posted on Jul, 9 2017 @ 04:55 PM
This is a weird topic for a conspiracy site, but I literally cannot find a forum that is used by restaurant managers/owners and employees.. so I'll
try and explain this well enough for a lay person to catch on.
In corporate restaurants there are all these strange marketing rules that have been common place for decades..
All these weird phrases you should or should not use and all these crazy tactics meant to make the customer feel more comfortable.
Such as they tell you you should never use the term "speacials" and instead should call things "features".
Also it is commonly thought that if you have the chairs pulled out a few inches it makes the customer feel more comfortable and want to come in..
There are many more and it doesn't only apply to restaurants. I'm sure there are countless other crazy little policies in other businesses meant to
influence their clientele.
Well I would like to know where I could find how they came to these conclusions and what studies established these hypotheses.
Was there actually double blind studies done, or is this all stuff that has basically only been circulated by restaurant people and after that kinda
became a self fulfilling prophecy??
I kinda wonder if it isn't more the case of some corporate marketing group trying to justify their existence.
Kinda like some company asked..
"Now why are we paying y'all again?? "
And they just made some stuff up that sounded good and from there restaurant people started spreading their bs and it caught on..
edit on 9-7-2017 by JoshuaCox because: (no reason given)