originally posted by: prepared4truth
Lol I love when people bring up Martin Luther King Jr. I love the ignorance in using flowery language to praise him for his oratory skills, which led
to his death and the destruction of his people.
That is utter rubbish. To which people are you referring? Individuals he knew, or the great mass of people of colour in the United States? Because his
immediate family and friends were not slaughtered en mass, and people of colour still live now, not in slavery, not barred from working, not barred
from education, not barred from playing professional sports, or from taking part in political endeavours both at street, and executive level. His
people are not destroyed. They yet live, so what, exactly are you talking about?
After that famous speech that most White folk love to parade him around for, he made many remarks that contradicted the core message of that speech.
Remarks such as, "I may have integrated my people into a burning house." You know, right before he died he stopped using that flowery language. He
started talking about reparations. And then he was killed.
Did he now? Did he start talking like a six year old with a hatred for vowels? No, no he did not. Did he start talking like a gansta rapper with a
speech impediment? No, no he did not do that.
Non-violence was a palatable message for tyranny, one that could be used and IS still used to keep the sheep in line. So that when we are discontent
with the pen they've made for us, we do anything but actually fight to escape the system.
It was not a message but a method, and as it happens, it stands today as one of the single greatest monuments to good sense, that any person opposing
the status quo, has ever managed to erect. Acting in a paramilitary fashion, toward the US government, the law, and the fascist factions amongst the
population of the country at the time, would have seen those acting in that fashion terminated with extreme prejudice, and with the full support of
even the most equality loving individuals you could hope to have bumped into at the time. The methods employed by MLK and his friends and associates,
were effective because ONLY racist, black hating folk would have been able to argue with their methods. Regular people, not under the sway of the
haters at the time, were able to engage with the message of peaceful resistance, because it made no monsters, created no demons, and by engaging
people of that sort, saw support for civil rights grow, outside communities traditionally affected by a lack of civil rights.
I can understand that these things happened a great many years ago now, and that the collective memory of the human race is not nearly that long, so
there is every excuse to be confused as to the reality of the period concerned, or indeed the plight of those living at the time. I am sure that it
SEEMS perfectly legitimate to equate whatever relative inconvenience you have suffered, with the mortal danger that being of the "wrong" skin tone
represented in the sixties, but it just is NOT legitimate to compare the two things, because they are not like unto one another.
If you think you know what it was like to be in MLKs shoes, or anyone elses during that time, regardless of your particular skin colour, I hate to be
the one to break it to you, but you literally know nothing about it. The level of danger people of colour were in during that period, has no modern
equivalent, unless you happen to be both Arabic and homosexual, as well as living in Saudi Arabia, or Chechnya, for example. THOSE people know EXACTLY
what it felt like for people of colour in the sixties and previous. You? Not so much, regardless of what your skin tone, origins or beliefs are. First
world problems, thats what people have today in developed nations. First world, non-problems which when compared to anything actually worthy of note,
mean nothing what so ever.
Now, you might never see English as a tool of your oppressor. In your example of comparing Americans to Britains, they spoke English BEFORE THEY LEFT.
But I want you to try a little something called Empathy (not to be confused with sympathy). Our language was STRIPPED from us. English was literally
forced onto us. So yes, it is a tool of our oppressors and it is in this spirit that most of the Black Marxists and other revolutionaries throughout
history have inspired and influenced global change in the way we fight tyranny.
With respect, you are getting things around your neck here. YOU were not denuded of a language. Your ancestors, of hundreds and hundreds of years ago
were, but you were not, your mother was not, your mothers mother was not, and neither was her mother. We are talking HUNDREDS of years ago, and you
bare about as much relation to the individual in your line who actually WAS stripped of their language, as I do. Thats just how it is. I mean, if we
are going to get all historical about this, the Romans can go do something erotic to themselves with a cactus, because they murdered all our druids,
forced Latin on as many of us as they could tie a rope around, and generally messed up our collective will as a people, turning us from relatively
peaceful, self sustaining island dwellers, into an empire building powerhouse, to my shame and the shame of all True Brits. But realistically, the
Romans did not do a damn thing to me personally, it was all a very long time ago, and no, I do not bash Italians over the head about it, every time I
talk to one, or about one.
Look at NOW, what the English language is NOW. It is a language which provides bridges between other languages, is the language used to discuss and
publish scientific papers, the language in which a huge percentage of the worlds business is conducted in. It literally keeps information flowing
between more territories, more minds, than any other language on the planet. In THIS day and age, it is a force for good, a tool used to free more
people than it enslaves, and to move the human race as a whole, forward, not backward.
So tell me again, why do YOU, the person who has never known anything other than a situation in which the things I have stated are the case, have a
problem with the language? Because if your problem with the language spoken in your country is about what it USED to mean, then you have bigger
problems than what language you would rather speak, because your entire priority assessment system is in absolute ruin!