reply to: glend

we get hit on every front... food, water, culture, children, media, psyops, disinfo etc. etc.

Honestly its pretty amazing that there is any sanity left. Its a tribute to the human spirit.

Well grounded.... some people think I am nutty.... some people think I am at a different level of consciousness and am the only honest person they know ....LOL.

I just eat clean (as possible anyways), exercise, and avoid negative influences around me when possible. I have found negative people are similar to that of those having an illness that wish to infect everyone around them. Almost as if they are not happy unless they bring people down to their own level of misery.

this will crack you up.... whenever I do find a little negativity coming on a little trick is to watch old episodes of Highway To Heaven to keep a positive outlook and keep things in perspective.

Fasting is awesome as well. Its not always easy but it is the most effective way I have found to get the doors open to spirituality. I have had experiences while fasting that have been truely awe inspiring. Stuff I wont even talk about in public because it sounds crazy... even I would think it was crazy if someone told me. Next level stuff that has to be experienced and felt to believe. I dont take any drugs or drink either.

Bad part is you dont get to eat when your hungry LOL.

posted on May, 13 2018 @ 02:15 AM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

I've never been a fan of the 'evil humanity' arguments because we're such a complex species. For all the negatives we see on ATS (for example), there are more good things to outweigh them in the real world.

The crazy thing is we've not been this close to an existential cliff in around 100ky. Back then there was a critical collapse in human populations and it's safe to say we bounced back. Right now, we're looking at a profound calorie deficit in the next few decades. Infrastructure will struggle to funnel and transport all the food needed by growing populations. Waves of migration may well occur as people move from subsistence areas to those with more resources and water.

Simultaneously, there's this 'great extinction' and it's hard to say where the hell that's gonna take us. Climate change too. Even though some people are convinced it has zero to do with humanity, it's still going to be a growing problem this century.

Cheerful little future!

Extinctions, climate change, food deficits, more conflicts, more migrations. Strikes me that nuclear Armageddon is the least of our worries.

posted on May, 13 2018 @ 02:30 AM
a reply to: Kandinsky

well we are probably at the point now where coexistance with big governemnt and corruption is not possible. So I would say at this point one is going to take a massive hit. Trump has been helping in a lot a ways and the pro liberty movement has been a critical success in the process of turning all this around.

The big wild card IMO is AI and all the technology aspects. I just dont see how it fits in posive for your average working American. The entire corrupt system has been set around it and its been weaponized. Will there be a point when everyone just says enough is enough and dumps the garbage technology? Not sure people have that kind of resolve in them anymore when they are still sending their own children into public radicalization centers.

posted on May, 13 2018 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: agenda51

I think we're potentially past the point of AI or politics being the main dangers. Stuff like food deficits and how agriculture will manage to compensate for climate changes are bigger dangers to us as a species.

The AI thing and increasingly automated jobs won't help us much either. You've got a good point there. It's pointing towards discontented populations, greater wealth gaps than today and all across a backdrop of competing for global resources.

All of which is due to occur in the next 40 years and beyond. Scary # huh??

posted on May, 13 2018 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: agenda51

My doorway to meditation is the breath. Witnessing it enter and expel. With the body appearing as one large lung to my mind. It becomes sweet to the taste and can send me deeper faster than I care for. With the body turning to what seems mortar. Soon loosing all contact with all bodily sensations until I exist in a world of nothingness.

I practised the meditation continuously for three months when on leave. When I returned to work, everybody seemed to be incredibly nervous, I thought someone must have died. When I questioned one of co-workers as to whats happened she replied everybody is talking about how relaxed you look. Like your walking on clouds.

I need start doing it again. Thanks for reminder of whats important this life.

posted on May, 13 2018 @ 03:49 AM
a reply to: glend

Hmm I must start meditating, any advice you could offer a newbie like myself to get started with?

posted on May, 13 2018 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: glend

same here. I cant get the meditation thing. I try and end up taking a nap. I would love to be able to tap into that.

posted on May, 13 2018 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: Kandinsky

I am not really to worried about food dangers and climate change. I can teach my kids to survive that. Weaponized robots and drones are a problem though. Crazy people are my biggest concern. People are turning animalistic in nature and keeping my children from being sucked into that debachery.

now your getting me all doom and gloom.

Its going to be all right folks. Focus on finding that spirituality and inner peace so when the time does come you are ready to move on to the next level. we get once chance at this life... why spend that time being at war with yourself?

posted on May, 13 2018 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

see here

posted on May, 13 2018 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: agenda51

see here

posted on May, 13 2018 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: glend


posted on May, 14 2018 @ 11:12 AM
101 ways humans will destroy them self .
Climate change is not the issue so the temp goes up 5 % big deal irony is MORE land becomes usable not less as area like Russia and Alaska become warmer letting plants grow more and people live there easer .
After all the over all temp of earth now is 33.5 % why back 100 millions years the average temp was near 77 % .
Yes earth was a tropical planet then the only place you mite find ice and snow was on the tops of the tallest mountains .
Now odds are humans will destroy them self through wars BEFORE the ecology collapses because it will be the fact the ecology is collapsing that drives Humans to fight even more for what is left .

Take Nevada you have veges and in the general area many other big citys .
all needing water in a desert . Water that is being pumped from the ground that has collected over Millions of years all being used up within 100s of years .

At this point many of thous citys have less then 15 years left before they run out . Pipelines you say ? From ware excatly ? the Colorado river ? Nope not a drop reaches the ocean NOW so as it is .

Truth is we know the way we use the planet is doomed to destroy us one of the big reasons people are going off the deep end we all know one day sooner then we think we will go to get food and there will be none we will go to turn on the water and nothing will come out . It is already happing in many big citys even here in the US .

So what then ? No ones going to sit around and wate to die and Governments will be forced to try and find a way to secure resources we need .
And the one day soon the gulf of mexico will be entirely a dead zone the great barreror reef will be going teh oceans acidfied and the fish going . It is already happing as I type .

Any time a apx predator evolves it eventual destroys its self as it littlery eats every thing it needs to live leaving starvation as its fall .
Humans are the worst apex predator this planet has every seen a predator without prey and is turning on its self .

posted on May, 18 2018 @ 09:09 PM
Well, the Georgia Stones seem to say that they want about 99% of the population wiped out, at least that seems to be a stated end game of TPTB.

Until about 1900, the population of the world was about 1 billion, which appeared to be very sustainable. There was no strip mining, resources were plentiful for anyone that needed them, and the planet was (mostly) happy.

Then robber barons came long, starting in the mid 19th century really. Industrialization made large-scale operations possible from what until that point had been a largely agrarian society.

This was really the starting point of the Earth's demise.

Industrialization meant more crops could be harvested and grown, which meant a larger population could be supported, which meant more industrialization, and the loop of over population started.

The military industrial complex started up in the early 1950's, shortly after World War 2, and used the Cold War to keep the world frightened at each other. Fake reports circulated about the power of the Soviet Union in order to keep everyone cowering under their desks.

Then the 21st Century version came along. By this point, Income Disparity was at a level never seen before in the world, but the (by design) uneducated masses accepted the word of a Billionaire that he was the answer to all their problems and that he'd make everything great again.

The unclean masses continued to be hoodwinked and divided against each other instead of against the rich that are raping the planet and stealing the wealth of the world.

Never in human history has so much been owned by so few without a major revolution.

Unfortunately for Americans, they're so divided right now that they'll never realize this. They're more inclined to shoot their neighbor for being black than they are to realize that everyone is the working poor, and that the poor should be rising up against the rich, no matter race or religion.

The rich realize that while they can keep the overpopulated planet divided, they will sit back and let every one wipe each other out, eventually realizing their dreams of having the 99% gone from the planet that they can then keep for themselves afterward.

posted on May, 18 2018 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

and wrong

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