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There Are No "Races"

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posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 03:28 AM
The notion that humankind is divided into major groups having distinct physical or ethnic characteristics is a relic of primitive thinking. In today’s world, the distinctions between major groups are not as sharp as those between individuals of all groups, at least in civilized societies.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 03:29 AM
a reply to: tonycodes

The only real conspiracy is who the hell made us all beleive we are different races and coined the phrase racism and racist. The whole "races" way of thinking is based on dividing society.. Which is a different post altogether. lol

it's been going on for millennia, ancient egypt viewed the much darker skinned numidians as inferior, rome's views on north africa was pretty much the same, the moors believed light skinned peoples to be weak so cultures have always viewed themselves to be better than others, india still uses the caste system.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: tonycodes

Nice to hear.
Since there are no races, that must mean that there are no racists either.
It would be difficult to single out a race that is greater if lesser than others if races do not exist.
Very good news.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 04:44 AM
a reply to: tonycodes

The idea that one human being was separate from another, purely because of the characteristics of their bodies, or their place of origin, was one pushed most and hardest, by slave traders, variously.

Ancient civilisations, in the main, cared very little about what a persons origins were, preferring instead to accept them or not based on whether they had grown up in the host culture, or had adopted the cultural norms thereof. For example, a willingness to learn to read and speak the language spoken in the host culture, could confer upon a person of differing origin to the culture he or she became a part of, the same respect that any other person would ordinarily have for a member of their culture.

In fact, here in Britain, the Syrian who became famous as St George, was a hugely respected fellow, despite being from other lands than those populated by the "indigenous" population of the British Isles (which were not known as such at the time in any case).

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 04:54 AM

originally posted by: VengefulGhost
Goodluck getting them to get that through their tiny little heads .

If there is no race, what "them" are you referring to?

And do you not see the irony of your post?

I do.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 05:22 AM
OK, lets not use the word race then. However we need a word to describe obvious differences in people due to genetic expression.
Using dogs again. Lets agree a Great Dane and a Chihuahua are just that, dogs. Then you must either be blind or so confused by PC to say that they are 'the same'.

They are not the same, even if they are just dogs.

They will differ in character like cheese and chalk, they will differ in heredetary illnesses, behaviour and intelligence [Chihuahuas being obviously cleverer than GD - I have seen it in action].

Not only that. Chihuahuas are also known as 'cat dogs' because they won't smell of dog, they lack a certain gland for that.

Some difference in looks has also an effect on behaviour. I have noted that in my many guinea pigs. The peruvian [either long or short haired] are by far the cleverest.

Eye colour in cats can have a direct influence on hearing [congenital]:

There are dogs 'looks' that somehow make certain dogs highly intelligent and others that make them obstinate and stubborn.

Pure breeds also suffer from congenital disorders, every breed has certain illnesses linked to their breed:

So dogs are not just dogs. They are pretty different from each other.

We should also forget 'race' in humans too, instead we should use the word 'breed'. There can't be any doubt that what is true in other mammals with a variation of breeds, must also be true in humans, unless we are somehow very special mammals and not of natural origin. This is sad for the 'we are all the same' brigade but it is absolutely natural and unavoidable.

So why not celebrate our differences, instead of telling us a square is round? What is that going to achieve apart from dissonance and confusion?

I love our differences, please keep them.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 05:32 AM
The only way to end this is for genticists to find a way for us to alter and choose our skin color...cant be that hard to do now can it......once we can choose.....the racism game is over.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 06:11 AM
Im going to go out on a limb here and say you were just on facebook and saw the Bill Nye speech given to people graduating then decided to dumb it down and use it to rant. I agree that we should have got rid of racism years ago but a few small minded people keep it going.

But, as a species we are stupid, we cling to outdated belief structures and we fail to help each other unless it directly benefits us.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: tonycodes

Get a rottweiler to say it's the same as a chiuaua.

#chuaualivesmatter !

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 06:19 AM
Can't we all just get along?

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 06:34 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666
OK, lets not use the word race then. However we need a word to describe obvious differences in people due to genetic expression.
Using dogs again. Lets agree a Great Dane and a Chihuahua are just that, dogs. Then you must either be blind or so confused by PC to say that they are 'the same'.

They are not the same, even if they are just dogs.

They will differ in character like cheese and chalk, they will differ in heredetary illnesses, behaviour and intelligence [Chihuahuas being obviously cleverer than GD - I have seen it in action].

Not only that. Chihuahuas are also known as 'cat dogs' because they won't smell of dog, they lack a certain gland for that.

Some difference in looks has also an effect on behaviour. I have noted that in my many guinea pigs. The peruvian [either long or short haired] are by far the cleverest.

Eye colour in cats can have a direct influence on hearing [congenital]:

There are dogs 'looks' that somehow make certain dogs highly intelligent and others that make them obstinate and stubborn.

Pure breeds also suffer from congenital disorders, every breed has certain illnesses linked to their breed:

So dogs are not just dogs. They are pretty different from each other.

We should also forget 'race' in humans too, instead we should use the word 'breed'. There can't be any doubt that what is true in other mammals with a variation of breeds, must also be true in humans, unless we are somehow very special mammals and not of natural origin. This is sad for the 'we are all the same' brigade but it is absolutely natural and unavoidable.

So why not celebrate our differences, instead of telling us a square is round? What is that going to achieve apart from dissonance and confusion?

I love our differences, please keep them.

The definition would be Phenotype.



posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: tonycodes

I am posting this here bc its almost like you have to be mentally ill to be a racist.

Just really shallow, as in skin deep.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 06:44 AM
actually, most of us are a mixture of two, or maybe more humonoid species.
we're a mixture of neaderthal and cromagnon. the only place they have found humans living in the world today that don't have a little neaderthal genetics in them is in some areas of africa.
most of us are a bunch of hybrids.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 06:59 AM
Black people smell different, so do Middle eastern people. It is probably the spices and foods most eat that give them their smell. I cannot detect a different smell from Asian people very often. Must be a difference in the spice chemistry. I can smell people from India. I can smell some Native Americans too, but then again it depends on their diet.

Could the smell of these spices be what makes people sense a difference?

I have nothing against any different color person, but I can usually smell a difference. I wonder if a Northern European ate middle eastern spicy food all the time if they would smell like a middle eastern person? I cannot eat too much of their normal spices, I have tried and they taste ok if you eat a little but get overpowering if you eat too much.

I wonder why I cannot distinguish the smell of Chinese people? I have not been around Japanese that much, so do not know if they have a different odor. I would guess that some of these other skin tone people can smell me also. I am not alone in my ability to smell people. It could also be a difference in enzymes and or the microbes that live symbiotically in people too. I just know I can much of the time smell the difference, but have not bothered perfecting this because it isn't worth persuing.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: dawnstar
actually, most of us are a mixture of two, or maybe more humonoid species.
we're a mixture of neaderthal and cromagnon. the only place they have found humans living in the world today that don't have a little neaderthal genetics in them is in some areas of africa.
most of us are a bunch of hybrids.

And that 'science' is the root of racism.

We are all human...

surprised at you.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Black people smell different, so do Middle eastern people. It is probably the spices and foods most eat that give them their smell. I cannot detect a different smell from Asian people very often. Must be a difference in the spice chemistry. I can smell people from India. I can smell some Native Americans too, but then again it depends on their diet.

I've heard asians say when they walk into an american restaurant the people there all smell like fat.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 07:04 AM
Everybody knows the Irish are the superior race, all people need to do is acknowledge this and bow down to your superiors.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: rickymouse

Black people smell different, so do Middle eastern people. It is probably the spices and foods most eat that give them their smell. I cannot detect a different smell from Asian people very often. Must be a difference in the spice chemistry. I can smell people from India. I can smell some Native Americans too, but then again it depends on their diet.

I've heard asians say when they walk into an american restaurant the people there all smell like fat.

I am sure white people have their smell too. I just cannot notice it because I am around white people most of the time up here where it is winter over half the year.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 07:12 AM
And cannibals think clowns smell funny.

edit on 25-8-2017 by ADSE255 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 07:18 AM
There is only one race, and right now, we are all losing it.

The climate is changing, whether you accept that it is by the hand of man or otherwise, but no one seems to be making adequate preparations for the time when sea level rise seriously threatens cities and nations. We keep permitting our leaders to do ever more insane things, in the name of a country whose people they summarily fail to adequately represent the honour or decency of. We, as a species, are finding it hard to differentiate between inexcusable hate, and the necessary will to combat it.

There is a whole solar system out there, but we are spending more on weapons than on science and its advancement. We are restless, but we no longer visit the Moon, and Mars, with the greatest respect to those intending missions there in the near future, is too far off and too many days travel away, to make the trip viable unless all members of the crew are suicidal as well as brave. We complain bitterly about terrorism, but even though our governments swear they no longer fund it, they sell arms to the very nations through which they used to pay their proxy agents in the terror legions, which is as good as continuing to deal directly with their intelligence assets. We complain bitterly about the price of energy, yet continue to rely on oil despite the fact that it has not been necessary to do so for over fifteen years. We resist new technology because we want the economy to be stable, but we complain at the cost in lives and liberty, cannot decide which it is we value more, the lives and the liberty, or the stability and comfort which are the luxuries afforded only by spinelessness and weakness of an inexcusable variety.

We detest the government, but some of us seem hell bent on making it worse and worse, term on term, at doing its job, electing worse and worse officials at every possible step. We want freedom, and we think we can have it by putting out our wrists and begging to be shackled by oppressive regimes, which sap liberty and freedom and remove equality from our lives.

We are losing the race, the human race, because we refuse to accept that unless we all cross the finish line together, we all lose.

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