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Most claims about Trump’s visa Executive Order are false or misleading

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posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: FelisOrion

So, those who are being persecuted based on their religion should not be given special consideration, because feels. I mean, actual persecution. Not the kind where you just don't get what you want when you want it. The kind where you're put in a cage and set on fire. But no, you're response to them would be "wait in line with everyone else." What a jerk. The countries were designated by Obama, not Trump. Did that one slip by you? why don't you ask Obama why he chose those countries? Do you suppose it's because he hates Muslims? Also, you might want to ask yourself what actually dictates American principles. Hint: it's not your worthless opinion.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: bender151

My worthless opinion you had to respond to. Of course.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: uncommitted

Really? A guy from one of the named nations lost his passport at work the other day. I found it. It was some sort of indefinite stay visa......who need to become a citizen then? Who is issuing this crap status paper work. Just wait untill the administration starts getting around to these other than "green card" visas.

edit on 30-1-2017 by Logarock because: n

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: Logarock
a reply to: uncommitted

Really? A guy from one of the named nations lost his passport at work the other day. I found it. It was some sort of indefinite stay visa......who need to become a citizen then? Who is issuing this crap status paper work. Just wait this the administration starts getting around to these other than "green card" visas.

Sorry, I have no idea what your point is. Even under Trump at the moment as far as I'm aware, people currently in the US wouldn't be deported if they had a legal right to be there - or do you think he hasn't gone far enough yet? Where precisely would you like him to stop?

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Why do we have to rely on CNN to tell us what the Executive Order actually says? Because Trump's White House website hasn't been updated!

Trump's staff is really bad at communicating clearly. We shouldn't have to rely on twitter and CNN.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: Xcathdra

Why do we have to rely on CNN to tell us what the Executive Order actually says? Because Trump's White House website hasn't been updated!

Trump's staff is really bad at communicating clearly. We shouldn't have to rely on twitter and CNN.

Couldn't people instead rely on Fox/ABC, or do they just say the facts are whatever Trump says they are?

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Logarock
a reply to: uncommitted

Really? A guy from one of the named nations lost his passport at work the other day. I found it. It was some sort of indefinite stay visa......who need to become a citizen then? Who is issuing this crap status paper work. Just wait this the administration starts getting around to these other than "green card" visas.

Sorry, I have no idea what your point is. Even under Trump at the moment as far as I'm aware, people currently in the US wouldn't be deported if they had a legal right to be there - or do you think he hasn't gone far enough yet? Where precisely would you like him to stop?

Ok you don't see then how sloppy it looks to be granting wide open visas, endless stay visas? One could live here for the rest of their life without becoming a citizen......but not true of their children.......ect. Does that need to be explained further? And just how many of these visas are operating in this country?

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: Logarock

That's incredible, the way visas, green cards and H1 b visas are exploited and abused, [b]entering the US is a privilege from none American citizens no a right

Somebody needs to tell that to all those protesters that have not clue how Americas immigration laws works.

But things are going to change, visas are going to become a privilege again, no a darn free give away.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 10:55 AM

originally posted by: Logarock

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Logarock
a reply to: uncommitted

Really? A guy from one of the named nations lost his passport at work the other day. I found it. It was some sort of indefinite stay visa......who need to become a citizen then? Who is issuing this crap status paper work. Just wait this the administration starts getting around to these other than "green card" visas.

Sorry, I have no idea what your point is. Even under Trump at the moment as far as I'm aware, people currently in the US wouldn't be deported if they had a legal right to be there - or do you think he hasn't gone far enough yet? Where precisely would you like him to stop?

Ok you don't see then how sloppy it looks to be granting wide open visas, endless stay visas? One could live here for the rest of their life without becoming a citizen......but not true of their children.......ect. Does that need to be explained further? And just how many of these visas are operating in this country?

No, I meant I didn't understand the point as the EO didn't have an impact on people already in the US. The visa is presumably legal and again presumably your employers worked to ensure your co-worker had it as they consider the person valuable to them. As they are already in the US, they aren't subject to the EO.

Not sure which bit of that you didn't understand.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 11:02 AM
I wish to partake, but it seems this may be construed by myself and others as being destructive.

All I can say is think people, please, just be practical and critical in your thinking.
What I add to this -
You all seem to see it as discrimination, allowing Christians safe passage but other religions are band - OMG!
You do not see the beauty - it's a test.
Any Muslim willing to work the system and quickly convert, entering the US holding a bible and a cross is a smart man and not a religious extremist.

Everyone still has an out, just drop the extremism and you can make it. I'm sure any God worth his salt will forgive your actions, I thinks..

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: DJW001

Even if it were updated we would still have people just making # up.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

It seems the activist media is addressing the issue but still the people they invite to "offer their expertise" are hell bound to bashing ignoring the facts while adding more propaganda to it.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: GreenGunther
I wish to partake, but it seems this may be construed by myself and others as being destructive.

All I can say is think people, please, just be practical and critical in your thinking.
What I add to this -
You all seem to see it as discrimination, allowing Christians safe passage but other religions are band - OMG!
You do not see the beauty - it's a test.
Any Muslim willing to work the system and quickly convert, entering the US holding a bible and a cross is a smart man and not a religious extremist.

Everyone still has an out, just drop the extremism and you can make it. I'm sure any God worth his salt will forgive your actions, I thinks..

They don't have to truly convert. I'd have to look up on taqiya, and if there are any limits to it. Extremists with wild radical interpretations might actually be more willing to lie about conversion to get in.

I'm not sure what sort of test can be administered that would tell pretenders from real.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: Xenogears

Have them say shibboleth...

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: Xcathdra

Why do we have to rely on CNN to tell us what the Executive Order actually says? Because Trump's White House website hasn't been updated!

Trump's staff is really bad at communicating clearly. We shouldn't have to rely on twitter and CNN.

Couldn't people instead rely on Fox/ABC, or do they just say the facts are whatever Trump says they are?

c'mon, on ATS?'s what trump says, anyone that questions him is the enemy, or as they say the "opposition"....right out of the Putin playbook....Putin must wake up every day and laugh his ass off at the stupid Americans....

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 12:38 PM
Always remember, control of borders has always been the best form of defence against terrorism, not the total surveillance of the general public.

Germany lost the plot with their welcome policy of non-vetted, unfiltered immigrants, in their hundreds of thousands, and the German people's reward were attacks and rapes and molestations by those who adhere to incompatible cultural idioms. Sweden looks to be wilting under the pressure to secure safety for their own people. It is time the people's on the European continent started to look towards securing their own interests, and it begins with kicking out those MP's who support untrammelled and uncontrolled immigration.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth
Liberal media fake news vs. the govt.

Liberal fake news vs. PUBLIC SAFETY taking precedence over freedom of religion.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: BubbaJoe

Can you explain how it has been disastrous for most Americans?

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: BubbaJoe

How has he violated the constitution? Are you OK?

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