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Plasma jet engines that could take you from the ground to space

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posted on May, 24 2017 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: yuppa

Lockheed Loves War just maybe when that time comes for a Space War!

Ironically they both sides of the cold war had planes makes ups mocks on the Drawing Board back in the 60s

In Truth thats where the Space Shuttle's Had Came about , to Carry War heads in their Payload
Russia ( USSR ) had the Plans , Then America Countered

The original photograph taken by V.#ov in 1965. The internal illumination of the working area of the T-1 wind tunnel

( in Russian Use Translator if needed )

Yuri Gagarin in Wind Tunnel Looking at a Space Shuttle
yes a Space Shuttle not a Fighter Aircraft.
well it was called Spaceplane Actually

Well So Much of that Idea for Lockheed.

I Bet when another Cold War Starts as that what may happen SOON.

that reactor will be Truck Engine Size instead of Truck Size LOL

Trouble for Lockheed's fusion reactor? Device that could 'solve the world's energy crisis' is 100 times larger than first planned
In 2014, Lockheed said its nuclear reactor would be small enough to fit on a truck
But a new technical report shows that it is 100 times larger than this
The 'compact' reactor weighs a huge 2,000 tons and is 18 metres long

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didn't Germany had done something like this while back ?
edit on 32017WednesdayfAmerica/Chicago5143 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: Wolfenz

they said they COULD eventually shrink its size down to the size of a truck bed. Still 18 meters is way better than the russian version.

Its perfect for ships and trains in that size.

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 01:35 PM
Now if they can just get the fusion reactor to work on banana peels..

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: nOraKat
Now if they can just get the fusion reactor to work on banana peels..

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 02:12 PM
Who needs battery's ? A ((( capacitor )) with a regulator could ( If what I know of was made ) hold billions of volts and billions of amps .
In a ( we will call it a Capacitor )(( the device is not really a capacitor but has no name and no device except one made like this could hold the power ) well one to run this plane maybe the size of a very small car .

One to hold enough juice to run the country ( one device the WHOLE country mind you )
the size of a small room say 30 feet by 30 feet .
Now for the real Kicker You dont need to Make the electricity to put into it ( in other words there is another better way to charge it .
And its 100 % safe and the electricity being put in is 100 % free .
No its not gimmick matter of fact the teck if used correctly has been around for 50 years now .
Store energy in something that is made from something else will never hold enough power .
Storing power in a (((( magnetic - vacuum ))) on the other hand is UNLIMITED In so much as your device can hold a strong enough magnetic charge .
Its not something from nothing its just using what has been on earth the whole time already made all we need to do is store it and THIS would store it
Ps super conductor at room temp yep that would work . Ps ANY metal could be made into a super conductor . Learn why a metal has resistance and learn how to make that metal so it has zero resistance ) funner yet you dont create a super conductor using cold but using HEAT well a 2 stage thing first using cold then using heat.

Ps how about a Clothing dryer that runs on 110 ( does NOT use heat and drys the clothing in 3 or 4 mints ? )
Or a Bike ( pedal power that can go 200 mph )
PS we could change the gravity a mass puts out by increasing or decreasing the gravitational energy each atom puts out .( we just need to figer out exactly WHAT that energy is lol ( NOT a clue btw )BUT can Prove its effect and prove it is NOT static . in other words The amount put out by one atom can be changed .HOW well just learn excatly what kind of power it is . Sure isnt electricity or any kind of radiation .

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: Arnie123

The topic stops at supersonic research. Rest probably went black. The term “plasma magic” came out of Russian research where drag was reduced. In 1990, BAE went to Russia to look at the research. They found a 10% reduction on their model. No further word on other platforms. Nothing.

Historic background covered and overview of “plasma magic” here at from 2000: Will Plasma Revolutionize Aircraft Design.

a reply to: andy06shake

Which is why the military investigated it! Keep all other “high energy” research highly regulated so people don’t stumble across it too soon. Plasma drag reduction and plasma stealth are topics here on ATS from time to time.

This is a bit different. Actual lift from air at normal atmosphere. And fast too! You know somebody will combine both (lift and drag reduction).

a reply to: myss427

Power storage is an issue. A regulated graphene supercapacitor fills the bill however electricity is generated.

edit on 24-5-2017 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: putting replies in order...

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: Wolfenz

The "nuclear fusion reactor" that was "built" and "tested" did *not* follow Lockheed's original specs!

Lockheed: 100 MW, 15 Tesla coils
Theirs: 200 MW, 5 T coils

Yeah, change the specs that much it will be huge! Plasma density increases by the power of 4 per doubling of magnetic field strength. Drop power output, put the regular coils back in (commercially available REBCO wires being sold that do 18 T) and Lockheed's design works.

Oh, they also modeled their mock up on EMC2's poly well design. Here's how to envision Lockheed's magnetic layout. Say your looking at it side on, standing at the center (there are two magnetic coils donut rings on either side of you); put your index fingers out in front of your chest, touching; draw an infinity sign using both fingers at the same time in opposite directions; they meet back in the center. That is the genius of the Lockheed design! The more the plasma moves away the more it gets smooshed back together in the center! It is not a poly-well design or pinch-z but a combo of both.
edit on 24-5-2017 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: putting response in order to helpp thread flow

edit on 24-5-2017 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: grammar nazi

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 04:49 PM
This was on Nova!!

Plasma actuators!

On airplane wings, for example, tiny plasma actuators could help planes fly more safely, more efficiently, and with greater stability and control. They can speed, slow or divert air flows in ways that can cut drag, fuel use, and CO2 emissions by as much as 25%, researchers estimate. Some experts even think that these devices might someday replace conventional flight control surfaces such as flaps and ailerons...

More immediately, aerodynamicists are looking to place the same technology on the huge, vulnerable, and costly blades of wind turbines to improve their efficiency, extend their lifetimes, and even help them more effectively cope with gusting winds., Aug. 2016 - Flying with the Fourth State of Matter.

Funny that this stuff was all rumor and hearsay not that long ago. Now you can go to PBS and see wind tunnel tests with fluorescent oils.

Makes one wonder about the 10 - 20 year gap (some say more) between black projects and normal Joe white world.

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 06:45 PM
Wasnt Russia using Plasma for Stealth?

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 08:29 PM

originally posted by: TEOTWAWKIAIFF
a reply to: Wolfenz

The "nuclear fusion reactor" that was "built" and "tested" did *not* follow Lockheed's original specs!

Lockheed: 100 MW, 15 Tesla coils
Theirs: 200 MW, 5 T coils

Yeah, change the specs that much it will be huge! Plasma density increases by the power of 4 per doubling of magnetic field strength. Drop power output, put the regular coils back in (commercially available REBCO wires being sold that do 18 T) and Lockheed's design works.

Oh, they also modeled their mock up on EMC2's poly well design. Here's how to envision Lockheed's magnetic layout. Say your looking at it side on, standing at the center (there are two magnetic coils donut rings on either side of you); put your index fingers out in front of your chest, touching; draw an infinity sign using both fingers at the same time in opposite directions; they meet back in the center. That is the genius of the Lockheed design! The more the plasma moves away the more it gets smooshed back together in the center! It is not a poly-well design or pinch-z but a combo of both.

So lockheed is acting like idiots on purpose to throw off people about how advanced they really are huh? figures as much.

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
I wonder what would happen if you were five hundred feet behind a jet when it took off? Would those ions disrupt your cells in your body?

I may not have an answer to that but I can tell you what it's like to be behind an F-4e Phantom II when it taxis! I went ass over teakettle until I hit the side of the hangar. Needless to say just about every cell in my body hurt for a bit. Lol

edit on 24-5-2017 by WarthogWrangler because: Spelling

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 10:30 PM

originally posted by: yuppa
a reply to: Wolfenz

they said they COULD eventually shrink its size down to the size of a truck bed. Still 18 meters is way better than the russian version.

Its perfect for ships and trains in that size.

Right , I here Ya ,

it would be Nice if the Shiva Star Could be that size too!
intend to use plasma like bullets ( kinda like a scifi Pulse rifle )
causing damage like a 5 pounds of TNT per Plasma Bullet

FWS Armory: Plasma Weaponry

that would be a alternative.

although it probably obsolete now.

it may of had other usage for Space exploration

well they did had a Crazy Idea in the late 50s , 60s of a Nuclear BOMB Propulsion Spacecraft

Project Orion

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: TEOTWAWKIAIFF
a reply to: Wolfenz

The "nuclear fusion reactor" that was "built" and "tested" did *not* follow Lockheed's original specs!

Lockheed: 100 MW, 15 Tesla coils
Theirs: 200 MW, 5 T coils

Yeah, change the specs that much it will be huge! Plasma density increases by the power of 4 per doubling of magnetic field strength. Drop power output, put the regular coils back in (commercially available REBCO wires being sold that do 18 T) and Lockheed's design works.

Oh, they also modeled their mock up on EMC2's poly well design. Here's how to envision Lockheed's magnetic layout. Say your looking at it side on, standing at the center (there are two magnetic coils donut rings on either side of you); put your index fingers out in front of your chest, touching; draw an infinity sign using both fingers at the same time in opposite directions; they meet back in the center. That is the genius of the Lockheed design! The more the plasma moves away the more it gets smooshed back together in the center! It is not a poly-well design or pinch-z but a combo of both.

that is a big difference,

well heres a different side of info

Lockheed compact fusion reactor design about 100 times larger than first plansbrian wang | May 1, 2017

There is updated technical information on the Lockheed compact fusion reactor project. It was originally believed that the compact reactor would fit on a large truck. It looked like it might weigh 20 tons. After more engineering and scientific research, the new design requires about 2000 ton reactor that is 7 meters in diameter and 18 meters long. This would be about one third the length of a Dolphin diesel submarine and it would be slightly wider and taller. It would be similar in size to a A5W submarine nuclear fission reactor. We would not know for sure because the A5W size is classified but based on the the size and likely configuration of a nuclear submarine this size estimate is likely. They have performed simulations. In simulations, plasma confinement is achieved in magnetic wells with self – produced sharp magnetic field boundaries. • Design closes for 200 MW th reactor, 18 meters long by 7 meters diameter device assuming hybrid gyro – radii sheath and cusp widths and good coil support magnetic shielding. • Neutral beam heats plasma to ignited state. • The dominant losses are ion losses through the ring cusps into stalks and axially through the mirror confined sheath. • Good global curvature gives interchange stability Lockheed believes they can get better confinement at the cusps than the EMC2 polywell reactor.

edit on 32017WednesdayfAmerica/Chicago5143 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: Wolfenz

Wolf Umm the post he made takes into account the size as well. Lockheed INTENTIONALLY is playing stupid. Their actual design we dont see is small in comparison.

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 05:38 AM

Project Orion

Aaahhh that takes me back..

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 06:45 AM

I do think that the future of the modern day aviation industry is being held back by certain individuals/companies and corporations that have a vested interest in keeping certain possible revolutionary technologies somewhat buried at the test or even prototype stage.

Stands to reason really given that they wish to keep there current government and overseas contracts to supply the armaments they already have coming off the production line.

Then there is the fact that any revolutionary technological advances in aviation may somewhat influence the already strained state of detente that exists between the conflicting power bases of our world.

If these engines do what they say on the tin they could facilitate the production of vehicles capable of launching both Man and materials into low Earth orbit a hell of a lot more economically cost effective than our current method of doing so.

Essentially opening up and paving the way for eventual colonization of low Earth orbit, the Moon and possibly even beyond.

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Wolfenz
and @ yuppa

A researcher took Lockheed's known and public data. That guy changed the specs to make it look like Lockheed's design is impractical. That research was picked up by Next Big Future and that story was repeated in a couple more places. His research paper is where I noticed this very drastic change:

Lockheed: 100 MW, 15 Tesla coils
Theirs: 200 MW, 5 T coils

If anything, even changing the magnetic field type (which he also did), it looks like Lockheed is spot on. The problem is Lockheed has not done anything more besides announcing they can make a compact fusion reactor. Which allows the void to filled with stories like "100 times bigger." Which irritates me to no end.

The better version of fusion would be the proton-Boron reaction which turns directly to electricity. Hook that up to storage subsystem then to the plasma jet engines... whoosh!

edit on 25-5-2017 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: clarity

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 01:49 PM
I thought we were past that and into making positrons and anti matter.

Some interesting tidbits in that thread. And a few others on this site.

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: grey580

Actually producing the stuff in any kind of sufficient quantity would cost an arm and a leg both in monies and in the energy requirements.

Then there is the fact that storage of such a medium in any kind of quantity is fraught with unbelievable dangers should magnetic containment even become an issue.

Chance are if we are ever able to create such a volatile substance in quantity/cost effectively we will do so off world.
edit on 25-5-2017 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: TEOTWAWKIAIFF
a reply to: Wolfenz
and @ yuppa

A researcher took Lockheed's known and public data. That guy changed the specs to make it look like Lockheed's design is impractical. That research was picked up by Next Big Future and that story was repeated in a couple more places. His research paper is where I noticed this very drastic change:

Lockheed: 100 MW, 15 Tesla coils
Theirs: 200 MW, 5 T coils

If anything, even changing the magnetic field type (which he also did), it looks like Lockheed is spot on. The problem is Lockheed has not done anything more besides announcing they can make a compact fusion reactor. Which allows the void to filled with stories like "100 times bigger." Which irritates me to no end.

The better version of fusion would be the proton-Boron reaction which turns directly to electricity. Hook that up to storage subsystem then to the plasma jet engines... whoosh!

Well LAst i heard they are trying to get the energy companies to buy into it first so the oil industry dont lose profits by converting over to Fusion fuel creation.

And the Green lady already uses the Proton boron engines prolly.

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