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Teenager 'thrown out of school' for sitting during Pledge of Allegiance

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posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 12:12 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog
A yung un that did not have values instilled in em by their parents .
Probably another that will go for a PHD in Basket Weaving in college. No , not for a higher education , just a popularity major...

Gotta start weaning them off safe spaces, the sooner the better.

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 12:37 AM

originally posted by: kamatty
Its called nipping it in the bud.

School is for learning.

Ok, then there should not be a pledge.

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 02:48 AM
I'm fed up with this not standing crap, I'm not and never have been religious but when we we sent to churches to say goodbye to people who passed etc we pretended to sing the hymns just out of respect for the tradition so why can't these people just stand up and do the same even if they don't believe in it. We do things that are part of jobs or tradition all the time even if we don't like doing them.

I'm also a little miffed that this refusing to stand isn't because they have a genuine grievance but because its become a trend that's 'cool' to do. To be seen to buck the rules is steadily becoming more and more the way its happening and its not helping any country in its outward appearance. In most cases rules are there for a good reason yet I watch society more and more go against rule even if they are for their own safety or health. Seriously, how hard on you is it to stand for 2 minutes or less even if you are going through the motions, do you really hate the country you are in enough to start this sort of behaviour, why have you not left it to go and do your own thing elsewhere, but no, you stay, take the money and do this crap.

Does this 17yr old even understand why she is refusing to stand, I'll bet not, I'll bet she has little or no understanding of the complex situations behind race, religion, following rules etc.

The youth of today, just say NO and then much later ask why you are being told to say it or even worse NOT question why you are saying it which breaks one of our true freedoms as humans, to question why...Its how we learn..
edit on 11-10-2017 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: Mclaneinc

I'm in the military. I'm a United States Marine. If st 17 I know why I want to stand for my country, I think she is able to understand at least somewhat why she doesn't want to. I understood the complexity of our nations in high school. Hell, if my friend can be accepted into Harvard at barely 18 for just that reason, his political understandings, and have friends at 16, 17, and 18 go to political conventions because they actually want to then what's to say this girl, this young woman genuinely genuinely does not like what her country is at the moment? I may no longer be a teenager, but I also think we don't give them enough credit. No one asked you to stand in church. Just as you respect the churches beliefs the church should also have tolerance of yours. You don't have to like it, but tolerance goes far and wide.

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 08:06 AM
If the pledge is not mandatory, why are you kicking her out of school?

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 08:06 AM
Modern law is designed to be blasphemous to the christian god. Using doublethink so they can dominate and make you think they somehow help. They are basicly seeding the pond and making up # to invade your lives with taxation without representation.

Sitting for the anthem..who cares.

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Where did I say threatened? I said intimidation

yes and questions still are valid.

Just replace Threaten with Intimidate which is synonym for threatened anyway.

How is intimidating to fans to see their star football player kneeling?

Like The other poster said, if you meant influence then yeah, almost every celeb has more influence and can influence people to vote for who they want when compared to politicians.

But intimidation, please explain.

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 03:10 PM
How about leave politics where they belong.

I wait for the first Muslim NFL prayer that stops the came during prayer time now I think about all this.

a reply to: knowledgehunter0986

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: knowledgehunter0986

This is the problem with allowing politics to leak into every aspect of your life, politics by nature is supposed to be divisive, and we just so happen to be living in one of the most polarizing times in history. I'm starting to believe this is all by design.

And throw on top of that, the fact we are also living in the most narcissistic and entitled era, where the entire world is now connected with a simple touch of a button and anyone with an opinion now has the platform to express it. This part doesn't have much to do with the OP, but I thought i'd touch on something I believe plays a pretty significant role in society, and one of the main reasons we have become so polarized. Also in my opinion, the driving factor for the whole SJW movement.

Social media is Social Engineering's wet dream.

I agree the principal, and probably the school staff, went too far. It's polarized, unfortunately. This instance might be isolated though. However the polarization isn't, far as I see.

What I think is occurring isn't driven by an all powerful elite, but instead by organic interaction. I think people, by our nature, we seek security, sometimes over freedom. If you look at the internet and all its social venues, many are tightly controlled. It's hard to find a populated forum anymore where it's unmoderated or moderated loosely. This isn't endemic to the internet, it crosses over into RL too. In some cases it's stronger in RL and only now crossing over onto the internet.

What happens is years and years of security accretion bloats the law system and changes our behavior as much as it's affected by it. It's not a closed system; not a one-way street. As our technology, knowledge and infrastructure build, the affect is amplified. You can't control something without the means. When does this bloat become unhealthy? If and when hte civilization falls. However, the population might readily adapt and it might never collapse.

Sometimes I struggle to see a future where we AREN'T permanently affixed to our computers and so far removed from our physical reality we can't be classified human any longer. I don't think this is necessarily bad. I see it more as a reaction, or adaption. I acknowledge it's my own limits and biases at play, more likely than facts, making me think this way.

Something I've explored in the past is why do some people seek freedom over security, even when it's a threat to their life? Are they masochist? Indeed, some of them pursue risk like hungry predators. Are they abusers, misled or mentally impaired or insane? These same people also seem to have a strict ethic of personal responsibility and self-reliance, despite the extreme absurdities this stance can amount to.

By contrast, some people seek security too strongly. Freedom is suffocated and artificial. Everything is orchestrated, or roleplayed. These people live under so many rules, they never really live. And htey frequently blame problems on others or on their own psychological or physical faults.
edit on 10/11/2017 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: knowledgehunter0986

sue the snot out of the school district. the pledge of allegiance is bs to begin with.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 02:14 AM

originally posted by: anotherside
Modern law is designed to be blasphemous to the christian god. Using doublethink so they can dominate and make you think they somehow help. They are basicly seeding the pond and making up # to invade your lives with taxation without representation.

Sitting for the anthem..who cares.

And when Christianity is looked upon as passe', it will be the perfect time for Islam to rear its head and become the new IN thing to do. The art of war is sneaky as $#it. Soon all them libs will be kissing their korans in the classroom instead.

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