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North Korea set to test missile capable of hitting America, says Russian politician

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posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 12:34 PM
Airspace only refers to a set distance from the surface, or given altitude.

posted on Oct, 9 2017 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: yuppa

And according to the one is innocent.

So that obviously includes all the Christian Arabs too then, and there are a lot of them.....

We are all sinners and will die one day for it. Its human nature. all because eve just had to get uppitty and get tricked by that Thug satan into eating that apple.

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 05:26 PM
Anyone else think the below aircraft being spotted, point to North Korea close to firing their next missile?

Both Constant Phoenix are currently airborne, one of which flew over Seattle headed NW 4 hours ago. twitter source

A Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations jet was shown landing in Vladivostock an hour ago. (Just north of NK border)
Also random Japanese air defense flights.

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: Olivine

Not really. Constant Phoenix is only useful if they detonate a weapon where they can get a sample. The MES aircraft is a transport.

Cobra Ball is already in Japan. That's the one that would be most useful for getting an idea of a missile test.

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: midicon

WE are STILL here to stop the planet ,so screw off WE aren't paying the damn BILL,and I won't need to.
Bitter islanders and their assessments aren't really POTENT when their asses were sold to the US protections by CHEAP leaders.
Caste minds from the FATHERLANDS still don't get it,IT'S THE GUNS,silly.

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 06:12 PM
I invite them to test their missile by firing it over the United States, like they did to Japan.

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: gps777

Funny how America has the capability to hit any other nation on the planet, my own nation also the same capability, but North Korea are not welcome to participate or to the Nuclear table.

To be honest i find the whole show to be rather racist.

The Book of Revelations in the Bible describes four races:

1) The White Horse
2) The Red Horse
3) The Black Horse
4) The Pale Horse

The problem is the pale horse.

Here is what it says;

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. -- KJV, Revelation 6:8

The pale horse is either Japan, China, or Korea.

Right now, it North Korea is acting up like if it fits the description of the Pale Horse, willing and threatening to use death and destruction, and all the radiation fall out that follows is the "Hell followed with him" that comes after the N.K attack.

So, people are just being watchful.

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 06:23 PM
It is not rocket science we as in USA and soko is going to war with noko. Matter of when, it's gonna happen with no warning. Like we are sitting here now blah blah blah in and some kinda of headline will pop up on tv and will become 24/7 coverage til the power goes out and scary times will start then.. it's gonna happen kids the scary thing is it's war it won't go as planned just ask the Germans.. if I had to guess it will be the missile test, that will trigger Kim.. or trump I dunno 2 lunatics last I checked the the potus needs congress to declare war.. who knows with trump and oh ya we are still at war over there anyway so maybe not..

posted on Oct, 10 2017 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: AMPTAH

You do realise that all prophecy is self-fulfilling in that a prediction directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behaviour.

We should indeed be watchful so as to avoid repetition of our past historical transgressions, but humanity has both a penchant for repetition and destruction. Organised religious practice simply reinforces the current paradigm we follow as a race, hell will be of our own creation really.

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 04:19 AM
Looks like Kim blinked? that`s very strange for NK. At the momment it looks like Trump made him pull his head in a bit.

a reply to: AMPTAH

The Book of Revelations in the Bible describes four races:

1) The White Horse
2) The Red Horse
3) The Black Horse
4) The Pale Horse

Its commonly understood to be, the four evil forces upon the world, not races.

1) White- Roman Catholic Church
2) Red-Communism
3) Black-Capitalism
4)Green Islam
Pale green a transliteration, which is more correctly Chloros, which is green.

As it says God has 4 Angels holding these forces back from annihilation each other, until He removes the restrainer in the end.

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 07:52 AM
I didn`t know it was so bleak for the US Naval forces.

THE US Navy in the Pacific has a problem.

Not only has it lost two of its most advanced air defence destroyers to avoidable collisions at a time of intense regional tensions, there are reports its crews are on the brink of exhaustion — and revolt.

The Navy Times has revealed a catastrophic collapse of morale aboard the key guided missile cruiser USS Shiloh — one of only a handful of ships capable of engaging North Korea’s ballistic missiles.

“If we went to war I felt like we would have been killed easily and there are (people) on board who wanted it to happen so we could just get it over with,” one sailor wrote.

“It’s only a matter of time before something horrible happens,” another predicts in an anonymous survey of the Japan-based USS Shiloh’s mission preparedness.

But these are just a few words among a flurry of expressions of discontent:

“Our sailors do not trust the CO.”

The ship’s a “floating prison”.

“I just pray we never have to shoot down a missile from North Korea ... because then our ineffectiveness will really show.”
‘Pray we never have to shoot down a missile’: US Navy survey reveals extent of Pacific crew despair

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: AMPTAH

You do realise that all prophecy is self-fulfilling in that a prediction directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behaviour.

If that were true then all the ridiculous fail prophecies would have happened, 2012 Y2K and a bucket load just on ATS, kinda shoots that theory out of the park.

But I take it that your only referring to Biblical prophecy, well heck everyone and his dog knows that can`t be true but is to blame for all the woes known to man kind. So its scoffed at and people say where is this Christ fella I thought he was coming last week? etc just as the Bible predicted.

Israel becoming a nation again, breath of life put back in to their bones, gathered from a hundred odd nations, life given back to the land of Israel that bloomed from the waste land it had become, their language came back, hated by the world, Jerusalem becomes a trembling cup for the world. All predicted from over 2000 years ago.

Israel will never be defeated and cease to exist again, even when they were vastly out numbered and attacked by all Muslims nations wanting her destruction, Israel was quickly victorious. I could go on, but your welcome to believe as you wish, far easier to believe God doesn`t exist there was no beginning everything came from nothing and when it did we all evolved from primordial goop into intelligent beings knowing internally right from wrong, that way people aren`t held accountable, Yeshua never existed and didn`t die for our sins and concur death so we might believe and be saved from our arrogant greedy lustful murderous unjust wicked ways . People love their darkness more than the light which is again umm just as predicted.

But it must be all self fulfilling, that takes some faith of some kind.

A "secret" well not obvious, message and prediction from Genesis.

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 09:32 AM
The level of preparedness for our Navy is alarming, considering we spend 3 times more than any other country on our military. Where in the hell is half a trillion a year going? Our equipment is supposedly out of date.. our forces are not prepared. I'm so happy we spent our money firing people from agencies that help American people, and ignored what in the hell is happening with our military spending!

posted on Oct, 11 2017 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: fleabit

You realize that covers everything, right? That includes pay, base upkeep, fuel, maintenance, procurement, R&D, the whole nine yards.

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 04:49 AM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: midicon

WE are STILL here to stop the planet ,so screw off WE aren't paying the damn BILL,and I won't need to.
Bitter islanders and their assessments aren't really POTENT when their asses were sold to the US protections by CHEAP leaders.
Caste minds from the FATHERLANDS still don't get it,IT'S THE GUNS,silly.

You can't pay the bill, unless of course you can bring the dead back to life. It is true that cheap politicians have sold off their integrity and peoples to the American protection racket. Nations either bought off or threatened, all under the guise of American benevolence.
America, the land of the gun, and by extension, the bomb and rocket. In reality it is the land of fear where citizens have to have guns to protect them from their fellow countrymen. You couldn't make it up. In a strange twist of oppositeness and blindness the USA as a nation epitomises that imaginary armed burglar who enters your' home to rob and kill. It is just called American foreign policy.
I don't know what a 'caste' mind is but I do know it's all about the guns...

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: gps777

Well if the Bible was true or the existence of God established i imagine he would have turned up by now and solved all our problems.

Do the math mate, what do you think is more lightly, it all being a collection of fabrication with Mans fears and fallibility at play or some big anthropomorphised omnipotent sky God that cares about your eternal soul and tells you that you're a special creature but if you don't do as he says condemns you to an eternity hellfire?

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

I`m not having a shot at you Andy, I know its hard for you to fathom and how silly it can be put to make it sound.

I`m glad you mentioned the "math"the prophecies in the Bible are outstanding and of our probability of even existing, have you honestly thought about that?

I can`t comprehend the overwhelming % of speed of precision needed for the universe to exist that Theoretical Physicists have calculated.

If the rate of expansion one second after the Big Bang had been smaller by even one part in a hundred thousand million million, it would have recollapsed before it reached its present size. On the other hand, if it had been greater by a part in a million, the universe would have expanded too rapidly for stars and planets to form.
Read more at:

Try and wrap your head even remotely close to the probability of the universe existing at all, let alone us and everything made to sustain us, mans evil etc But I didn`t come to believe in God by studying math or even the Bible some 30 odd years ago, i believed because I woke up that there must be a God and I knew my life was wrong, my faith has waned at times though that`s because of me being weak, not because there isn`t an abundance of evidence etc

This is a decent video on it, don`t let the title put you off.25mins

People think that 3500 years ago the people were almost dumb cavemen.

In watching the above vid, then watch this short video on just the first 7 words of the Bible and the complexity of it, that science has only recently discovered, science has a long way to catch up to God if we`ve only caught up to these words in theory.

There are many hidden things behind the words in the Bible, things that blow me away constantly, I know people hate the Bible or believers of it.

But to your first question "wouldn`t He of turned up by now" He has always been here. If your talking about Yeshua/Jesus that is fast approaching and He`s not coming back happy, he comes to judge the nations and world. Recent prophecies "signs" we were to look for have just taken place. Much more is prophesied to happen, heck the whole book is almost prophecy and as God had said "I am God there is no other, there is none like me, telling the end from the beginning" . Heck Sodom and Gomorrah you can visit the ruins of and see the sulfur balls embedded into rock and scattered all around. The tests done on the sulfur found that the sulfur was nearly pure, unlike volcanic sulfur.

But where is He?

3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

Just as foretold people would say, If I had a dollar for every time I`ve heard this from people.

Anyway Andy I wanted to post some things to think about because I have somewhat done the math and Gods hand wins overwhelmingly, best get on topic.

Kim just made more threats..

“We have already warned several times that we will take counteractions for self-defence including a salvo of missiles into waters near the US territory of Guam, an advance base for invading the DPRK, where key US bases are located, as the US has resorted to military actions in sensitive regions, making the waters off the Korean peninsula and in the Pacific restless,” the statement reads.

“The US military action hardens our determination that the US should be tamed with fire and lets us take our hand closer to ‘trigger’ for taking the toughest countermeasure.”

North Korea threat: Guam again in Kim Jong-un’s sights

This and the threat of an EMP maybe launched from a NK satellite that`s being reported in the US, oh man stuff of troubled times ahead and that`s just this area of the world.

edit on 13-10-2017 by gps777 because: beta grandma

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: gps777

Certainly, entertain the notion of a creator, but as to the biblical version of events, well let's just say that science has proven rather few concepts contained within said book to be complete and utter bullcrap, main contender being the age of our Earth for a start.

The universal constant, phi, pi seems to suggest some underlying rhyme to the reason of reality, so if there is a God his language is going to be mathematics me thinks.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Yep God is Mathematical as well he created it, the age is another misconception easily looked at as literal, but it doesn`t say anywhere the earth is 6000 years old.

What it says is that "a day is like a thousand years to God" its a figure of speech, like if I said "back in my day" there is no time frame given.

More importantly though its said in a prophetic way, if we were to take it in its literal sense, we would be at around the 6000 year mark or 6th day of creation of man, the next day is the Sabbath the day of rest, now here the thing, Yeshua comes again and judges the world and its destroyed as we know it soon to take place, then Yeshua`s reign on earth Satan thrown into the pit and bound and will be a 1000 years of peace, which is the 7th day Sabbath 1000 years of peace. Which when look at this way is amazing of coarse imo.

After that Satan is loosed once more, I don`t presume to know why, but at a guess maybe its us humans that need the trials of life and God never wanted automatons, He wants people to know love and believe in Him out of free will and even entered into His creation and sacrificed Himself and bore sin for us all that we may live through Him. I know how bizarre that sounds and hard to fathom, but when understood it makes perfect sense to those who understand it lol.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 11:09 AM
Here's an idea for stopping NK missiles after they are launched. A "Fence" formed by 3 or 4 U.S. destroyers, stationed permanently in the area.

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