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The Ignored and Suppressed Opium and Other Substance Addiction Solution

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posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 09:41 PM
What happens with Opium? The drug is taken for pain killing or to just feel good. It works by elevating the feel good chemicals in the brain like Dopamine. It slowly shuts off the ability of the brain to produce these chemicals. The addict has to keep increasing the dose to just feel normal after some time of use. If the addiction has went far enough the addicts will die if they don't have the next dose. And if they keep increasing the dose it will eventually stop their heart. Other drugs like alcohol work on the brain in a similar way.

One solution is CES Cranial Electrical Stimulation. I bought a device used in the video's below that costs about $200. You use it for 20 minutes per day. It has six settings. The first setting is what Pete Townsend of "The Who" used to get off Heroine. I no longer crave drugs like alcohol anymore. I may drink a couple beers once in a while but I don't have any fear of getting addicted because I can always go back to the device. My mood level is much higher and it takes much more to get me irritated.

Bob Becks Story of the "Black Box".

Success with a device more expensive than the one I have used.

Military use of Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation, Dr. Stein's Testimonial to Disparage the Truth

Alternative Pain Killer Superior for Long Term Pain

edit on 25-8-2017 by Doctor Smith because: insert

edit on 25-8-2017 by Doctor Smith because: space

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 09:48 PM
I have long term chronic pain due to many back surgeries. Been on tons of pain pills for years. I don't take anything anymore. Those things are the devil. This technology looks interesting...

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
I have long term chronic pain due to many back surgeries. Been on tons of pain pills for years. I don't take anything anymore. Those things are the devil. This technology looks interesting...

Same here pokey joe,
My job in the "field"
led to multiple spine surgeries and opiates
really are the devil for many.
Returning home in Oct 2004 by
Oct 2005 I was getting really good at abusing painkillers.
Proud to say I haven't had a painkiller in 12 years.
Never ever heading down that road again.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 10:26 PM
Actually, these pain drugs increase the release and uptake of endomorphins to control the pain. Then our bodies make more and more enzymes to break it down and they have to keep upping the dose just to stay at the same point. It is treating the symptoms, not the diseases or conditions. At this time it is hard to block the enzyme that breaks it down with no bad side effects.

There are better ways and the better ways can fix the condition or disease. Many times the conditions are perpetuated by eating foods you cannot break down properly from inadiquate enzymes. The metabolites build up in the body and they cause inflammation. Finding out what foods you are intolerant to can help, but the person has to do this, A doctor only sees you for twenty minutes, he can't do crap. These metabolic intolerances are not always allergies, allergy testing does not work. Everyone is different, we have to find out ourselves, ask your relatives if they have ever had problems and how they solved the problems.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 10:35 PM
Opium works on receptors that stimulate euphoria, and as stated above, so were aware of the mechanics of it. There is a drug called Gabapenton that shuts off the receptors, thus pain can not be received by the brain. A much better pain medication. And if not abused, is quite effective. In this case dosages work best by using the prescribed dosage and in fact 'Less is more". Small doses work better than trying to self medicate with higher dosages.

It was designed for seizures and epilepsy, but as discoveries would have it became a good alternative to opiates. I use it and am quite satisfied with it's ability to stop pain. It has changed my life from one of an invalid to one of mobility.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 10:35 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Many times the conditions are perpetuated by eating foods you cannot break down properly from inadiquate enzymes. The metabolites build up in the body and they cause inflammation. Finding out what foods you are intolerant to can help, but the person has to do this,

Very well said. I've come to this conclusion also.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 10:41 PM
I cured my back problems with first a Chiropractor. Then I started taking a fluid form of Karate which made the Chiropractor obsolete. I found that Yogo like exercises increased strength and flexibility and normality in the back and rest of body. Now my back is normal.

If you have a severely damaged back my treatment (exercise) may not work. The correct strain of Marijuana will kill the pain and may help heal. If you don't like the "stone" feeling don't worry you will build up a tolerance to the "stone feeling" but it will still kill the pain. Some strains will kill pain and not put you to sleep like AK 48.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: Plotus
Opium works on receptors that stimulate euphoria, and as stated above, so were aware of the mechanics of it. There is a drug called Gabapenton that shuts off the receptors, thus pain can not be received by the brain. A much better pain medication. And if not abused, is quite effective. In this case dosages work best by using the prescribed dosage and in fact 'Less is more". Small doses work better than trying to self medicate with higher dosages.

It was designed for seizures and epilepsy, but as discoveries would have it became a good alternative to opiates. I use it and am quite satisfied with it's ability to stop pain. It has changed my life from one of an invalid to one of mobility.

Neurontin can have some bad side effects, especially increased suicide risk. In small doses it may be a decent treatment of the symptoms, but wouldn't it be better to figure out what is causing the problem? I get sore from eating tomatoes too often, I can eat a tomato product maybe once a week and have no problem. I never used to eat tomatoes much but my wife loves pastas and pizzas. I feel bad if I do not eat what she cooks. She will not eat anything I cook that she does not like, she will cook what she likes. So why do I feel bad, I must be nuts.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 10:51 PM
In my case arthritis. seems to run in my family. However you are right about Tomato products. V8 spicy hot looked yummy, so I got four liter bottles. While the taste was great, it was a big mistake. Can't have any more of that now.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: Plotus
The wife is particularly affected by food made with chili sauce. This sauce is a concentrate of tomato and contain tomato seed. These seed are very problematic I think.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Actually, these pain drugs increase the release and uptake of endomorphins to control the pain. Then our bodies make more and more enzymes to break it down and they have to keep upping the dose just to stay at the same point. It is treating the symptoms, not the diseases or conditions. At this time it is hard to block the enzyme that breaks it down with no bad side effects.

There are better ways and the better ways can fix the condition or disease. Many times the conditions are perpetuated by eating foods you cannot break down properly from inadiquate enzymes. The metabolites build up in the body and they cause inflammation. Finding out what foods you are intolerant to can help, but the person has to do this, A doctor only sees you for twenty minutes, he can't do crap. These metabolic intolerances are not always allergies, allergy testing does not work. Everyone is different, we have to find out ourselves, ask your relatives if they have ever had problems and how they solved the problems.

Wow! You had me in the first paragraph. Completely lost me in the second.


posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: DaCook

Completely lost me in the second.

Do you find the second paragraph hard to understand or simply ridicule affirmation?

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 11:45 PM
More Wow. What a bat crap crazy thread this is. There are no super foods that cure anything except hunger. How in the world, does opiate use equate relate to food? Friday night happy hour? No way.


posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 11:47 PM
a reply to: DaCook
No one said there exist superfood curing everything, did I miss something?

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 11:47 PM

originally posted by: Cofactor
a reply to: DaCook

Completely lost me in the second.

Do you find the second paragraph hard to understand or simply ridicule affirmation?

No, it is pure bs. Nothing more.


posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: DaCook
May I ask the rationale behind your belief this is pure BS? Not that I want to convince you but maybe you can convince me I am delusionnal with some good arguments.

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 12:11 AM
I have plenty of first hand knowledge here. They do work (opiats) but you have to have some self control. The tolerance build up, running out, withdrawal cycle is no bueno.
Chiropractors are md drop-outs. Sorry to all the back crackers on here, it is what it is.
The ones I've been to never work and the answer is always........more appointments. Haha, genious. I swear some that I have been to will tell you with a straight face that your common cold is caused by a displaced rib.
In my field of work it is odd to see the difference in meds by race. It's never been talked about widely, but I see black people with seroquil, gaba, and tramadol. The whites have hydro's (or other opiats) and muscle relaxers.
Strikes me as odd.
I would try this though. The electric spinal implants are getting traction now too.

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 01:25 AM
Pinched my sciatic nerve when I was younger.
Had a Dr prescribe me Oxys for the pain.
Well you can guess how fast that got out of hand.
Before long it was a $500 a day habit.

4 years, 2 months and 23 days sober for me.
Owe it all to Suboxone.
Now I'm trying to get off that.

I'm going to check this thing out for myself and see if it can get me off the subs.
Thanks OP!

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: DaCook

More Wow. What a bat crap crazy thread this is. There are no super foods that cure anything except hunger. How in the world, does opiate use equate relate to food? Friday night happy hour? No way.


You do know that the intestinal lining has over 100 million neurons, right? The same that are effected by things to make the brain work, like, why they call it the second brain?

And the vagus nerve may not be a one way street?

Go on doctor, tell us more.

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

I just want to stop drinking. I honest to god do.

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