a reply to:
Blue Shift
With all respect, I don't think there is a way to justify a person that compete to be the worst genocider of the History, in order to put him as kind
of model of human superation.
I don't think the correct word is Fascination, is more perhaps frustration for the apparent impunity, if we accept that he could escape from Germany
to South America. It is not admiration but more interest to also understand how a country can produce a so sinister character. Perhaps we are also
captived by the worry that produce to our generation to see so many young genociders committing massacres every month in America.
May be sociologists or social workers can learn a lot about this social phemonenon by studying and analyzing the way a psychological profile gradually
evolves to become a visible psychotic person, by sure he was not a megalomaniac since his early days, but there were seeds of that in his fanaticism,
his racism, predilection for the violence, he was not sent to a jail for to be a good citizen.
Hitler is a case that make us think why is so important to strengthen the Education on a country, to improve the capacitation of the teachers in order
that they be able to handle all kind of students and provide them, according with their talents but also of their limitations or particular physical
or psychological handicaps the best possible orientation.
Also his case is a red alert when in a country the access to competent psychological therapies and psychiatric treatments is so expensive that few
patients really can get access to them.
Again, without defending him at all, we most recognize that his paintings are still considered valuable in European Museums or Galleries, it intrigues
a lot how an adolescent that was gifted in Art became a terrible murderer.
How an adolescent that tried to be an Artist became a criminal is something that of course is interesting to be determined. I think there is a lot of
factors in his case, his family was not the best kind, there was material poverty, a terrible economic crisis on Germany after before and after WWI
that cut any opportunities of progress to millions of youngsters, and also the fact that in a so confuse scene political forces moved by
antidemocratic ideals were running and recruiting young people.
Now about the great achievements seemed to me you attribute to Hitler, I am sincerely skeptic about that, he just armed millions of people and
organized them to commit horrible crimes in collusion.
He expropiated a lot of capital on Germany and other countries he invaded from minorities he fiercely prosecuted and he presented that wealth invested
in public projects as an achievement of his administration.
Is that a merit? what is the merit in to take control of Volkswagen, Porsche or Mercedes Benz, that were already great companies before he arrived to
power and force them to produce vehicles used for the war?
Thanks for your comment,
The Angel of Lightness
edit on 5/21/2018 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)