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I Just Want To Say I Told You So. RE: LGBT

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posted on Aug, 9 2017 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: Dfairlite
a reply to: Abysha

You don't think that perhaps the personal liberties we've gained as a society has simply lent to people coming out of the closet?

The only generation that has anyone coming out of the closet is millennials, so those personal liberties must not be doing much for everyone else...

Do you really think "acceptance" makes people gay?

Do you think stigma kept people from acting on their urges?

Do you think you could be gay if we all accepted you enough?

If I was confused and young and impressionable, absolutely.

you people keep shoving your LGBT agenda down our throats with your weird backwoods arguments.

The irony is too much!

Dude... Dude, thats not even whats in this month's issue of "The Gay Agenda" magazine, or "The Scum-Bag F*g Mag" as us world-ending degenerates call it. This months issue is all about how to further distance ourselves from Caitlyn Jenner, 10 easy ways to make your shorts shorter, is brunch relevant anymore?, and an interview with lil Kim's alleged gay lover. Nothing about recruting the young and impressionable. That's so 2004.

posted on Aug, 9 2017 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: ParasuvO

The LGBT community is not about choice..but about being like them.

Like everything is a religion with control groups and is governed...tells everyone how it is and that is supposed to be CHOICE?

Just another group of SLAVES.

LUCIFER would disaprove..think about that one for a second in thy limited minds.

Really??? Because it seems to me like it's a bunch of straight people who are always trying to make gays straight, or at least act like they are, not the other way around. I know of a few Religious "Turn you straight" camps but I've never heard of any "Turn you gay" camps.

What would Lucifer disapprove of exactly and wouldn't that make it a good thing for him to disapprove anyway???

posted on Aug, 9 2017 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: Dfairlite
Back when the whole gay marriage debate was raging, I was assured by everyone who supported normalization, that more people wouldn't become gay/lesbian/bi/trans. After all, "its not something you choose," they said. Well, you were wrong. I was right. Hahaha. (I'm not actually laughing, this is quite sad).

Of course their reassurances were based on nothing more than wishful thinking and ignorance. We all know, no one acts in a vacuum and if you normalize any behavior, it encourages people to do things they wouldn't otherwise be inclined to do.

So here it is:
Since 2012 people identifying as LGBT has increased from 3.5% to 4.1% an increase of 17% (definitely not statistical noise). Giving even more credence to my assertion is that ALL of the gain came among millennials. No other generation saw an increase in LGBT identification.

Millenial: 2012: 5.8% 2016: 7.3% (That's an increase of 25% for those keeping score)
Gen x: 2012: 3.2% 2016: 3.2%
Boomers: 2012: 2.7% 2016: 2.4%
Tradition: 2012: 1.8% 2016: 1.4%

If people were simply more open to identifying now that it's become normalized, we would see gains across generations. After all, there should be the same percentage of people born gay at any given time so the only reason for an increase at all is less fear of reprisal. Yet it seems only the young and impressionable are identifying more readily. Hmmm, who would have predicted that? Oh, that's right, me (and many other reasonably minded people).

But if that wasn't enough to convince you that, yes, I was indeed correct about what would happen. Take a look at the numbers since legalization of gay marriage by generation. (legalization, nation wide in June 2015)

Millenial: 2014: 6.3% 2016: 7.3%
Gen x: 2014: 3.4% 2016: 3.2%
Boomers: 2014: 2.7% 2016: 2.4%
Tradition: 2014: 1.9% 2016: 1.4%

Boomers should be identifying in much larger quantities if the theory of the left was to hold water as they're getting older and the legal benefits of marriage should be causing even those who wouldn't have otherwise identified, to identify. Gen Xers should see the same trend and millenials should be seeing just the results of less stigma. Yet again, only the young and impressionable millenials are showing gains. How is that possible? Well I was right, that's how.

Yes, some people are born with those urges. I'm not an idiot (I was right, after all) I know there are those out there who don't 'choose' one way or another. But people are stupid and many do choose one way or another, especially when something is normalized.

Data from Gallup. link


This is NOT a MUD PIT TOPIC and is NO LONGER in the Mud Pit!!!

You are responsible for your own posts.....those who ignore that responsibility will face mod actions.

You think you're smart, but you're not. All this data proves is that it's more acceptable now than ever before to ADMIT you're gay. Plenty of people have always been gay, but they hide it -- now more people are coming out, that's not a surprise with the rise of community support.

Your stats do not support "more" kids being gay, as there is no baseline metric to compare it against -- you're just another boob that doesn't understand how statistics work.

No; a 65 year old secret will stay a secret even if it's acceptable, because YOU don't feel comfortable with revealing it, especially since your peers aren't as accepting as a 14 year olds are today.

To put it another way; growing up with people and friends and family that don't accept it, just because the world now is more accepting, doesn't mean your friends and family would accept it. A new kid doesn't have to fear losing anything by revealing it, while a 65 year old fears [reasonably too, I might add] losing most of the important relationships in their life.

You are a tool, plain and simple.
edit on 9-8-2017 by SRPrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2017 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: SRPrime

It's a 0.6% change from 2012 to 2017.

That number could be accounted for by individuals becoming adults in the intervening years.

Kids who were born from 1994-1999 turned 18 in the last five years.

By and large, those kids have never had to hide their sexuality.

I would have actually expected a larger increase. However, the OPs assertion that Obergefell caused this difference is absurd ... for multiple reasons.


posted on Aug, 9 2017 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

How do you choose to be gay? That's like choosing to eat 2 weeks old burrito you found in a dumpster in a hot weather.
I'm sure you know people who were straight then "went" gay or bi. Those people are called bisexuals. Those people are the only people who can "choose" to be attracted to either sexes.

 If a transgender can use a bathroom because they identify why should I be arrested using the ladies room because the mens room was full?

*Groans* Sounds like a bad joke. That's like asking why Buck Angel should not be arrested for using women's bathroom if they don't know who he is.

posted on Aug, 10 2017 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: Dfairlite

Or is could be that older generations suppressed and changed their sexuality earlier in life, many of them leading less-happy lives because they've spent decades living falsehoods.

I don't think people are born straight and think, "you know what? It's hip to be gay now, so even though I'm into women, let's give this gay thing a go!"

No, I think what's happening is a lower percentage of gay people are deciding to convince themselves (or just outright living a lie) that they're straight. 40-60 years into denying who you really are, most people aren't going to suddenly change. I think it's pretty clear it's just less millennials are lying to themselves.

posted on Aug, 10 2017 @ 03:29 AM
Not more people are becoming LGBT... What a ridiculous conclusion.
More people are coming out being it, they have been gay all the time, they just couldn't come out before.. It's called taboo and it is slowly fading..
I am not gay btw, I just don't give a # that people are or not..

posted on Aug, 10 2017 @ 06:28 AM
thinking about whether the decrease in older generations identifying as LGBT recently has anything to do with the explosion of vitriol and threads like this all over the internet in recent times - older people being exposed casually to the truly horrible things their peers have to say about people like them, and decide to bury back into the closet rather than have to deal with that bile directly - and i wonder just how much of the irony of that is lost on the sort of people who start these threads

posted on Aug, 10 2017 @ 06:40 AM
still SUPER keen for one of these people alleging you can choose to be gay to prove it by choosing to be gay for a while and letting us know how that goes for them

posted on Aug, 10 2017 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: continuousThunder

They always ignore the question did you choose to be straight.

posted on Aug, 10 2017 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: Dfairlite

If people were simply more open to identifying now that it's become normalized, we would see gains across generations. After all, there should be the same percentage of people born gay at any given time so the only reason for an increase at all is less fear of reprisal.


Older generations are less likely to openly identify as out-of-the-norm sexual affiliation.

Hell..Nursing homes have more closeted gays than any place on earth.

They are also more likely to not like modern music...and a ton of other things.

That is simply the way it works.

posted on Aug, 10 2017 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: soberbacchus

SMH... Are you saying that with more acceptance, it's normal to see people out in the open go back into the closet?

posted on Aug, 10 2017 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: continuousThunder

Are you arguing against gender fluidity?

posted on Aug, 10 2017 @ 07:10 PM
I don't know why I should even comment on this thread, there are already some great comments. I don't have any strong opinions on whether homosexuality is good, bad or neutral on society. It just strikes me as very weird (in a very objective way) that homosexuality even exists, and we (even at this modern date) have no idea why this exists, or what causes it.

With that said -- here is what I am almost sure is the answer to WHAT CAUSES HOMOSEXUALITY:

#1. Same sex preference is a genetic condition with an environmental trigger.

#2. The genetic condition is shared by around 50% of the people.

#3. The trigger is your first pleasurable sexual experience.

#4. Once you are triggered, you can't be un-triggered.

So -- if you have this genetic condition, you can be triggered either to be straight or gay, and once you have been triggered, that is the way you will remain. If you don't have this condition, you will just find the entire idea of same-sex preference confusing and can never understand same-sex preference at all. You probably find it viscerally distasteful (or perhaps not.)

The genetic condition I speak of is probably clear as day -- it probably has many factors, but is probably related to how how androgynous you naturally are, and how strong your sex drive is. People with this genetic condition can be triggered either way. And as I say above, once triggered, that is the way you will be from that point on.

If the above is true, you can probably eliminate or reduce (or increase) same-sex preference via environmental controls (such as limiting pornography, for example), and if you promote same-sex preferences to the max, about 50% of the population will have same-sex preference, but no more than that.

I don't have any links to cite any of the above, or evidence, this is just my hypothesis. But it makes sense to me. I wish I could test this accurately, in particular the percent of the population with this genetically programmed propensity.

I just wanted to put my hypothesis out there, and don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable or angry.

edit on 10-8-2017 by PassiveInductor because: Clarification

posted on Aug, 10 2017 @ 08:23 PM
I think it's time to stop conflating sex with gender. Gender is meaningless. Sex determines which bathroom you use or if your license has an M or F.

Just like hair color.. your drivers license will say Brown, even if you really want to be Blonde and bleach your hair.

There may be some rare double gene expressions cases, but I don't think it's enough to start making special accommodations about. There are thousands or rare conditions, it's not possible to accommodate everyone.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: ItsNotIronic

okay so what about all the natural variations in colour between blonde and brown? we live in a wild world full of differences, let's not pretend there is a single shade of each colour and that everyone falls into categories like "obviously brown" or "clearly blonde". where do you draw the line in the sand to distinguish which side the blondey browns and browny blondes fall on? and who gets to draw the line? will cops start carrying hair colour swatches to compare against the Official Chart? why do we have to get so het up about hair colour? can't people just live their lives?
you've done really well with this analogy, it makes my point superbly

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: ItsNotIronic

Did the DMV verify your genital status when you got your license?

If not, then the M or F is what you stated.

How can we trust that, as a society?

Under your system, before any of us uses a public facility, we need to go to the Genital Verification Officer and get checked out, you know, just to make sure.


I have a counterproposal. My genital status is not your concern. Use public facilities for their purpose and move on without the obsession with other people's privacy.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 02:19 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: ItsNotIronic

Did the DMV verify your genital status when you got your license?

If not, then the M or F is what you stated.

How can we trust that, as a society?

Under your system, before any of us uses a public facility, we need to go to the Genital Verification Officer and get checked out, you know, just to make sure.


I have a counterproposal. My genital status is not your concern. Use public facilities for their purpose and move on without the obsession with other people's privacy.

Wait, are you saying that wasn't a real test!?!?

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 02:32 AM
a reply to: ScepticScot

Considering the excruciating experience of most DMV visits ... I'm actually surprised they don't have someone there in rubber gloves ...

Maybe I should hush ... I don't want to give them ideas.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: ScepticScot

I think the important question is, did you leave the guy a tip after your exam? Or did you leave the poor sod hanging?

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