posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 12:07 PM
Really thinking hard about getting my 40g stock pond going this year.
I've found a place that has some bog plants, and I want to get a pitcher plant especially with maybe a gamecock iris. Then I'll have some anacharis
bunches down in the tub.
Around the tub, I have two large planters. I want to put some miniroses in them. I found a variety that has yellow and lavender blooms on it and can
be wintered over outside with some mulching. I want to put those on either side of the tub so they can grow up around and maybe overspread a bit. Then
maybe a hanging planter with annuals in it and I have some shorter window box planters I can put herbs in that can be positioned in front of the
I want to put some platy fish in the tub. Unless a 'coon finds them overnight and fishes them out (happened one year), I'll take out more than I put
in to begin with and they'll browse algae and eat mosquito larvae for me. The pitchers will eat mosquitos and other insects too.
Kid is getting big enough to maybe be interested in helping with maintenance on the project. He might get more invested if we let him have his own
plant to go in the mix, and it will be a good learning project for him. And by the end of the summer, it will be an excellent excuse to have one of my
indoor aquariums up and running again (I miss them!).
As far as my plants are going, my two columbines are peeking up shoots and my coral bell is getting going. My confused Dutch iris is also starting to
grow again (I call it confused because the stupid thing always starts growing in October and gets the tops of its foliage frozen) and it looks like it
might have split. The tulips are coming up and so are the other bulbs a previous owner planted.
I haven't noticed new growth on my clematis, but I also haven't looked closely at it.