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The pc crazy hits Canada hard

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posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: Nik0laTesla

" This person said I was a (Master) of basketweaving, how dare this person to say that. I'm calling the moral police!"

Harvard College ‘House Masters’ to get new titles because of slavery connotation

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: Nik0laTesla
It wont be long until we all will be forced to use gender neutral pronouns for titles if this trend continues.

I couldnt imagine getting a fine or a ticket for this crap....

" This person said I was a (Master) of basketweaving, how dare this person to say that. I'm calling the moral police!"

What's the difference in being offended by words and being offended by those who are offended by words?

Or being one who calls out those who they perceive to be offended by words, yet hasn't any clue what the others really think? Would that fall under "snowflake" or would it just fall under the umbrella of "SJW"?

Hmmm ... fair question. How would you categorize yourself?

as a nobody who is amused by stupid folk.

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: network dude

You are using an insulting word with "folk" as it means common people, as if there were better people... haha

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Wow. Nevermind then. The village idiots beat me to it.

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

originally posted by: Bluntone22
The word is not even a native word, it's English.
This crap makes my head hurt. Let's find problems where none exist.

Well, maybe some do exist. We all know that putting an ironic twist on a word can turn an honorific into an insult. Canada is currently engaged in trying to fix what's wrong with the way in which our Indigenous population has been and continues to be treated. It really is a daunting task to repair the results of 500 years of inequity, but we are trying to set a baseline from which we can all move forward. Some of these efforts are a little tough to understand...but sometimes we don't get to make the calls.

So, while this left me kinda scratching my head (and one MUST read the article for proper context), if it helps out just a little, then why not?

If anyone was to champion this cause, I knew it would be you. Glad you didn't disappoint!

I do a certain amount of work in the First Nations community, and as an archaeologist, I also take some shots from them. That compels me to try to think outside of my cultural experience and see where they are coming from. That's not a bad thing, especially in a time where we are trying to align our practice with the recent Truth and Reconciliation Commission and UNDRIP. Little things may mean a great deal, and every journey begins with a single step.

And while we are discussing the weight of words...what you slung out as an insult, I am actually taking as a compliment.

Happy trails, eh?

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: knowledgehunter0986
a reply to: Bluntone22

Ahh yes, the place I was born and raised. Where I live and work. My hometown and my heart.

Aka, the extremely socially progressive capital of the world.

...somebody help me.

Rob Ford would never let this stand! T-dot, get a hold of yourself!!

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

In all seriousness, this is of course ridiculous. The circumstances where chief indicates disrespect are extremely narrow — essentially calling an indigenous person "chief" when that person is in fact, not a tribal chief or holder of a title which includes the word like Chief of Police.

I'm not sure how the word chief shows disrespect for natives.

Because a tribal chief is of course an important person within tribal culture and calling a random indigenous person "chief" conveys a deliberate lack of respect for that culture. As in, "I can't be bothered to make a distinction."

There are all sorts of circumstances where common words can be intended and understood to be an insult. Sometimes it can come down to inflection. Consider the word boy. If you need an example for that one, 1:00 in the video:

edit on 2017-10-12 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: Bluntone22
In all seriousness, this is of course ridiculous.

From your perspective, maybe. On the other we have a white man telling a brown one how they should feel. Hmmmm....

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

I think you're doing great work (outreach/action/communication)-- the only thing which will make a difference, actually.
I don't believe scrubbing an offensive word from a language will erase the sentiment behind it, let alone removing a word which (as ante mentions) only offends in a narrow and specific context.
edit on 12-10-2017 by zosimov because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: zosimov
I think you're doing great work, (outreach/action/communication) the only thing which will make a difference, actually.
I don't believe scrubbing an offensive word from a language will not erase the sentiment behind it, let alone removing a word which (as ante mentions) only offends in a narrow and specific context.

I like when you broads do the smart talk thing between the making of the sandwiches and the opening of the beers. It's cute.

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

Actually thinking of another's feelings is foreign in some societies. Difficult to grasp.

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

I put mayo on everything. Just slather it right on. Even beer.

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: zosimov
I put mayo on everything. Just slather it right on. Even beer.

Just make sure the tomato goes over the lettuce.

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: Bluntone22
In all seriousness, this is of course ridiculous.

From your perspective, maybe. On the other we have a white man telling a brown one how they should feel. Hmmmm....

Sorry, but the brown ones often are telling the white ones how they should feel. It's a word that crosses over into other cultures, and indigenous people should be proud of that. Instead they get the pc brigade to do a little " we're insulted dance". Here at pow wows they need a certain amount of chiefs as representatives in opening dance. The chief of police is often one of the chiefs , even if he's not indigenous. I'm surprised they haven't made an uproar about this.

I think some groups in certain provinces are just more narrowly focused on the pc agendas, and are just looking for something to pounce on. It's what they live and breathe for... and it is makes them look immature and petty in my honest opinion.

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 12:36 PM
Haven't heard anything about this, haven't felt any impact of this, and won't be giving any second thought about this.... nor will 99.99999% of the rest of the population in their day to day lives.





But apparently it's a really really drastic and really really progressively regressively crazy bad libtard thing, eh.

Damn commie pinkos.

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 12:44 PM
This is a big, fat, juicy nothingburger. I don't think the world is going to come crashing down around our ears because a school board decides to change the names of a few positions.

Save some outrage for the stuff that matters.

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

So maybe we should just scrub every word that could apply to / come from them, and forget they ever existed in the process? They'd prefer that?? It's not like there are many around to notice (at least not from FL to MI).

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

From your perspective, maybe. On the other we have a white man telling a brown one how they should feel. Hmmmm....

It's rarely cut and dry but just because we can't always clearly define them, doesn't mean there aren't limits to how much individuals can be reasonably expected to alter or moderate their behavior and speech to accommodate the feelings of others.

For instance, I support trans peoples' rights to identify as whatever gender they are comfortable identifying as. If I know that a person who was born a biological male identifies as female, I'll happily refer to that person using pronouns corresponding to that gender such as "her" and "she." That's reasonable to me.

What I won't do is adopt an entirely new set of pronouns of that specific person's choosing. Why? Because the world isn't perfect. There's just a bunch of messy opinions and feelings. There's no ideal state to be achieved that can make every person happy in every possible situation. Particularly when what people are offended by is a moving target.

In the above example, what happens if I adopt "xe" and "xer" and then I encounter a trans woman who wants to be referred as "she" and "her" and takes offense to "xe" and "xer?" Who is the trans person that demanded I use the new set of pronouns to say how other trans people feel about being referred to by their preferred pronouns?

How do I reconcile that? Sure, I could commit to memory all the pronoun preferences of all the trans folks I know but what about the ones I don't know? What if I need to write something lengthy and the audience is comprised of people with wide ranging pronoun preferences?

That's why people should make a reasonable effort to not offend and also, people should make a reasonable effort not to take offense.

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Tomato over lettuce is a lie. The lettuce goes over the tomato otherwise the tomato juice leaches into the bread, changing the bread's consistency.

What kind of absolute troglodyte monster are you?

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Tomato over lettuce is a lie. The lettuce goes over the tomato otherwise the tomato juice leaches into the bread, changing the bread's consistency.

What kind of absolute troglodyte monster are you?

I don't mind if there is tomato juice in my bread, as long as it is not one of those greenhouse monstrosities with hard, pink flesh and a green knot in the center.
I hate those things.

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