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Boxed in: Life Inside the 'Coffin Cubicles' of Hong Kong – in Pictures

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posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: Bone75

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
Witness the Liberal Utopia!

Actually, Hong Kong is the closest thing to Free Market Capitalist Utopia on the planet.

So is the US but plenty of progressives operate here.

Actually the USA has nothing on Hong Kong.

Hell the UK is above the USA now.....

No Hong Kong lays in their little coffin cubicles like good little sheeple because of the progress made from living in penned off areas with chicken wire just a decade before now. These people are livestock.

Economic freedom does not = standard of living.

Its a fact there market is thebmost unregulated in the world.

That does not stop a tiny a tiny peninsula from becoming overpopulated.

I know everything in your brain has to be left or right but this is not a left or right issue, just a issue of to many people living in too small of a area....
edit on 12-6-2017 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: Bone75

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
Witness the Liberal Utopia!

Actually, Hong Kong is the closest thing to Free Market Capitalist Utopia on the planet.

So is the US but plenty of progressives operate here.

Actually the USA has nothing on Hong Kong.

Hell the UK is above the USA now.....

No Hong Kong lays in their little coffin cubicles like good little sheeple because of the progress made from living in penned off areas with chicken wire just a decade before now. These people are livestock.

People are livestock? Sounds like a capitalist utopia to me.

posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 06:10 PM
Its real easy to get people to volunteer to move themselves....... 10 acres and a mule.

posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: knowledgehunter0986
a reply to: stosh64

This is pretty rough. I was just about to say "I'd rather be homeless on the streets", until I remembered the nights when I was homeless wishing I had warm shelter for the night.

All I can think about is how claustrophobic, insanitary and unhealthy it is to live in that box.

They might as well be coffins.

On a navy ship the beds are so small you can not roll over if your shoulders are a good size, so how is this different? It is a place to sleep and not much more...just having a place to put your stuff and sleep is actually fantastic! You do not need to spend all day there. You eat at the 1000s of eateries in Hong Kong, hangout at the WiFi cafes etc, hell see a

posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: knowledgehunter0986
a reply to: stosh64

This is pretty rough. I was just about to say "I'd rather be homeless on the streets", until I remembered the nights when I was homeless wishing I had warm shelter for the night.

All I can think about is how claustrophobic, insanitary and unhealthy it is to live in that box.

They might as well be coffins.

On a navy ship the beds are so small you can not roll over if your shoulders are a good size, so how is this different? It is a place to sleep and not much more...just having a place to put your stuff and sleep is actually fantastic! You do not need to spend all day there. You eat at the 1000s of eateries in Hong Kong, hangout at the WiFi cafes etc, hell see a

It doesn't look fantastic.
It looks tiny little hell holes.
And I doubt they have the income to hang out in cafes, dine at the 1000's of eateries or see a movie when they want to.
edit on 2017-06-12T18:37:08-05:002201712America/Chicago6 by c2oden because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: tadaman
I would be looking for a home tree like in Avatar or some other place high up and a bit away from the masses.

Of course I would be also hope to have something like this.

posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: c2oden

It doesn't look fantastic.
It looks tiny little hell holes.
And I doubt they have the income to hang out in cafes, dine at the 1000's of eateries or see a movie when they want to.

I'm not saying it is fantastic...I'm saying it is more room than on a Navy It is also good to have a safe place to sleep and keep your stuff...

So do you visit Hong Kong a lot? The whole damn city eats out every day it is how they live.

posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 11:50 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: Bone75

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
Witness the Liberal Utopia!

Actually, Hong Kong is the closest thing to Free Market Capitalist Utopia on the planet.

So is the US but plenty of progressives operate here.

Actually the USA has nothing on Hong Kong.

Hell the UK is above the USA now.....

Wow, THIS place, Hong Kong, ranks #1 in "Economic Freedom" according the Heritage Foundation, Washington's Number One Think Tank?

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 12:13 AM
When it's not outright slavery: somehow everyone thinks it's kinda ok.

Is it not another kind of slavery?

Who in their right mind, would willfully subject themselves to those restrictions?

And to what restrictions do we all subject ourselves, without questioning?

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 01:57 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
Witness the Liberal Utopia!

Small footprint, when you die they seal your room with a few nails then fork lift you to your final resting place. The efficiency of keeping the worker bees of the hive maintained and disposable at the same time has to give this human experiment top remarks among the liberal elite. If some freedom loving idea sprouts up in society all they have to do is send out a tweet to their hives and they will swarm just to get fresh air and exercise while pushing the progressive agenda.

Haha, didn't you notice? If you look closely, these are just customized, refitted and repurposed ovens gathered from crematories who are replacing their ovens, these real estate guys bought em on the cheap and put em to good use.

Now when you die, they just remove any valuables and flick a switch, incinerating the remains and killing all microbes, then a 2nd switch activates the HVAC unit that sucks all the ashes into a barely noticeable slit along one of the corners, and also replaces the air with fresh air and helps cool down the inside of the apartment more quickly as the computer will have automatically assigned the next occupant to the room before Sanitize Protocol is even finished.

But don't worry... The jet flames that come out of the ceiling have only malfunctioned 3 or 4 times this last year. A vast improvement. And since worker shifts are 12 to 16 hours, it usually happens while nobody is inside, so, about 2 out of 3 times, an oven malfunction does not result in a death, only a total 100% loss of property...

Of course, there is a rumour going around that these ovens are sometimes set to "malfunction" as a punishment from EvilCorp. For example, Roddy Piper Jr decked his supervisor last summer, after he found he was harassing his wife, Tiffany. That very night, his oven malfunctions... Except, it REALLY malfunctioned this time... We had no idea they were This psychotic... They tweaked his fuel feed, in order to cook him a little slower than the usual instant death associated with the intense heat of these things...

(the sick thing is, nobody can afford heat, so, during the wintertime, it is considered a great stroke of luck for a neighbor to die in the middle of the night, preferably near the start of nighttime, OR, equally fortunate, would be for your neighbors coffin to don't get me wrong, these businessmen were clever and had these things made to be very efficient. They don't want to waste any extra fuel crisping your sorry butt when you die. As miserly as they were, there was just simply no way to stop a lot of this heat from escaping into the nearby lofts, and speed was of the essence which means very high temperatures, so all the neighbors surrounding the "hot potatoe" had lasting warmth in their apartment all through the night, and, as a side effect off the greed of the owners, the high efficiency, combined with prudent preparation by the occupant, allowed for a bit of warmth leftover to enjoy after work the next day. Of course, the coffin unit that was sanitized wouldn't have much warmth left after the vacuuming/air replacement process was finished. By the way, oxygen isnt free either, and if you wanna have any energy at all when you wake up, you better pay your oxygen bill. While you are in the unit, you can turn the air on. Some people like to splurge and turn the oxygen up in their room while they sleep, others are very frugal, going as far as to buy and attach a facemask with hose hooked directly into their room's oxygen system, so no air gets wasted when you open the door in the morning to go to work, and again when you get back home)

...his wife Tiffany, who bunked next to him, (law doesn't allow 2 people in one unit other than for repair and mainanance purposes, if a job requires that 2 workers be in the unit at the same time, but other than that, even husband and wife cannot sleep in one of these, as the Health Department has deemed it to be unsafe, unsanitary, and inhumane... and since sex in public is illegal, they have essentially outlawed sex for the poor...cause you have to be able to afford a room for 2, for at least one night, but who can afford $120? So the bosses use this as an incentive...they have "employee pleasure suites" of varying quality, to be awarded to deserving employees who cannot otherwise afford to be intimate with their husbands/wives) said she could hear his screams going on for hours, but her door mysteriously jammed (these computer controlled electronic locks have a way of glitching up sometimes at the Worst possible moments), and nobody else could hear anything since, in an unprecedented move, every "cell" surrounding both Tiffany and Roddy Jr happened to be vacated at the time of the malfunction...all the correspondant occupants, and several others to make it look a little better (but make no mistake, they WANTED us to know what they did, they just didn't want it to be able to hold up in court) happened to be called in for questioning on a seperate matter.

Rudolpho Alonso Alfonso III, a Russian Expat living in Hong Kong (and who later became infamous in the widely, and wildly, successful "Attack of the 12-pronged spear", a co-ordinated rebellion among 12 workcamp cities, of which only one was struck down by the Iron Heel before it had any chance to even catch even a spark of the raging inferno both metaphorically, and literally, burning over the rest of the countryside. Unfortunately, that one final City was all the tyrannical corporate overlords needed, that, and government approval, which it owned. They took each city back one by one in the most brutal, most heartbreaking, and most inevitably hopeless manner even we never thought possible. Sealing their unshakeable grasp over humanity for centuries to come...) was one of those questioned that night. And although he was not one of the Piper's neighbors, he saw them, they were all part of the same group, essentially, and, anyway, he said it was very obvious the way the officers were dragging their feet, and he already suspected they were being kept away from their bunks, but he thought it was an excuse to thoroughly search their "cells", which nearly gave him a heart attack at age 28, since he had some Very subversive papers, mostly highly encrypted, in a type language one of the other revolutionaries had invented. It was psychologically designed to be harder to decrypt and translate for the corporation's code breakers, as he was privy to their training practices for over 3 years while he was assigned janitorial duty in their sector, he played "dumb", pretended to be "slow", initially to get out of hard labor, but quickly began to realize how much less strict people were with him. He could get away with little "goofups" here and there, like dusting the wrong office, or forgetting to hang the keys up on the rack at the end of the day, the keys to all the doors in his sector... After a year he was doing the work of 5, sometimes 10 agents. 2 years of solid intelligence proved to be quite valuable, and, after he was finally given a promotion which took him out of that sector and

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 02:22 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
Witness the Liberal Utopia!

Small footprint, when you die they seal your room with a few nails then fork lift you to your final resting place. The efficiency of keeping the worker bees of the hive maintained and disposable at the same time has to give this human experiment top remarks among the liberal elite. If some freedom loving idea sprouts up in society all they have to do is send out a tweet to their hives and they will swarm just to get fresh air and exercise while pushing the progressive agenda.

Seems you know # all about hong kong or the outside world......not surprisingly really.

Hong kong as some of the moxt deregulated and free markets in the world.
Pretty much everything is privatised.

This houing problem is due to the fact a country of nearly 7 million people live in a area of 2,755 km2.

Where is the progressive outrage in their controlled media? Where are the UN ships and plane tickets to mass migrate them across the globe (with free sports cloths and iphones) to save them from these conditions?

How should I know? I dont live there or speak Cantonese so I dont watch or read there media.

And lots from Hong kong do immigrate.......TO THE UK! The UK has a very large Cantonese (thats the people who live in hong kong) population.

They are very anti socialst though fearing the encroaching of main land china so I am guessing they do t have much of a progresss left.....

And lots from Hong kong do immigrate.......TO THE UK!

Oh, well good then. See guys? UK is accepting all these Hong Kong refugees, and giving them free clothes and free iPhones. So, something IS being done about this humanitarian crisis. See at first I was thinking "yeah sure, the wealthy Honk Kong residents who can afford to travel/relocate on a whim are coming to the UK in droves, I can imagine" but then I realized it would be against your values to mock the underpriviliged so dirisively.
edit on 6/13/2017 by 3n19m470 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 03:19 AM
Wow, you guys are thinking about this the wrong way....

Like the navy guy said, there are westerners volunteering to live in similar conditions right now. I spent a season on a fishing vessel and my bunk in the focsl was smaller than that. It was adjascent the very load and very hot engine room to boot. 24/7 diesel engine, 90 degrees everyday.
I kinda liked it.

I bet alot of those folks choose that in honk kong as well. If i were single and not looking i would live in one of those and save my money. Heck, if i were going to visit HK for 3 months, i would stay in one of those boxes.
I wish we had stuff like that here. I will ALWAYS sleep in my truck rather than spend $70 minimum just to catch a z and maybe a shower....

Maybe if they had options like that around here, there would be more upward mobility. Cheapest rent you can get is probably around $300 renting a room with 6 other kids.

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 03:51 AM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

People who are not stooped from having no where to stretch their bodies out properly, or anyplace to stand up in their own homes. People who will be more productive because they will have better access to light, the space to relieve joint and muscular stress correctly, people who will have less long term ailments relating to their joints and muscles, and therefore a population which remains work ready for longer, and thats just for starters.

Also, a proper amount of space in the home would allow those who are of a mind to do so, to become more proficient at things like inventing new technologies or improvements for old ones, because more room would allow them space to tinker. This would bring in revenue to China, by allowing people the space to have and test small ideas in their homes, as opposed to relying on their workplaces for such a thing.

Limiting the cost of living to a decent degree, would also permit these people to be better consumers of products made and sold by Chinese businesses, yet again improving the strength of the economy from the ground upward, rather than relying solely on big business interests from abroad, and their use of Chinese labour and companies, to shore up the public purse. It will have this effect, because if the mere process of living is not as expensive, there will necessarily be slightly more money available to the citizen to consume luxury goods. This will mean less government money being spent to stimulate growth in total, while laying a more solid foundation for the economy there as a whole.

The evidence is clear, by the way, that a society which supports its workers well, has better, more driven and capable work forces operating in it, than a nation which does nothing but torture, starve, and restrict the movement of its employees.

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 11:16 AM
Looks better then what I have to look forward to as an Ameican on disability.

posted on Jun, 20 2017 @ 09:17 PM
Just bookmarking for later.

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