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Breaking News: British PM Theresa May to make major announcement (Early Elections)

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posted on Apr, 21 2017 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

Lol fair one, and it's a drop in the ocean compared to MP's expenses fiddles to be honest.

posted on Apr, 21 2017 @ 03:26 PM

posted on Apr, 21 2017 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

ew , nasty . been and gone again , tomorrow it is

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: grainofsand

I am not contradicting myself in the least.

I believe in immigration into this country because for a start, OUR COUNTRY CAUSES THE NECESSITY! Until we sell arms to no one, until we trade with no dictators, no non-secular nations, until we refuse to buy oil from nations which decapitate petty criminals or what they consider heretics in the street, we will be part of the cause of the immigration we complain about. Until we insist that everyone with whom we trade, everywhere on this planet, offers its workers the same amount of remuneration that we ourselves would expect for the same work, until every company in every continent we deal with protects worker safety to the same degree we do, until we make no unjust wars on innocent people purely for profit, we should expect and welcome every single last refugee with open arms, whether they flee economic collapse or the destruction of their homeland with bombs we sold, or launched.

However, while there IS NO threat even nearly as severe from our government toward our people, our people have a duty to stand and fight our government, in court, in the streets, to make their voices heard, to shape society according to our principles, and to force the government to represent the people, not the limited few with their hands in the cookie jar and their fingers over the buttons that make our economy fail or flourish. And do you know why people who are under no immediate threat of being shot or blown up by their own government have this responsibility?

Because if they do not undertake to make the best effort they can muster, even though they are not under mortal threat of being executed for doing so, then eventually there will be no nation to run to, because eventually all nations will become as debauched, all leaderships will become as tyrannical, because this is the nature of these things. Once this nation is lost to corporatism and tyranny, corporatists and tyrants everywhere will become emboldened, and rely on just the sort of preference for desertion that crazyewok is determined to involve themselves with, to take more and more nations down this self same path, all resistance merely melting away, until there are no more places to retreat, but also no possibility of ever fighting back effectively.

This is the sort of threat you stop, not run from, because it will never stop coming for you until you end it. You can run, but only if you always want to be running, if you do not mind future generations having to run, and eventually being cornered by a beast grown too large to control. That is why you stand your ground and take up whatever arms are necessary, be they political and electoral, or otherwise. The future requires better of us, than some are prepared to give, and that lack of willingness is unforgivable, because it hands our mortal enemies the win, without them having to work for it.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 05:20 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Again you deflect with immigration from war zones.
You support immigration from the EU to the UK. Then you cry 'bloody shame' at Ewok for wishing to emigrate like a rat leaving a sinking ship.

Now, the EU is not a war zone, the majority of immigrants to the UK are NOT from war zones, and you support that immigration into the UK.

If you criticise Ewok for wishing to leave the UK then you have to criticise all immigrants to the UK who come from safe nations.

If you criticise only people emigrating from the UK then you clearly contradict yourself.
No more deflection with war zone talk, stick specifically to safe zone migration.
If you criticise Ewok then to avoid contradiction you must criticise Poles, Romanians and every other person who leaves one safe country for another.

You didn't think it through before ranting at Ewok, and I'm calling your clear contradiction out.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 05:38 AM
Labour are pro-EU by affiliation with PES , so they are pro-immigration and everything else European . Or should it be , a major pro EU element the PES are still presently , quietly, attempting to influence this country's decision making powers through Corbyn .

It's not truly British to just lie down accepting that is it . You can't moan about corpratism or corruption and leave the EU govt. , the real govt , out of it , can you . Or a party lines being towed here. No votes for labour , you might as well vote for EU back to this country . That's not the will of patriots is it

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 05:44 AM
The ' divorce negotiations' , or 'the deal' as they like to cut it , will _not be _Britain's deal under Corbyn , if Corbyn went to cut a deal , he'd be going to his own people to do it . The PES membership by Labour will have other permutations too , than this originally disasterous idea

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: ZIPMATT

I'd prefer Theresa May to do the hard bargaining for Britain over that wet blanket Corbyn.
Personal opinion of course but at least I don't rant it as fact like an ATS version of Brian Blessed lol

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: grainofsand

No you aren't.

There is none.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Okay, you criticise Ewok for wishing to emigrate for a better life in a different country.
Do you criticise people from the EU who migrate to the UK for a better life?

Explain your position without lame deflection talking about war zones.
I see a clear contradiction if you support say Slovaks moving here for a better life but criticise Ewok.
You've tied yourself up in knots with your bluster and ranting lol

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: grainofsand

Slovaks are not moving here for a better life. They are moving here for any life at all, because many of them are working hard for less per month than you will earn in two days. Teachers in this country are not in poverty conditions as a result of being underpaid, and any argument that they are is going to be based on a lack of understanding of the actual meaning of either the word poverty or the word underpaid.

Its nonsense to compare these situations at all. Lets face it, crazyewok is moving abroad because they have not got the stomach to make their nation right. Slovaks are moving abroad because they are STARVING TO DEATH! There is a MASSIVE difference.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 06:35 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: grainofsand

I am not contradicting myself in the least.

I believe in immigration into this country because for a start, OUR COUNTRY CAUSES THE NECESSITY! Until we sell arms to no one, until we trade with no dictators, no non-secular nations, until we refuse to buy oil from nations which decapitate petty criminals or what they consider heretics in the street, we will be part of the cause of the immigration we complain about. Until we insist that everyone with whom we trade, everywhere on this planet, offers its workers the same amount of remuneration that we ourselves would expect for the same work, until every company in every continent we deal with protects worker safety to the same degree we do, until we make no unjust wars on innocent people purely for profit, we should expect and welcome every single last refugee with open arms, whether they flee economic collapse or the destruction of their homeland with bombs we sold, or launched.

However, while there IS NO threat even nearly as severe from our government toward our people, our people have a duty to stand and fight our government, in court, in the streets, to make their voices heard, to shape society according to our principles, and to force the government to represent the people, not the limited few with their hands in the cookie jar and their fingers over the buttons that make our economy fail or flourish. And do you know why people who are under no immediate threat of being shot or blown up by their own government have this responsibility?

Because if they do not undertake to make the best effort they can muster, even though they are not under mortal threat of being executed for doing so, then eventually there will be no nation to run to, because eventually all nations will become as debauched, all leaderships will become as tyrannical, because this is the nature of these things. Once this nation is lost to corporatism and tyranny, corporatists and tyrants everywhere will become emboldened, and rely on just the sort of preference for desertion that crazyewok is determined to involve themselves with, to take more and more nations down this self same path, all resistance merely melting away, until there are no more places to retreat, but also no possibility of ever fighting back effectively.

This is the sort of threat you stop, not run from, because it will never stop coming for you until you end it. You can run, but only if you always want to be running, if you do not mind future generations having to run, and eventually being cornered by a beast grown too large to control. That is why you stand your ground and take up whatever arms are necessary, be they political and electoral, or otherwise. The future requires better of us, than some are prepared to give, and that lack of willingness is unforgivable, because it hands our mortal enemies the win, without them having to work for it.

Opening our borders and bringing the entire third world to the UK will bankrupt us and lower our standard of living to there level!

What you suggest is insane! And luckily and view only a minority share!

I have not backed or supported the wars and I reject the governments meddling policy’s. So I will not pay for there crimes !
Let Ian Dunken Smith put a few family’s of refuges up in his mansion! Let George Osborne use a few of his spare homes to house immigrants! Make Blair pay for there clothing and food!
Until those that caused these problems bare the brunt of these expenses I will not willingly sacrifice a penny!
Instead I will fight tooth and nail to oppose my money and standard of living being robbed to pay for other peoples (mainly politicians) mistakes!

And yes I will leave the dammed country! I will leave if the government will refuse to let me bring my future wife over! I will not sacrifice my girlfriend over nationalism!

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 06:42 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit


Slovaks are NOT leaving their country because they are starving to death, oh my #ing gosh thanks for the laugh.
What utter rubbish.

They are moving for a better life same as Ewok, simple as.
Now using your logic Slovaks should be staying to improve their nation as you insist Ewok should.

The bottom line is leaving for a better life, now you seem to imply that the relative improvement in life makes some kind of difference, bollox and you know it.
If you criticise Ewok yet support immigration to the UK from safe nations then you absolutely do contradict yourself.

Just unfortunate for you I noticed.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 06:44 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: grainofsand

Slovaks are not moving here for a better life. They are moving here for any life at all, because many of them are working hard for less per month than you will earn in two days. Teachers in this country are not in poverty conditions as a result of being underpaid, and any argument that they are is going to be based on a lack of understanding of the actual meaning of either the word poverty or the word underpaid.

1) I have not moaned about pay. In fact I think teacher pay is pretty good.

2) Its the working conditions I have a problems with and the fact I have to work near 12 hours a day without even a lunch break!

3) The low esteem the movement places on teachers.

And you know what? That would not matter and would not force me to immigrate if it was not for points 4 and 5

4) This government won’t even let me bring my south American girlfriend in to visit my family for TWO WEEKS! EU immigrants and refuges and Africans can pour in, but they wont let my girlfriend in for a two week visit?

5) Getting a marriage visa in the UK is incredibly expensive and difficult.

And I am not sacrificeing my girlfriend for a country that neither respects or gives a # about me!

PS little bit of fact about Dianne Abbott corbyns number 2.....she sends her brat to private much for socialism eh? That’s the same problem that socialism ALWAYS faces! Everyone equal expect some are more equal than others! And it’s clear from Abbots Example she is following the footsteps of evert other socialist leaders.
edit on 22-4-2017 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 07:00 AM
a reply to: grainofsand

Yes, the relative improvement DOES make a difference. And as it happens, yes, Slovakians from many regions of the country are starving, because they work long hours just to take home less than two hundred Euro a month, which gets them precisely nothing. Many of them are living in homes without running water, leave alone hot running water, if they are lucky enough to be able to afford to live in a dwelling at all.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Then using your logic they should stay to improve their country yes?
A close personal friend of mine is an NHS nurse from Slovakia. Britain should be ashamed of itself stealing skilled workers from a poorer nation yes?
She should be pilloried for taking her Slovakian training here and not staying to fix Slovakia yes?

Your argument is poor, very poor while you continue to support immigration from safe nations and criticise Ewok.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: grainofsand

Slovakia is beyond the sort of help that the people can affect. Its poverty stricken are being starved, so they cannot march, they cannot even think particularly straight about matters half the time, which hunger and poverty both cause, therefore cannot vote in a way which benefits them, organise sensible solutions to the difficult problems that runaway corporatism in the rest of Europe as well as corruption in their own country, causes.

Their only options are to get money elsewhere, or watch their families shrivel and die, which is a very different, and much more serious problem than not being able to get a bloody visa sorted out. If you think otherwise, then you need to get your priorities in bloody order, and quick smart.

edit on 22-4-2017 by TrueBrit because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 07:22 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
Slovakia is beyond the sort of help that the people can affect. Its poverty stricken are being starved, so they cannot march, they cannot even think particularly straight about matters half the time, which hunger and poverty both cause..

No disrespect, but you need to travel a little. While Slovakia is poor by UK standards, and is the second poorest member of the EU, it is hardly as desolate as you describe. In fact, per capita it is better off then places like Russia, Turkey and so on.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

My nurse friend is not from a starving background in Slovakia, neither is another friend who arrived here with a bioscience degree and works for the environment agency.
So forgetting about the starving masses for a moment do you support the immigration of my two friends who were not starving but just wanted a better life?

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: paraphi

Lol, I know, nearly pissed myself laughing when I read that blustering tripe.
The member is just desperately trying to find a way to square the circle of criticising Ewok for chasing emigration for a better life while supporting those who do the same migrating here.

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