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It seems like a little refresher of what "Freedom of Speech" means is needed

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posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: kruphix

Until they police that behavior out of their group then yes. As far as I have seen from the many many videos posted online, BLM has some serious racist members and a lot of them too. I have yet to see people apart of any rallies where obvious racist behavior goes on condemn, speak against, or try to stop it from going on. To anyone looking at them they will be,judged by the company they keep until they make it clear that's not what they stand for...which they have not done.

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: kruphix

originally posted by: 4N0M4LY

originally posted by: kruphix

originally posted by: 4N0M4LY

originally posted by: kruphix

originally posted by: 4N0M4LY

originally posted by: kruphix

originally posted by: 4N0M4LY

originally posted by: kruphix
a reply to: TobyFlenderson

Not sure I follow what you are trying to say.

I don't really care about permits for protests...if you are trying to say it is the counter protesters fault because they didn't have a permit...then I disagree.

I tend to blame the groups who publicly say they are a hate Unite The Right.

Ahem, you forgot to mention Black Lives Matter and Antifa to the list.

Ok, go find me the official messaging from BLM and ANTIFA that specifically says they are about hate against another group.

You do realize you are just defending Neo-Nazi's and White Supremacist in an indirect way by making statements like that...right?

Couldn't careless if you or anyone thought so. Nazi - KKK - BLM - ANTIFA = all hate groups. PERIOD. Black Lives Matter hate white people / police /( #stomptheflag)- remember that? Lets not forget when they attacked a well know confederate history group holding a rally on Stone mountain. Yeah so peaceful. Antifa are an anarchist group - pretty much anti-government and anything resembling authority and anti-patriotic.

So....where is the public statement from BLM claiming they hate white people and that is the reason for their group???

And ANTIFA is Anti-Fascist...not anarchist.

But you go ahead and listen to your alt-right talking points instead of listening to what the actual groups say they stand for.

I already posted a rap sheet of it in a different thread. BTW do your own research. I don't give handouts to lazy people. I don't expect you to believe anything I say. I post it for what it is. Like it or not I don't shy away from the truth. It seems like all you know how to do is label people anway. Good luck with that strategy, you won't go very far with it.

I voted for Trump so I'm alt-right. Go figure.

You made the claim that BLM/ANTIFA were hate logically that would suggest you need to provide the proof of that.

I'm not going to "go do my own research" on something that I already know is false. This is why I was asking you to provide the proof...because I knew you couldn't.

And surprise can't, and to deflect you try to tell me to go find it myself. It's so predictable it's almost funny...but it's too sad to be funny.

The question isn't if you voted for Trump....the question is do you still support him?

Your problem, not mine, if you are too lazy to look. It's solely on you, not me. Duh, if I voted for him. I will always support him. No president is perfect but he is not Hillary. So there is that.

You can call it what you want. I don't owe you anything lol.

Ok, so let me get this straight.

1. You make a claim
2. Someone asks you for proof
3. You tell them that THEY need to find the proof themselves

That's just a great way to indulge your own ignorance and a creative way to never have to have evidence for your own beliefs.

And just wow on your undying loyalty for Trump because you voted for him. So in your mind, there is nothing Trump can do to lose your support???

LOL. Sure. Calls me ignorant and knows nothing about me. Classy. If I choose not to show you, deal with it. Honestly the amount of articles is too much for me to post because I'm at work. Trump so far hasn't done anything to upset me other than failing to get some measures passed due to the democrat side of the play pen. After what happened this last election. I will probably never go back to voting for another democrat for years to come.
edit on 14-8-2017 by 4N0M4LY because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: kruphix

I tend to blame the groups who publicly say they are a hate Unite The Right.

That's facile. I'm not overly familiar with Unite the Right but am lead to believe that they are white supremacists. I therefore disagree with their belief system. However, it is clear to me that many on the other side appeared with hate in their hearts as well. It is not logical to condemn what others do to justify doing the same thing.

Among the reasons for putting "free speech" in the 1st Amendment was the belief that the market place of ideas was the best way to eliminate bad and wrong ideas. That important function of the 1st Amendment is stymied by people who refuse to let others speak. Another function of the 1st Amendment is as a steam valve. Allowing people to rant, it was believed, would make them less likely to behave extremely. We all know from personal experience that just being allowed to be heard is half the battle. Not only is this function stymied by such actions but it causes the opposite result, it creates additional steam with no outlet. That is a dangerous situation.

I have no affinity for white supremacists but believe that the group wisdom of the founding fathers to put it in the constitution was greater than the "wisdom" of people who want to shout down anyone who disagrees with them. I believe in civil discourse, not rock throwing.

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: kruphix

originally posted by: 4N0M4LY

originally posted by: kruphix
a reply to: TobyFlenderson

Not sure I follow what you are trying to say.

I don't really care about permits for protests...if you are trying to say it is the counter protesters fault because they didn't have a permit...then I disagree.

I tend to blame the groups who publicly say they are a hate Unite The Right.

Ahem, you forgot to mention Black Lives Matter and Antifa to the list.

Ok, go find me the official messaging from BLM and ANTIFA that specifically says they are about hate against another group.

So if the kkk came up with a good natured mission statement you'd support them? No matter how their actions seemingly always speak to the contrary? Hey but you can't forget those good samaritans who helped that Asian news intern. “Stop! He’s not white! He’s Asian!”

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