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(N. Korean Crisis) - Will Peace Loving ET's allow a Nuclear exchange?

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posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 09:22 AM
Perhaps the last failed missile "test" was targeted at a live target..
So the ET made it blow up

posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 09:36 AM
Op your question assumes far too much. Firstly, there is no hard evidence of extraterrestrial life. While i find it hard to believe there isnt any, there is no proofs.

Secondly, what makes you believe they give a crap about us anyway? For all anyone knows ET is a hivemind that seeks to assimilate everything in all existence.

Finally, what would it matter to them if we did obliterate ourselves and/or our planet? Do any of you honestly give a crap is some planet lightyears away explodes if it doesnt affect you? Didnt think so.

posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: elysiumfire

Seriously, your question is very immature,

In your opinion maybe. Yet, some of the greatest minds, scientists, Presidents and astronauts pose the same question. Seems I’m in pretty good company.

but I will treat it with a respect to the understandable fear you feel about the North Korea situation.

How magnanimous of you.

Oh and, no, I have no fear of N.Korea, lol. I’m asking a question not cowering in fear wanting a pat on the head and a sugar-tit.

There have been thousands of nuclear tests since 1945, only a handful have been allegedly thwarted by the appearance of unknown interlopers.

Exactly. A ’handful’ is enough for me.

If we treat the allegations as fact, then perhaps they were just making sure they could neutralize our technologies for their own benefit, certainly not for ours.

That's what I said.

Of course, looking for outside intervention by which we are saved from ourselves is not the way to go about things. The likelihood of such intervention is about as probable as me scoring the winning goal in the FA Cup final.

Depends on how good you are at soccer.

These events have been recorded in the past. I have no reason to think it couldn’t happen again. Not necessarily now, but at some point.

In my opinion for ET to step in and neutralize a nuke strike? What a smackingly great way to present themselves to Earth as ‘saviors’.

No, ‘take me to your leader(s)’ - more like - ‘Now, we are your leader(s)’...


posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: Vortiki

Op your question assumes far too much.

Oh you can never assuem too much when it comes to this topic!

Firstly, there is no hard evidence of extraterrestrial life.

There is 'hard' evidence 'something' stepped in to neutralize weapons/missiles etc, in the past.

While i find it hard to believe there isn't any, there is no proofs.

Try looking into some of the links I posted. Interesting reads and listens if nothing else.

Secondly, what makes you believe they give a crap about us anyway? For all anyone knows ET is a hivemind that seeks to assimilate everything in all existence.

That they might 'give a crap' doesn't mean they 'care' in a positive way. Could be something sinister in that 'care'. We don't know. All we do know is there's documentation in Russia, the US, the UK - 'something' stepped in and 'took over' in the past. No reason to think 'they' wouldn't do it again.

Finally, what would it matter to them if we did obliterate ourselves and/or our planet? Do any of you honestly give a crap is some planet lightyears away explodes if it doesnt affect you? Didnt think so.

Well it seems you're a mind reader as you've already answered the question you asked of me. Too bad you got my answer wrong.


posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: Spacespider

Perhaps the last failed missile "test" was targeted at a live target..
So the ET made it blow up

There ya go. Just what I was thinking. We might find out - might not - but it's fun to think about.


posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: brutus61


Like for the mineral content of the human body?


Can't they get that easier from the ground.


The technologically advanced civilization uses living workers that need food and rest and eventually die?

Not robots?

Some things are self evident.

or maybe they are 3 inches tall and a couple of humans last a looooooong time. lol

posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: Alien Abduct

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: silo13

No...would we suddenly appear on a foreign planet, zoom in and stop them from doing something? Thats illogical...and perhaps counterproductive.

I think we'd be the odd ones extraterrestrials...and keep out of it, letting us do what we will. We wouldnt arrive somewhere and intervene right? Heck of an intro!

My opinion only.....


Can't tell if you are being sarcastic.

All the U.S. does is intervene, and in fact that the U.S. intervening is what just might cause a nuke to fly. No reason to think that the Aliens would be any different.

Not that I am against intervention of the U.S. to NK. And, I'm certainly not against the Aliens intervening on a nuke shower.

Whereas the U.S can't police the world and all its problems...I don't think alien intervention any different.

We cant be understanding of something we cant prove, dont know the particulars of, and may be 100's to Millions of years ahead of us in forms, intelligence and ideologies we can't even fathom because we are too young of a planetary species.

Im sure aliens exist, though I tend to agree with much thats been said from videos to books to they may have no agenda but to observe and not intervene.

edit on 18-4-2017 by mysterioustranger because: re-format

posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: silo13

How magnanimous, you care if some space rock a couple light years breaks apart. I doubt any intelligence out there feels the same about our rock.

If you knew of alien race on another planet that was as violent and unpredictable as humanity, you would probably *want* them to destroy themselves, less they become a blight for the rest of the galaxy/universe.

As for et disabling our nuclear weapons, i dont buy it. What is easier to claim, accept respinsibility for faulty targeting/launching mechanisms, or claim it was some force outside of your controll? Because whoever admits to being wrong?

It is going to take nothing short of et landing en mass and declaring "we disabled some weapons" for me to accept that as fact. Otherwis3 its nothing more than another outlandish claim by people pretending aliens are amoung us.

posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 10:52 AM
If aliens have indeed deactivated nukes in the past what do you think their criteria for interfering is?

After all they let the U.S. drop 2 atomic bombs on Japan (if they do exist and interfere as suggested)

posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: silo13
I don't see why not. According to the Mahabharata , humans waged a nuclear war thousands of years ago. Oppenheimer also believed it. Its pretty hard to disavow when a SanSkrit text from thousands of years prior pretty much describes the power of nuclear weapons, flight delivery vehicles, and the radiation sickness and attributes that follow it to the T.

The human race destroys itself after becoming super advanced over and over again. Maybe we can experience it happening again soon??

Edit to add:
The only ones who are going to deactivate North Koren nukes after an attack launch is the Pacific coalition that has them surrounded with proven Anti-Ballistic missile technology. And they will succeed, mark my words.
edit on 4-18-2017 by worldstarcountry because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: silo13
I guess you'all are just not getting the point - ET's have been credited to interveaning in the past...

Why not now? Or why?


If they have been intervening, why aren't they stopping all genocide / murders and abuses?
Why just nuclear devices?

Do they care- or do they know we don't?

posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: silo13

I read this thread yesterday and I will catch up in due course but I've been having some thoughts; awesome CT thoughts of the 'what if' nature...

One poster brought to the table the idea that extra terrestrials might actually be 'intra-terrestrials': a breakaway civilisation that lives within the earth.

So what if these humanoids have evolved underground and are protecting their environment; their earth?

It is fascinating that our various factions have burrowed deep underground. (One interesting thread that I ought to make is an examination of the number of tunneling machines in operation, their tunnelling ability, compared to how much 'tunnel' is officially made. There is no way those machines would be left without work; no economic sense in that).

So what if these ITs (intra terrestrials) have met with the various burrowing factions of our species and are making pacts and agreements with them, playing them off one with another... it is well reported that the North Koreans are burrowing into their lands.

Personally I could well believe that the whole Afghanistan confrontation is actually about controlling the himalaya rock etc and the latest bomb was not about hitting isis but actually a concentration of ITs...

What if DRPK are the chose ones

posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: johnb

Another poster pointed out their belief on the bombing of H & N. Being, they wanted to show just what we should never do ever again and/or let it happen as it supposedly claimed less lives.

I think the later is BS.

The first part? Interesting but not so provocative all in all.

I still lean towards 'ET' stepping in to 'save the day' - come out looking like Heroes - which will ingratiate the world to them as a collective whole (predominately). From there, they own us and with no fight or minimal opposition.


posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: silo13

Well that's true. You can never assume too much with this topic when it's all speculative.
Assumptions are required.

posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: silo13

What nuclear exchange?

What aliens, for that matter?

This utter and complete fear mongering of "nuclear conflagration" is absolutely criminal. What in recent days has changed from say last year at this time?? There is no reason to be as scared as some in the media seem to want us to be.

NoKo is still blustering. Nothing new there, at all. South Korea, Japan, China, Russia, and the US are all saying essentially, "Dude, don't be stupid/suicidal."

posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: silo13

It's fun to think of hot elves that live in Rivendell too. Especially ones with long blond hair who are good with a bow.
Doesn't make Lord of the rings a true story though.

posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Natas0114

Ok, here's a scenario.

I'm more technologically advanced than you and in a big way.

I watch you in your little world much like we watch our pets in a cage.

I watch your family and friends struggle. Hurting each other, killing each other etc.

But - I need you and your family (for good or nefarious reason really doesn't matter) just take it for fact I 'need' you. Not all of you but I need most of you and I don't want a fight, I want you to LIKE me.

So - I can sit back and watch you wipe each other out in small numbers yet when the threat of a nuclear exchange pops up? When people are people are scared and ready for someone to save them?

I step in. I step in - neutralize the threat (in this case Nukes) then present myself to you as your savior!

You'll LOVE me then, right? Or the uninformed will worship me - which is the majority of people out there.

That said - I don't know what ‘they’ want to use us for, or even if they do.

I do know 'they've' been recorded as neutralizing missiles and nukes in the past over 3 nations but I don’t know why.

I don't know why I fear 'them' more than Nukes or the little Fat Boy in Koreas North. But I do.

In my opinion the world is far too ready for a leader, so in want of a real LEADER (world wide) they're willing to suck up to just about anything/anyone. What better than ET's from the sky who’ll drop down to save us and then... And then is the real question.


posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: brutus61

Well if they're three inches tall we probably already have a spray to kill em. LOL.

posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: seagull

What nuclear exchange?

Obviously it hasn’t happened yet, but the threat is there on more than one front.

What aliens, for that matter?

Read up the links and videos I posted. What aliens? The ones who’ve neutralized threats on three nations in the past.

This utter and complete fear mongering of "nuclear conflagration" is absolutely criminal.

Oh gawd - could you be any more dramatic if you tried, lol? I asked WHAT IF - not - when.

What in recent days has changed from say last year at this time?? There is no reason to be as scared as some in the media seem to want us to be.

What’s changed? Little Fat Boy in Korea North has threatened war on a scale he’s never threatened before.

As for being scared? I’m not. I’m theorizing and questioning using past actions and present plausibility.

NoKo is still blustering. Nothing new there, at all. South Korea, Japan, China, Russia, and the US are all saying essentially, "Dude, don't be stupid/suicidal."

New in the fact USA and China are not working together to put an end to the nut ball. New in as Japan is reported to be ready to evacuate, as are parts of Hawaii.

And let’s not forget. We don’t have a pussy for a president anymore.

IMO - President Trump isn’t going to put up with the little man in the dark suit who’s mouth is bigger than his intellect.


posted on Apr, 18 2017 @ 06:07 PM

originally posted by: johnb
If aliens have indeed deactivated nukes in the past what do you think their criteria for interfering is?

After all they let the U.S. drop 2 atomic bombs on Japan (if they do exist and interfere as suggested)

If they cared about human life or other life on this planet, they'd also interfere with biological and chemical weapons tests. They don't ever interfere with those.

They interfere with nuclear tests because a nuclear explosion is strong enough to damage their spaceships. So, they're just weapons-testing to make sure that their spacecraft's defenses work against the only weapons we have that can damage their craft.
edit on 4/18/17 by RedDragon because: (no reason given)

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