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Mainstream Media Finally Exposes Elite Pedophile Rings in a Horrifying Episode of Dr. Phil

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posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix
This brings to mind a segment from the Oprah show long ago. A Jewish woman from the southern suburbs of Chicago recalled her own family, pillars of the community, had sacrificed a child. The details included a Jewish myth justifying such, and there was, as far as i know, no retribution against Oprah. This was the most horrifying and defamatory thing that could be said about Jews, and if it were false, Oprah should have been sued out of existence.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 09:46 AM
As long as you keep supporting the Roman system.

How many are on strike? I look around and see nothing but pedophile support teams.. Workers eager to fill the closets of their slavemasters. This is the Roman way. No picking and choosing, changing 'political parties' or some other none action... Go to hell. Honestly. By going to work for a pedophile, You put luxury items above the life of innocent children. Simply put. Denial means nothing. Quit supporting Rome.
edit on 23-3-2017 by ChelseaHubble because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 10:00 AM
Question - will these revelations bring any credibility to the whole Pizzagate thing? If this is happening then it doesn't seem so random and absurd...

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: underpass61
History shows that this kind of thing has been going on since before the supposed discovery of America.

Anywhere you find people of wealth, power, or control, you will find this going on, right in the open.

If you do a simple Google search you will find millions of articles regarding cases of child abuse and pedophilia among the rich and famous, going back years and years.

They learn, that is why they are able to continue. We don't, that is why they are able to continue. This continues because we allow it. They have no reason to stop. We have to give them one.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: underpass61
Question - will these revelations bring any credibility to the whole Pizzagate thing? If this is happening then it doesn't seem so random and absurd...

World wide there are connections we are not allowed to share here though.
Look at the Marc Dutroux case and the fact that he said high government officials were involved and the police.

I am sure the children and others found are just the tip of the iceberg.

Marc Dutroux (French: [dytʀu]; born 6 November 1956) is a Belgian serial killer and child molester, convicted of having kidnapped, tortured and sexually abused six girls from 1995 to 1996, ranging in age from 8 to 19, four of whom he murdered. His wife, Michelle Martin, was convicted as an accomplice. Dutroux was also convicted of having killed a suspected former accomplice, Bernard Weinstein. He was arrested in 1996 and has been in prison ever since, though he briefly escaped in April 1998.
Earlier, in 1989, Dutroux had been sentenced to 13 and a half years imprisonment, along with Martin, sentenced to 5 years, for the abduction and rape of five young girls, the youngest of whom was eleven years old. Dutroux was released after serving three years

Allegations of cover-up

The investigation itself was wrapped up on the grounds of conflict of interest. His dismissal and the end of the investigation resulted in a massive protest march (the "White March") of 300,000 people on the capital, Brussels, in October 1996, two months after Dutroux's arrest, in which demands were made for reforms of Belgium's police and justice system.[15]
On the witness stand, Jean-Marc Connerotte (fr), the original judge of the case, broke down in tears when he described "the bullet-proof vehicles and armed guards needed to protect him against the shadowy figures determined to stop the full truth coming out

Castle of Dark Mothers
edit on 23-3-2017 by SeaWorthy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: slider1982

You can fly someone to your island and not tell then your name. Mean I don't have an island but if I did I don't think i'd have a sign at the airport that said "Stookie Williams' Private Sex Island" and if that person owns you and keeps you in a cage only to come out to bang strangers, as far as your concerned, his name is Master.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
She said she had to be able to keep up with discussing politics. It seems some of these men wanted her, at least in part, for company. Some wanted her to talk with them, as if she was an adult. They probably wanted to brag about their connections and ramble on about their businesses, etc.

How would she be able to even do that?

originally posted by: RainbowPhoenix
born into, and growing up in, the world of elite sexual slavery.

Am I to believe she was able to study? How was she able to keep up? Did they let her read newsprint or watch television? Use the internet? Does she know any of the names of these pillars of community? If not, why not?

I take this subject seriously. I'm not trying to wave away her claims. Merely scrutinize them for cracks and holes.

I have to ask, what is she actually exposing here?

edit on 3-23-2017 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: markosity1973
If anyone needed proof that Satan is real, here it is.

Evil lives among us and here is the face of one if it's victims

And ironically, most, if not all of the perpetrators are hiding under an umbrella of Christianity and so called Family values...
edit on 23-3-2017 by Jungian because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix


And its "Joe and Jane-Average", judges, carpenters, cooks, teachers...just every kind of person in all walks of society perpretrating these horrors on these poor kids who go on to be messed up adults...if they make it that far.

Any pedophile carpenter does (fortunately) not have the means to be so above the law as to never be caught for something like this. The problem here is not carpenters, teachers, etc., but those who ARE the law. Because they make the laws, or enforce them. Or just stay in the shadows and pull strings without risking exposure.

Why didn't anyone expose Jimmy Savile before he died? Because it's a vast fellowship of perverts in high places.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 12:01 PM
First of all nobody is gonna pay top dollar for that. I wouldnt sleep with her if she paid me. Not to mention if she was a child sex slave,then why was she kept till she was 40? Also of all the elite ppl she was with she doesnt recognize any in the media today to point out? She may not remember or know names but the face of the man that rapes you is hard to forget yet she cant point to one? I think this was dr phils way of making the public more aware of the sex trafficing going on and hiring someone to play the part. Child sex trafficers like kids,not 40 yr old women. Most get taken out in a smut video when they reach a certain age. They dont continue to fly them around and sell them at 40 yrs old on private planes. It costs an average of 10,000$ to fly a private plane anywhere. Honestly, who do you think is spending that kind of money on her as of 5 years ago? Im not saying nothing has ever happened to this lady but i think her story has been inflated a little by the producers of the show. I know its not politically correct to say some lady is to old and ugly to be a child sex slave not buying her story. Dr phil knows its not politically correct to say that so he can put any old hag he wants in that chair and people will believe everything she says cause its not right to say she to ugly. Yes it happens to kids all over and its the saddest thing ever but now this lady is gonna make a bunch of money telling her story. None of which i bet will be used to help other kids. Yes this sex trafficing needs to be fought alot more then it is. And its not because the people in charge of making that happen are the ones involved. But common sense should tell you that nobody is gonna continue to house,feed,fly around and everything else this woman needs 25 yrs after her prime in what those predetors look for. Especially when she couldnt get more then 50 bucks on backpage. If this woman was a child sex slave then she wouldnt have made it passed being a child before she was replaced by someone else. But everyones lack of common sense nowdays, ppl believe everything they are told. Everything this woman says is true and im sure happens to kids and its really sad. I just dont think it happened to her for as long as she claimed.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 12:09 PM
Speaking of islands, what about Little Saint James and Epstein?

Has anyone FOIA Epstien?

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: gflyg

This is an ignorant comment. First you belittle this woman, then you doubt that she was a sex slave for as long as she claims. I got news for you....even if she was a sex slave for one hour, that's one hour too much and the perpetrators need to pay for their crimes. Grow up!

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: markosity1973
If anyone needed proof that Satan is real, here it is.

Evil lives among us and here is the face of one if it's victims

No, what we have here is proof of how low humanity can go, blaming it on "The Devil" is taking away from the depravity of the perpetrators and making it sound like the fault of someone (or thing in your example) other than those to blame. People can be evil and no mythical villains needed...

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix

While the rumors have been widespread for decades I would not trust "Dr" Phil-that would be like trusting a coyote to guard your chicken coop.

Sleeping your way to the top is par for the course in Hollywood despite gender or age and whether its consentual or not i dont know but its creepy and predetory and we all knew this happened long before Doctor does little did.

I imagine many child actors and actresses have been threatened or given hush money to stop them spilling the beans.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix

Such things make me feel anger and frustration. I wish I could do something about it but I know I am unable. I hope there is a special hell for such lame people. I mean that with all of my "heart" / soul.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: gflyg

I think you're miles out here pal . A woman in her 40s could provide how many babies from her own womb ? .... regardless of how she appears to you or how much you would pay to be with her or how much it costs to fly a private jet .... just how much would an undocumented child be worth , do you think , to people as depraved as she describes ?
This is going on all over the world , in my country, Scotland the ruling elite are trying to pass a law whereby every single child in the country is to have a named guardian , essentially bringing every child and their families under the eye of the state . In my opinion this will be a pederasts wet dream .
We all need to listen to and more importantly beleive these victims when they have the courage / fortitude to be able to come forward .

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: underpass61

If you do a search on "Dr Phil" or "sex slave" this show is at the top of the search results... from foreign media.

Get what I'm saying here? Yes... some of these scum bags are big in American media.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 05:02 PM
To gflyg

1st of all......A massive wall of text, in which you state that you have higher knowledge of this than what is being claimed YET showing her the same level of contempt as what she is alleging...go figure

2nd of all, if any of her claims are true (even if spruced up for tv) I think she has had enough male dickheads and she might reject you prior to you checking how much cheap change you got in you're wallet.

Oh and "Most get taken out in a smut video when they reach a certain age", how again did you aquire this knowledge, friends in high places maybe

Oh heres another doozie from that WALL OF S#IT

"Yes it happens to kids all over and its the saddest thing ever but now this lady is gonna make a bunch of money telling her story" lucky her, wanna trade places with her, you may enjoy it....and get rich

edit on 23-3-2017 by UpIsNowDown because: swearing filter

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: Grambler

In the Scripture we are told that Jesus said:

Matthew 18:6 - New English Translation

“But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a huge millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the open sea.

And in Revelations we see:

15 Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us[f] from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of their[g] wrath has come, and who can withstand it?”

Now in that second one we see that specified first as those who are in terror at the 'great leveler', which is 'The Event', the 'great & terrible day of the LORD', are who? Kings, princes, generals, rich, mighty. That is to say - everyone is scared, but only those very specifically mentioned here are those who are in actual peril due to their former conduct (not all of them, but power does corrupt). There is to be an accounting for the actions & decisions of these monsters dressed as humans.

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

We are now precariously balanced as a civilisation due in part to the globalisation which has occurred in the past few decades, and the shockingly fast pace of change in the lives of literally billions of people worldwide. Here in the West, people are increasingly becoming corporatised through no fault of their own, becoming serfs instead of free folk, evermore being encouraged to defer to corporate doctrine as opposed to thinking as free citizens; the standards in education are being willfully reduced generation by generation.

These are dangerous times, and it concerns me deeply that we seem to have a covert war going on just beneath the surface of everyday life, particularly evident in events which are 'shock & awe; problem-reaction-solution' sorts of things, which when examined a little more closely than the cursory 'share' & 'sad face' on social media, can be seen to exhibit peculiar, and indeed downright malicious/ deviant hallmarks, which appear to be calculated to provoke a response, a sort of gunboat diplomacy between two hidden factions.

Unfortunately, and in large part due to corporatism which promotes an ethic of '..take what you can, screw the other guy' - '..keep your head beneath the parapets', '..blend in, don't ask questions', we are seeing more & more evidence that people who are in mid-levels of power, realising the level of deviancy in evidence in such times of engineered crisis, and various spokespersons or witnesses in the wake of certain events can be clearly seen to be reeling with cognitive dissonance, having suddenly become aware that there is a larger narrative at work, one which is totally at odds with the official narrative - vast & deadly, merciless & brutal. It scares the # out of people, rightly so, and most of the time the only thing that can be done to prevent head explosions everywhere, and to keep from losing what they have worked for, is for everyone to put their fingers in their ears, shut their eyes up tight, and hum a little melody to keep the awful truth from draining the power from their bones.

Our world is less 'buttoned-down, cut & dry' materialist than most would assert, by a very long way. There are clearly forces at work which are gradually coming ever more into focus as the masses of data, images, videos, essays, threads, blogs, forums are all added together & seen to evidence the hallmarks of this covert warfare. Strands of initiation into the mysteries, shades of formerly cosmic warfare. A long time ago, in a galaxy (not too) far, far away...

Daniel 12 - New International Version (NIV)

The End Times

12 “At that time Michael will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise[a] will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. 4 But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.”

And further along:

When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed.”

8 I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, “My lord, what will the outcome of all this be?”

9 He replied, “Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end. 10 Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: underpass61
History shows that this kind of thing has been going on since before the supposed discovery of America.

Anywhere you find people of wealth, power, or control, you will find this going on, right in the open.

If you do a simple Google search you will find millions of articles regarding cases of child abuse and pedophilia among the rich and famous, going back years and years.

They learn, that is why they are able to continue. We don't, that is why they are able to continue. This continues because we allow it. They have no reason to stop. We have to give them one.

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