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Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn

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posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 04:37 PM
Conspiracy theories coming out all over the place since (former) White House national security adviser Michael Flynn decided to "resign" after (supposed) leaked transcripts of his phone conversation with a Russian diplomat led to possible security concerns.

"Sources" are coming forward and claiming it's all because of "left over" Obama Administration operatives conspired to plant stories to discredit Flynn and the Trump Administration.

Lots of questions remain.

However, these inside jobs have been raising eyebrows ever since the election.

It is possible the Obama Administration has planted key operatives in some mid-level positions inside the Executive Branch.

We know the Attorney General (Yates) sent some "concerns" to Trump about Flynn.

We also know Flynn was an Obama confidant and was fired by Obama (providing the perfect cover for future operations).

Remember the NATO operation set-up called "Operation Gladio" was created to fight off invading Warsaw Pact military actions if the old Soviet Union ever attacked the "West" using under-cover operation techniques.

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn

The abrupt resignation Monday evening of White House national security adviser Michael Flynn is the culmination of a secret, months-long campaign by former Obama administration confidantes to handicap President Donald Trump's national security apparatus and preserve the nuclear deal with Iran, according to multiple sources in and out of the White House who described to the Washington Free Beacon a behind-the-scenes effort by these officials to plant a series of damaging stories about Flynn in the national media.

The effort, said to include former Obama administration adviser Ben Rhodes—the architect of a separate White House effort to create what he described as a pro-Iran echo chamber—included a small task force of Obama loyalists who deluged media outlets with stories aimed at eroding Flynn's credibility, multiple sources revealed.

The operation primarily focused on discrediting Flynn, an opponent of the Iran nuclear deal, in order to handicap the Trump administration's efforts to disclose secret details of the nuclear deal with Iran that had been long hidden by the Obama administration.

The O'Gladio Conspiracy !

edit on Feb-14-2017 by xuenchen because: compartmentalops

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 04:39 PM
CNN were virtually high fiving each other last night,they have their first scalp and the MSM are not going to stop until this administration folds or the country collapses-whatever comes first.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 04:40 PM

His military career ended when Obama dismissed him as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014. Flynn has said he was pushed out for holding tougher views than Obama about Islamic extremism. But a former senior U.S. official said the firing was for insubordination, after Flynn failed to follow guidance from superiors.

Flynn, fired once by a president, now resigns to another

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 04:42 PM
Yates appointed by Obama.

Sally Yates was anything but treacherous in her final days as President Trump's acting Attorney General.

Her role as a legal canary in the coal mine during a brief role heading the Justice Department may have poised the White House away from National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and inspired his ousting.

Yates tried insulating the White House from a series of looming controversies — the potentially illegal executive order banning travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries and the latest bombshell that Flynn misled several senior members of the Trump administration about his suspected pre-inauguration talks with a Russian diplomat.

Sally Yates' White House warning may have set Michael Flynn's resignation into motion


edit on Feb-14-2017 by xuenchen because: deepcoverops

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 04:44 PM
Since no one has asked it yet.

What is the NSA doing spying on a private citizen.

Flynn was at the time.


posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Well, does it matter since he was caught lying and did in fact speak to Russian diplomats not once but five times.

You can compare this to Wikileaks, Clinton, DNC, and many Trump supporters not caring if Russia did the hack because it's the emails that mattered, and I agree.

This time the leaks are coming from our intelligence communities? Flynn's bad for not understanding that the spy games are real. Some asset he would have made...

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: neo96

Sure is, too bad Trump supports Big Brother and the rest of the GOP/DNC.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 04:48 PM
There go the sycophants trying to spin this to make Trump look like the victim again. Poor Trump, a victim all his life with that 20 million loan from his father. Poor Trump, the victim of private schools and constant bailouts from his father and his father's friends. Poor Trumpy poo.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 04:50 PM
Another masterpiece Gladio style possibility...........

Meet the Real (Not Russian) IT Staff That Spied On and Hacked The U.S. Congress

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 04:50 PM
Obviously there have been leaks from within the agencies. There are a lot of butthurt people in them that didn't expect Hillary to lose, and as long as they are there they are going to do everything they can to damage Trump's administration even at the risk of damaging national security. However this kind of stuff happens whenever there's a change at the executive level from one party to another. Similar stuff happened when Obama took office after 8 years of Bush. imo

Same old game new conspirators.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: Swills

You mean the last guy right ?

Since spying powers were increased under him.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
"Sources" are coming forward and claiming it's all because of "left over" Obama Administration operatives conspired to plant stories to discredit Flynn and the Trump Administration.

So are "sources" credible again now?

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

His military career ended when Obama dismissed him as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014. Flynn has said he was pushed out for holding tougher views than Obama about Islamic extremism. But a former senior U.S. official said the firing was for insubordination, after Flynn failed to follow guidance from superiors.

Flynn, fired once by a president, now resigns to another

Well, let's wait till the White house gets the story straight collectively, Spicer said Trump told him to go, Kellyanne says he resigned.
As for Obama's firing of Flynn, tell us again why he was fired please.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: eNumbra

originally posted by: xuenchen
"Sources" are coming forward and claiming it's all because of "left over" Obama Administration operatives conspired to plant stories to discredit Flynn and the Trump Administration.

So are "sources" credible again now?

When they fit one's narrative, apparently.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: neo96

keep thinking about it
you just might figure it out

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: smurfy

Well, let's wait till the White house gets the story straight collectively, Spicer said Trump told him to go, Kellyanne says he resigned.
As for Obama's firing of Flynn, tell us again why he was fired please.

and trump said he did not know anything about it even though he did know 3 weeks ago.
all this admin does is lie and people soak it up

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: xuenchen
1 Bad choice down, next!

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 05:07 PM
So, it's not that Flynn apparently broke the law or acted unethically multiple times (not to mention lying about it), but that he was exposed for it?

I guess the democrats conspired with (or acted as) the Russian ambassador in order to set Flynn up? He was tricked? He acted of his own volition. And he was caught. Stop trying to pass the blame off to someone else.

a behind-the-scenes effort by these officials to plant a series of damaging stories about Flynn in the national media.

Sounds familiar. It's ok when this happened to Hillary and people cry "Oh get over it, she's corrupt and lost" but now the narrative has changed to, "Look what they did to this guy!"

The hypocrisy and double standards are foul among some of you people.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: Swills

Flynn did not deny speaking with the Russian ambassador, and there was nothing illegal about talking with them.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: BlueAjah
a reply to: Swills

Flynn did not deny speaking with the Russian ambassador, and there was nothing illegal about talking with them.

but he did lie about what was said
trump knew about it 3 weeks ago and did nothing
as soon as the post reports it now something is done

so yeah. seems like the issue is not what he said or did not say but the fact that now people know about it

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