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losing my (political) religion

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posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 02:24 PM
so... i've always been a very, very passionate american leftist. but in the last year i've gone from disappointment in my fellow citizens, to horror, to numbness. i still read the news and have opinions about what's going on but i just can't bring myself to think any of it matters very much.

in some ways that's kind of a relief... taking on the burden of all the terrible things that have been going on was getting to be too much. but at the same time i feel very strange getting so disengaged. i used to look down on that mindset of not even giving an eff about any of it and thought that was a large part of the problem... but i'm slowly getting there myself. kind of losing hope in america... or americans.

how do you stay engaged and try to make a difference when you lose that spark?

disclaimers: i didn't post this in the mudpit, so i'd appreciate constructive responses.

conservative responses are welcome, i'm sure some of you have some insights based on how you got through the obama years.

dumb, mean-spirited jackass comments will be ignored.

comments arguing that i'm overreacting when i say terrible things have been happening will also be ignored. believe what you want but don't try to gaslight me -- this thread is not your bully pulpit.

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: fiverx313

I would try and just get involved locally and do constructive things to help and elevate the community in any way.

Politics is dead.

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 02:30 PM
Nothing lasts forever.

You would be wisest to remember it no matter what, good or bad.

I've lived through Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and now Trump. Don't tell me that anything lasts forever.

Also, politics is not religion and the state is not your god. I'm pretty sure that not how you really meant it, but if you are close to that place in your life, it may explain a large portion of your angst. Find something else to invest your spiritual energy in.
edit on 12-12-2017 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: fiverx313

i still read the news and have opinions about what's going on but i just can't bring myself to think any of it matters very much.

Welcome to the real world. Now go back into Plato's Cave and awaken someone else.

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: fiverx313

remember how incompetent the gop controlled house and senate are

imo we were fortunate the first 2 years of obamas time in office that all we got out of it was the aca

the elected gop congress has done squat aside from 1 scotus appointment

trump can write eo's, but the next potus can rip them up

if the dems can manage to get the house or senate trump will be a lame duck and can cause minimal permanent damage

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: fiverx313

dumb, mean-spirited jackass comments will be ignored.


posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 02:35 PM
luthier said it well enough. Politics is dead.

The truth is that no one is having policy discussions anymore.

If you're feeling disappointed with the political landscape, it should come as no surprise after a few years of accusations and hyperbole having netted nothing of value.

I generally share that disappointment as I feel we have gotten NOTHING done as a result and we're not the better for it.
edit on 12 12 17 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 02:38 PM
Nice title, Politics and Religion are very similar. Usually full of lies in order to control a large group of people for financial gain.

Sounds like one would do well to "lose" both?

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: fiverx313

I can only take politics in waves. I'm generally apolitical or independent myself (currently with a liberal slant) so all these extended tribal fights that ATS has devolved into grate on my nerves.

I would just suggest to minimize your presence on ATS. I find that when I spend too much time here I tend to think very negatively outside of ATS. Then when I disengage for a while my outlook on life improves significantly.

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 02:42 PM
I know how you feel, brother. Lots of people feel angst when the delve into the realm of politics. I am conservative and I find myself shaking my head everyday at social media and the television. As another poster said, don't fret too much over this. Everyone has opinions on issues, but you will never find 330 million folks that can agree on them. Different areas of the country have different values and ways of life, some right some not so right. If it keeps you up at night, maybe take a step back and find something else to focus on. It isn't worth your sanity.

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: fiverx313

When I'm in doubt all it takes for me is a quick read through of whatever completely false bat s### crazy right wing stories are occupying the top spots on the ATS homepage that day. I'm not too sure about who I am, but it's comforting knowing at least I'm not that gullible.

I think when you reach the point of not needing to belong to something bigger than yourself to validate your ideas, you're headed in the right direction.

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 02:44 PM
They divide us against one another with left vs. right 'Politics'. Might as well argue which is better, up or down.

The elected representatives are supposed to represent the people, not the military, corporations or themselves.

Its just us and them.

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: underwerks
a reply to: fiverx313

When I'm in doubt all it takes for me is a quick read through of whatever completely false bat s### crazy right wing stories are occupying the top spots on the ATS homepage that day. I'm not too sure about who I am, but it's comforting knowing at least I'm not that gullible.

I think when you reach the point of not needing to belong to something bigger than yourself to validate your ideas, you're headed in the right direction.

Hopefully, someday, you "get it".

Unless that was a joke, then it's just gold. Carlin would be proud.

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: fiverx313

Welcome to apathy.

I stay engaged the same way some people do the crossword daily. It's a puzzle to me how the government gets away with never working for the benefit of the people and I want to figure out all the ways they are conning us into letting them.

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: fiverx313

The daily soap opera gets tiring. Realize that your civic duty is to vote, not breathlessly watch and believe what the media tells you. Watch the candidates at their rallies. Read the candidates platforms. Then go to the polls and vote for the candidate you'd like to win. Accept the outcome (win or lose) and move on.

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: MisterSpock

originally posted by: underwerks
a reply to: fiverx313

When I'm in doubt all it takes for me is a quick read through of whatever completely false bat s### crazy right wing stories are occupying the top spots on the ATS homepage that day. I'm not too sure about who I am, but it's comforting knowing at least I'm not that gullible.

I think when you reach the point of not needing to belong to something bigger than yourself to validate your ideas, you're headed in the right direction.

Hopefully, someday, you "get it".

Unless that was a joke, then it's just gold. Carlin would be proud.

Not a joke at all.

The constant trolling of right wing conspiracy theorists by the minds of 4chan on the other hand is quite entertaining. And I have to chuckle knowing some of the people who do it when I see their BS on the front page of ATS, with pages of people actually believing it.

So yeah, it's really funny for me to sit back and watch. I haven't been disappointed yet.


(To the OP: Sorry. Not trying to take the thread off topic)
edit on 12-12-2017 by underwerks because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I've lived through Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and now Trump.

I'll just point out we haven't "lived through Trump" yet. But we're moving forward .....hopefully it is a "through" Trump and not a "to" Trump. lol

a reply to: fiverx313

OT: It weighs pretty heavy. If you get yourself involved in politics everyday, you begin to see why politicians are completely out of their minds. It wears on you, mentally drains you and drives you into some pretty weird thought processes. Take a step back, watch some cartoons and pretend life is simple for a while. (I suggest Bob's Burgers, not much politics on there lol)

Deep breaths and lean on your peers to reassure yourself you're not crazy. (at least not crazier than them) lol

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: fiverx313

If you can keep in perspective that politics is just the entertainment division of the military industrial complex and the American taxpayers work for them; politics is just an amusing diversion and not to be taken seriously.

It's a blast to trigger cult45 though...
edit on 12-12-2017 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 03:06 PM
loosen up and have some FAILS!

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: fiverx313

The answer is easy and works very well for a lot of things in life : moderation

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