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Evolutionists, how do you explain this?

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posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: ReyaPhemhurth

originally posted by: Noinden
a reply to: Masterjaden

Son, I work as a scientist.

Evolution is observable (its just a very long process) and measurable (if you understood bioinformatics you would understand this) . You are either (a) Ignorant (willfully or unknowingly) or (b) grinding an axe, based on your own biases.

Next time, try to keep up.

There's no excuse for unknowingly being ignorant when they obviously have a wealth of information at their fingertips on the net. So, I'd go with they''re willfully ignorant. Anyone 'trying' to argue against the science that is being spelled out to them within this thread (and anyone who refuses to do any research on the same computer they're posting on here with) is willfully ignorant.

Scary, huh?

well said....ignorance is the new "cool" in certain segments of the population. if one cannot figure it out for themselves, they assume nobody could be smarter than they are, and thus, they look at the claim with suspicion, and disbelief.


And it used to be where ignorance could nearly be shrugged off because you could say "Oh, they don't know any better." But for all of these people on here who are blatantly ignorant, there's no excuse. It's simply ignorance and them attempting to change the facts to fit their opinions instead changing their opinions to fit the facts.

posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: jimmyx

ACtually it's usually the opposite, it's usually people assuming that others are SMARTER than they are and more capable of determining reality and anyone who disagrees with the paradigmic establishment MUST be stupid.

I am not stupid, nor do I lack the necessary intelligence to come to valid conclusions. I would be happy to have a comparative general knowledge and/or iq test contest with anyone in this thread.


posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

This is the typical liberal tactic. When you can't argue just talk down to and belittle the opposition. Please try to come up with a cogent argument rather than spouting fallacy...


posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: Masterjaden
a reply to: jimmyx

ACtually it's usually the opposite, it's usually people assuming that others are SMARTER than they are and more capable of determining reality and anyone who disagrees with the paradigmic establishment MUST be stupid.

So tell us then, what is your educational background? Are you really trying to imply that a person without an education in the related fields knows more from google searches than someone who spent 6-10 years (or more in many post grad students) who exclusively studied the areas being discussed? It must be such a huge burden to know all the answers to everything and not be able to get through to all those paradigm carrying knuckleheads!with their silly degrees and hands on knowledge of the topics we are discussing.

I am not stupid, nor do I lack the necessary intelligence to come to valid conclusions. I would be happy to have a comparative general knowledge and/or iq test contest with anyone in this thread.


The fact that you thInk that an IQ test is somehow synonymous with knowledge, particularly regarding your knowledge of the MES is innitaelf indicative that you're a little out ignorance your depth. Intelligence, wisdom and knowledge are all vastly different concepts.

The fact that you continuously lie in thread after thread and post after post all while continuing make false statements to support your position which you both refuse to and are incapable of supporting with anything resembling a scientific citation... it's sad and certainly not remotely indicative of resembling the above statements you have made. For the record, I don't think anyone thinks you're stupid and I've certainly never seen anyone allude to something if that nature. But intelligence and knowledge aren't the same thing.

posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: Masterjaden
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

This is the typical liberal tactic. When you can't argue just talk down to and belittle the opposition. Please try to come up with a cogent argument rather than spouting fallacy...


So what tyejnis the typical conservative tactic? To make up lies and misrepresent data in a fit of confirmation bias? Its hilarious that you managed to turn a discussion regarding evolutionary theory into a liberal vs. conservative paradigmatic comparison lol. Anything to avoid the actual data. Anytime you want to addresss your BS answers about the molars that I replied to days ago, feel free. Maybe we can test out that vaunted intellect you're bragging about.

posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: Masterjaden
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

This is the typical liberal tactic. When you can't argue just talk down to and belittle the opposition. Please try to come up with a cogent argument rather than spouting fallacy...


Who said anything about being liberal? Who said anything about partisanship at all? I simply used your own words to describe the topic at hand. If you construed that as me belittling you, that's your own personal issue.

If you would like to actually answer my questions, that would be cool too. Until then you're displaying some willful ignorance on this issue that is obvious to everyone here aside from yourself.

I'm sure we would all be open to hearing your points if you actually made some valid ones. But you're not. You're spouting off nonsense and are trashing science devoid of any evidence of your own. So to the rest of the world you look as though you hold your views just because you feel like it.

posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: Masterjaden
a reply to: jimmyx

ACtually it's usually the opposite, it's usually people assuming that others are SMARTER than they are and more capable of determining reality and anyone who disagrees with the paradigmic establishment MUST be stupid.

I am not stupid, nor do I lack the necessary intelligence to come to valid conclusions. I would be happy to have a comparative general knowledge and/or iq test contest with anyone in this thread.


Ah, the ol' "I promise I'm not stupid, let’s compare IQ scores" statement. I'm losing my hope in you, Jaden.

Do you even know what an IQ score indicates?

posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: peter vlar

originally posted by: Masterjaden
a reply to: jimmyx

ACtually it's usually the opposite, it's usually people assuming that others are SMARTER than they are and more capable of determining reality and anyone who disagrees with the paradigmic establishment MUST be stupid.

So tell us then, what is your educational background? Are you really trying to imply that a person without an education in the related fields knows more from google searches than someone who spent 6-10 years (or more in many post grad students) who exclusively studied the areas being discussed? It must be such a huge burden to know all the answers to everything and not be able to get through to all those paradigm carrying knuckleheads!with their silly degrees and hands on knowledge of the topics we are discussing.

I am not stupid, nor do I lack the necessary intelligence to come to valid conclusions. I would be happy to have a comparative general knowledge and/or iq test contest with anyone in this thread.


The fact that you thInk that an IQ test is somehow synonymous with knowledge, particularly regarding your knowledge of the MES is innitaelf indicative that you're a little out ignorance your depth. Intelligence, wisdom and knowledge are all vastly different concepts.

The fact that you continuously lie in thread after thread and post after post all while continuing make false statements to support your position which you both refuse to and are incapable of supporting with anything resembling a scientific citation... it's sad and certainly not remotely indicative of resembling the above statements you have made. For the record, I don't think anyone thinks you're stupid and I've certainly never seen anyone allude to something if that nature. But intelligence and knowledge aren't the same thing.

Perfectly put. Run away with me, now.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: Masterjaden

Anyone that has to tell people they're smart or brings up their IQ in an argument is a moron, plain and simple.

"If you have to tell people you're the king..."

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: Masterjaden

This from the political bend that that proudly spouts..

"We don't want these dang experts telling us how to do things!!!"

And that some how believe..

"All of the worlds college professors, unions, teachers , scientists, GLOBAL media sources, local media sources, the government and celebrities are al in a vast conspiracy to make conservatives look bad and discredit Jesus!!!"

Since you are so smart, please explain to me the logistics of pulling that off????

Literally all the smartest most educated, most successful people on the planet are liberals..

So please, please explain to me how liberals are the stupid ones, when all of academia and science are liberals??

If your saying your smart and well educated, then all the math says you got a 90% chance of being a liberal..

edit on 22-6-2017 by JoshuaCox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: GetHyped

Not just that but almost all intellectuals are liberals lol...

90% of still living novel prize winners in math and science... 90% of college professors and school teachers..

Literally every single intellectual field is mainly liberals.. so...

Which is not surprising when consider the right is the side telling people that all the scientists are lying to push global warming for OBAMA!!! Lol

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox
a reply to: Masterjaden

This from the political bend that that proudly spouts..

"We don't want these dang experts telling us how to do things!!!"

And that some how believe..

"All of the worlds college professors, unions, teachers , scientists, GLOBAL media sources, local media sources, the government and celebrities are al in a vast conspiracy to make conservatives look bad and discredit Jesus!!!"

Since you are so smart, please explain to me the logistics of pulling that off????

Literally all the smartest most educated, most successful people on the planet are liberals..

So please, please explain to me how liberals are the stupid ones, when all of academia and science are liberals??

If your saying your smart and well educated, then all the math says you got a 90% chance of being a liberal..


Oh. Jeez.

""All of the worlds college professors, unions, teachers , scientists, GLOBAL media sources, local media sources, the government and celebrities are al in a vast conspiracy to make conservatives look bad and discredit Jesus!!!"

Wow. I just died. Hahaha.

Best quote I've seen. Thank you for this.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

But I noticed you provided no I'll assume that means you have none....

Unless you would like to unveil your list of conservative celebrity scientists...shh there are none...

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: firefromabove

Its a game of comparisons. A similar creature with a thigh bone 22" long has x, y, z, characteristics in proportion to the length of the thigh bone. Same thing for a thigh bone 20" long. Say for example the length of the thigh bone is proportional to the size of the jaw. Once you have a database to work on you can extrapolate other dimensions on a comparative scale. So, if a thigh bone 10% larger is found that has the same sort of structure you can approximate the other relevant features as well. A stronger jaw will require thicker facial skeletal structure and musculature to support it, and so on.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

But I noticed you provided no I'll assume that means you have none....

Unless you would like to unveil your list of conservative celebrity scientists...shh there are none...

Not exactly sure what you're talking about? What counterpoint was I supposed to come up with? I was agreeing with you....I think you misunderstood my post or you meant to reply to someone else. Because, no lie, I liked what you initially said and agreed.
edit on 22-6-2017 by ReyaPhemhurth because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-6-2017 by ReyaPhemhurth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

Anything that contradicts that the vast majority of intellectuals, mathematicians , scientists and the most wealthy people on the planet are all liberal..

Or if not liberal then anti conservative...

But that is impossible since it is true...

I was actually expecting the whole "they are all in a vast conspiracy to make me and other conservatives look bad .."

That's the normal go to..

Really there are no good counterpoints because it's true..

Buffet, gates, jobs and musk all liberals..

Every Hollywood celebrity nearly..

90% of college professors..

80% of teachers..

All the science educators.. Neil degrasse Tyson, michio kaku, Krauss...

Almost none of the smartest people on the planet are conservative Christians.. the question is why???

Because they are all in on some vast conspiracy??

Or just because conservatism sounds good but plays out to a disaster..

War on drugs, glassdegal, citizens united, climate deniers, war in Iraq, segregatuon... every policy that has doubtlessly damaged America is a conservative policy.. at least that I can think of.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

Anything that contradicts that the vast majority of intellectuals, mathematicians , scientists and the most wealthy people on the planet are all liberal..

Or if not liberal then anti conservative...

But that is impossible since it is true...

I was actually expecting the whole "they are all in a vast conspiracy to make me and other conservatives look bad .."

That's the normal go to..

Really there are no good counterpoints because it's true..

Buffet, gates, jobs and musk all liberals..

Every Hollywood celebrity nearly..

90% of college professors..

80% of teachers..

All the science educators.. Neil degrasse Tyson, michio kaku, Krauss...

Almost none of the smartest people on the planet are conservative Christians.. the question is why???

Because they are all in on some vast conspiracy??

Or just because conservatism sounds good but plays out to a disaster..

War on drugs, glassdegal, citizens united, climate deniers, war in Iraq, segregatuon... every policy that has doubtlessly damaged America is a conservative policy.. at least that I can think of.

Okay, well I think it was that you had misunderstood my post. I'm sorry if it was confusing. I was actually agreeing with everything you said, and I actually lol'd when reading your quote about the mass conspiracy to discredit Jesus Lol. That was very funny, but incredibly true. Again, I'm sorry if my post was confusing and if it came off as mocking, because that was definitely not the case. I enjoy reading all your points and submissions.

Again, everything you have pointed out above is very true and I agree wholeheartedly. When I replied initially, I was laughing at what you had typed, I wasn't mocking, I can assure you.

Thank you again!

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: Masterjaden
ACtually it's usually the opposite, it's usually people assuming that others are SMARTER than they are and more capable of determining reality and anyone who disagrees with the paradigmic establishment MUST be stupid.

You must be joking. You are not a scientist and yet you are in here spouting like YOU are smarter than scientists. It's not just about being smart, it's about being an expert in the field and having empirical experiments that help people learn new things.

I am not stupid, nor do I lack the necessary intelligence to come to valid conclusions. I would be happy to have a comparative general knowledge and/or iq test contest with anyone in this thread.

Did anybody say you were stupid? You don't have to be stupid to be ignorant or dishonest. You are screaming the same BS that you are accusing everyone else of and you are basing it on your religion, rather than actually analyzing the science itself. It's obvious what you are doing here. If you are super smart, then why can't you argue against the scientific research rather than spouting off generalities based on ignorance?
edit on 6 22 17 by Barcs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: Masterjaden

You have zero idea how bioinformatics works. Either cite examples or recant. That is how this works.

Oh and I understand Science better than you do, quite simply because I work in it every single day of the working week, and often in my weekends. I'm also not an academic, I work in a scientific industry.

Quite simply young Jaden, you are biased and ignorant.

So one last time with feeling.

Post your evidence.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

I wonder how this individual knows someones politics, based upon a discussion of science
I am curious.

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