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Brexit deal: Where the hell is the outcry?

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posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: Denoli
8 billion of it is for eu officials pensions lol .

Yep, the EU is a gravy train extraordinaire. Sadly, the EU is not run transparently, so we don't know who gets paid what. We do know that in 2014 over 10,000 officials earned more than the UK Prime Minister (£142K) according to contemporary sources.

Anyway, let's not go down that road...

Some of the posts paint May as being weak and incapable. However, that seems to be less than accurate, but is the repetitive mantra of her political opponents and whining Remainers. I think the detail will come out of the trade discussions and that's what counts. I am actually encouraged by the compromises on both sides from their initial positions - clearly it's not good enough for the hard-liners, or the EU subservients.

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: paraphi

the pensions are paid to your delegates who worked for the british EU department..
how dare the rest of the members not to pay that for you?

edit on 9-12-2017 by Peeple because: ass

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 01:01 PM
I see farage did ok out of the Eu..£240k pension or so. ?

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 01:06 PM
Look we wanted out we’ve got our outcome.A war will be avoided because of no hard border.And Tory sell you down the river how very dare you.As for May been voted in she was best of bad bunch.Corbyn is a commy.

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol
I see farage did ok out of the Eu..£240k pension or so. ?

Yes, it's a joke. Farage is only one of many thousands to benefit from exorbitant pay, benefits and pensions that could never be afforded by member states.

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: Denoli
Well I'm glad we are out .

You're not, that's the problem.

The quicker the better !

So you can have your imagined Walhalla, trade with India (12000 KM away), China (7000 KM away) and Australia (15000 KM away), instead of with Europe (0 KM away now, and at best just a few inches in the near future (e.g. Northern Ireland)? Yeah, I can dig that (!)

EU negotiators were seeking €60bn to €75bn euros (£53bn-£66bn), but were bargained down by the UK to £35bn-£39bn.

Dream on, my dear man - there is no deal yet.

#ing joke

Just like the Brexit itself.

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: fusiondoe
This all boils down to money.

Where the EU is concerned it certainly does.

Eu will keep the transitional period going for years and years because ‘it takes time to negotiate a trade deal’... All the while we will have to keep paying and paying and paying.

Is there any reason why it should? It can't be all that different from whats

already been agreed.

In business it's usually first off the starting the blocks that comes good,

delays means lost business? Hey! but why worry the EU has the UK paying

for any delay .....

the EU is laughing at the UK all the way to the bank ....

It is and always has been about the money, the EU gravy train. It is all they care about

Too true.

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: Painterz

We remainers did tell you that exactly this would happen.
But you all refused to listen.

Only a fool would remain in a collapsing building 'just in case' there was

something worse outside.

Nothing ventured nothing gained?

Where would the world be without the audacious and courageous explorers

and chancers of the past

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: fusiondoe

There's a nice song that fits right into this..

The times of the round table are long gone..

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 02:04 PM
One of the things that really gets my goat is the remainers clapping and cheering on attempts to usurp the will of the people.
They lie, twist and wheedle in an attempt to remain in the EU by any means.

Whether you want to leave or not, does democracy mean nothing to you?

Hell, people like you are the reason that there are Nick Clegg's in the world, able to keep walking the streets after selling out every single person that voted for his party because they were sick of the 3 grand a year tuition fees. Soon as he got a sniff of power, he voted to increase them to 9 grand.

You all want to be ruled, not represented and it is truly sickening to see.

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: ForteanOrg

So you can have your imagined Walhalla, trade with India (12000 KM away), China (7000 KM away) and Australia (15000 KM away), instead of with Europe (0 KM away now, and at best just a few inches in the near future (e.g. Northern Ireland)? Yeah, I can dig that (!)

Lol!! Been there done that ....

.East India Company, also called English East India Company, formally (1600–1708) Governor and Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies or (1708–1873) United Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East Indies, English company formed for the exploitation of trade with East and Southeast Asia ...

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 02:24 PM
First a question for all you "brexiteers"? Just explain how you have personally suffered under the EU? Not any memes like "I did not agree letting in refugees and such ideas put in your head. Personally suffered. Have there been any bad laws to come out of the EU? NO. Have you paid more income tax? NO. Have any services been affected by the EU? NO. Except for all the BS tales of foreigners coming to take your jobs, hospital appointments and social money et al. Everyone shouts about the Human Rights Act that came out of the EU but you're to blind to see that it was for your benefit. They all keep moaning how refugees and criminals use the act to their advantage. They were allowed to do that to discredit the act so they could say "look at this nasty act the EU is making us use so criminals can get away with their crimes".
Have you ever read the Human Rights Act? I have and I would say it was our first step to getting a fair deal against a government like we have today. But you want to throw that away.
If the EU took all our money just where is the money coming from that you keep harping on about the government paying the DUP and other "backhanders".
Now the Irish border. Is there any Irish on here to back me up. There has NEVER been a hard secure border between North and South. It was a well known fact Irish farmers would drive herds of cattle over the "border" to claim twice off the EU. Claim once in Southern Ireland and the same herd claimed for in Northern Ireland. What the DUP is after is a united Ireland and the softening of the "border" stance was their first step towards that end.
The reason any business or finance forecast were not done or published was because if you really knew how we are going to suffer it would have been a landslide to stay in the EU.

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 02:37 PM
Now, you've got Ms May. David Cameron was too "connected", had too many friends in high places to be thrown to the wolves. Along comes Ms May a real nobody in British politics. No matter what excuses you come up with us leaving the EU was, is and going to be a disaster and it's not the EU doing it. No matter what she does it WILL be useless. So after the sh** storm has settled they want a scapegoat and that is Ms May. I know it and more importantly she knows it.
The biggest problem was from Thatcher to May they never wanted the EU to work and they did their damndest to make sure it failed for us. When we first went in the people were promised we would have the same benefits as all the other EU nations. We have NEVER had the slightest benefits that the Germans had, the French had ETC. if we had there would never have even been a call for a referendum never mind voting to leave.
We've been shafted by our own government the whole time but they allayed their nastiness on to the EU and you believe them.

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

Personally? I have had to continue paying vat on such things as sanitary towels and tampons because the EU prohibits member states from removing VAT once introduced.
The same for Domestic fuel, Motor insurance etc.
I have had to spend significant amounts of time helping the Motorcycle Action group fight such insane proposals as, Motorbike Airbags, seatbelts and leg "protectors", type approval and a myriad other idiotic schemes that would ruin both the custom motorcycle industry and my quality of life.

I now have to wait almost a week to get an appointment with my GP where, prior to '97 I could get one the same day.
I have to provide "proof" that I am not some bloody foreigner every time I apply for a job, despite having a West country accent.

My driving licence has to be updated every ten years and has to have a notarised photo on it because the EU said so.
I can't go and buy a car for cash without filling out a stupid money laundering form (again brought in by the EU).
I can no longer buy duty free booze and cigarettes when travelling in Europe.
My wages are kept artificially low by the insane labour pool the EU free travel zone provides.
My energy costs more because of EU rules on CO2
My taxes don't benefit as many people as they used to because EU rules on government procurement does not allow the UK to favour British firms, sending them out of business or reducing their workforces.
Something like 10% of my contributions to the Rail, Maritime and Transport Union over a 20 year period were spent fighting EU directives that would slash the pay, conditions and total number of shipping workers in the UK.

And I didn't even have to think too hard about all of that.

One more thing, I am utterly unable to vote for anyone who can propose or rescind a law in the EU. that power lies exclusively with the commission who I have no say in appointing.

If you are gonna tax me and legislate me, I demand the right to select the person I want to do that.

edit on 38pSat, 09 Dec 2017 14:48:38 -060020172017-12-09T14:48:38-06:00kAmerica/Chicago31000000k by SprocketUK because: absolutely fantastic spelling

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
First a question for all you "brexiteers"? Just explain how you have personally suffered under the EU?

The Common Agricultural Policy led to the encouraged and paid for grubbing-up of thousands of miles of ancient hedgerows. This was the start of the industrialisation of agriculture in England and the collapse of fauna and flora.

I was not a Brexiteer per se, but hope that post EU we can be free to sort out the ludicrous CAP that has been so damaging to the English countryside.
edit on 9/12/2017 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 04:41 PM
If anyone is in any doubt about the insidious, deceptive Machiavellian

EU a few things from an article I came across........

This week in a largely under reported story the EU is taking
legal action against Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic for
refusing to accept their massive migrant quotas.
As the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants surged across
Europe in 2015,it was the Hungarians who could see that was bad
news and their own strict border controls, halting the flow so that
those unable to get to Germany remained in Greece and Italy.
Furious Brussels manderins said this was not acceptable, and insisted
that Hungary share the refugee burden along with other Eastern
European states. (notice states and not nations)

Angela Merkle acting as the de facto 'Empress of Europe' had Brussels
jump to her command and hoped to intimidate Hungary and the other
Eastern European countries by hitting them where it hurt most - in the
pocket, by threatening tocut off their flow of financial subsidies.
You only have to spend a few days in any of these beautiful countries
to understand how the shadow of Islamic conquest still hangs over them.
Many of their museums proudly display trophies captured from the Turks
at the siege of Vienna in 1683.

These nations are all now democrats and therefor entitled to protect
their own citizens and culture in their own way.

The Visegrad group rejected the demands of the EU to relocate some
160,000 refugees across the bloc.Out of the 11,069 migrants they were
allocated in 2015 they have only taken 28.

This summer *European Commission President*
Jean-Claude Juncker announced he was in favour of the EU taking
legal action against them *Not to make a threat* he said *but to make
clear that decisions that have been made by the EU are applicable law,
even if you have voted against them*


It is interesting to note that Hungary is also being taken to the ECJ over
laws it has introduced to counter the influence of Hungarian born
billionaire George Soros.
Soros is the speculator who made a fortune betting against the UK in
1992 sterling crisis.
A leading patron of the global liberal elite he is now using his billions to
fund his *Open Society Foundations* that spread his pro migration views
around the world especially in his former homeland.

By insisting on taking a train crash approach to legal action against
Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic it appears that the EU may well
be on course to forcing those proud countries to take a deep breath and
ditch the EU themselves.

I for one am glad we are getting out
Looks like others wont be far behind.

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 05:18 PM
If anyone is still in any doubt of just what the EU thinks of the UK!![/b]

EU museum of Europe sidelines Churchill while glossing over Germany’s Nazi past

A NEW £47million museum of European history is under fire for ignoring great Brits
such as Winston Churchill and William Shakespeare while glossing over German’s evil
Nazi past
Critics of the House of European History, in Brussels, also point out that revolutionary
British achievements like the television, railways and penicillin also go unmentioned.

However such questionable exhibits about the paper clip and the ballpoint pen - invented
by a Norwegian and Hungarian, respectively - are included.

Britain is credited with importing pyjamas from Asia and being the first European nation to abolish slavery.

The centre, which was part-funded by UK taxes, said it is dedicated to the 'history of Europe
and the process of integration’.

The only mention of Churchill, Britain’s Prime Minister during the Second World War, is in the form of a photograph of the Yalta summit, which does not feature a caption.

Landmark battles such as Dunkirk and D-Day which helped free Europe from the yolk of Nazi rule are also barely noted, as are the fallen soldiers from Commonwealth allies including Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
arlier this month Poland’s culture minister lashed out at the museum, saying it showed his country, as well as France and Ukraine, as being ‘complicit in the Holocaust’.

Piotr Glinski detailed his concerns in a letter on Friday October 6 to the President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani, which sponsored the exhibit at the House of European History.

He wrote: “This exhibition violates fundamental historical truth in matters of fundamental importance, omits many important historical facts and presents, in many cases, a biased interpretation of them.”

Mr Glinski said he received “numerous signals and letters” critical of the exhibition since it opened in May.

He continued in the letter that the exhibition’s narrative “shows that the greatest victims of World War II were Germans, without indicating their role as aggressors and initiators of the Second World War and without counting the civilian victims of German warfare throughout Europe”.


posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: eletheia

If anyone is still in any doubt of just what the EU thinks of the UK!![/b]

EU museum of Europe sidelines Churchill while glossing over Germany’s Nazi past

A NEW £47million museum of European history is under fire for ignoring great Brits
such as Winston Churchill and William Shakespeare while glossing over German’s evil
Nazi past
Critics of the House of European History, in Brussels, also point out that revolutionary
British achievements like the television, railways and penicillin also go unmentioned.

However such questionable exhibits about the paper clip and the ballpoint pen - invented
by a Norwegian and Hungarian, respectively - are included.

Britain is credited with importing pyjamas from Asia and being the first European nation to abolish slavery.

The centre, which was part-funded by UK taxes, said it is dedicated to the 'history of Europe
and the process of integration’.

The only mention of Churchill, Britain’s Prime Minister during the Second World War, is in the form of a photograph of the Yalta summit, which does not feature a caption.

Landmark battles such as Dunkirk and D-Day which helped free Europe from the yolk of Nazi rule are also barely noted, as are the fallen soldiers from Commonwealth allies including Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
arlier this month Poland’s culture minister lashed out at the museum, saying it showed his country, as well as France and Ukraine, as being ‘complicit in the Holocaust’.

Piotr Glinski detailed his concerns in a letter on Friday October 6 to the President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani, which sponsored the exhibit at the House of European History.

He wrote: “This exhibition violates fundamental historical truth in matters of fundamental importance, omits many important historical facts and presents, in many cases, a biased interpretation of them.”

Mr Glinski said he received “numerous signals and letters” critical of the exhibition since it opened in May.

He continued in the letter that the exhibition’s narrative “shows that the greatest victims of World War II were Germans, without indicating their role as aggressors and initiators of the Second World War and without counting the civilian victims of German warfare throughout Europe”.


European Union: You have two cows. EU pays you not to milk one cow, while instructing your government to send more money across so that they can subsidize a farmer in another country to buy a cow to milk. There is an overproduction of milk and other dairy products so they are placed in giant warehouses. More money is collected to create a museum of European cow history. EU then pays you more money not to milk the other cow.

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: stormcell

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: fusiondoe
Where are the protests? Are my fellow leave voters just going to sit there and tolerate what May has done. Sold us down the river completely.

What a gutless race of people we are that we are not out protesting, or even tearing Westminster to pieces.

I am no good on my own! I call for every member of ATS who voted leave-and your leave voting friends- to join me in storming Westminster.

We did not vote for this and I knew all along May was a sell out.

Ok I’ve calmed down now - But seriously what a joke. Why on Earth was a remainer ever put in power in the first place.

I don't think leaving the EU is a good idea at all, I never have. That being said, it's happening, badly but it's happening.

I'll join you in storming Westminster though, she's screwing the country up good and proper

She was a remainer, maybe this was her strategy all along?

The EU wants all our countries to become one super-country, the United States of Europe, with a single treasury, economic policy, armed forces, immigration policy. Many EU countries still have national service, where school-leavers serve in the miltary for a year. The UK would have to reintroduce this in order to conform with the rest of Europe.
That was always the plan; the British public would never go for it, especially after Word War II, but the politicians kept the plans secret for decades.

Source for this RE plans for NS kept secret for decades... Don’t disbelieve you. Just generally interested in reading more

posted on Dec, 9 2017 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: Azureblue

originally posted by: fusiondoe
Where are the protests? Are my fellow leave voters just going to sit there and tolerate what May has done. Sold us down the river completely.

What a gutless race of people we are that we are not out protesting, or even tearing Westminster to pieces.

I am no good on my own! I call for every member of ATS who voted leave-and your leave voting friends- to join me in storming Westminster.

We did not vote for this and I knew all along May was a sell out.

Ok I’ve calmed down now - But seriously what a joke. Why on Earth was a remainer ever put in power in the first place.

Looking back over whats happened with this matter, we can now see the purpose of the brexit vote was to take the heat out of the 'get out' push, and then undo it a year or so later as that will then deflate the push and put and end to it forever.

I wondered why some of the elite supported it, now I have my answer.

I must admit I never thought of it like that... I think there is some truth in what you say

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