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Senate Takes First Step Toward Repeal Of Obamacare

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posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

In the meantime people will die due to lack of insurance. And when new companies take up the mantle they will charge as much, if not more, because people are now desperate.

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 05:40 PM
Forget the premium costs and subsidies.

It's the deductibles that are murder for most people.

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Forget the premium costs and subsidies.

It's the deductibles that are murder for most people.

And not having healthcare will also be murder. If you know what I mean.

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: AboveBoard

originally posted by: xuenchen
Forget the premium costs and subsidies.

It's the deductibles that are murder for most people.

And not having healthcare will also be murder. If you know what I mean.

No argument from me.

But where are they actually writing legislation that will stop insurance?

There's still 30 million with no insurance, and most live in states with expanded medicaid, so we know that's not the whole problem.

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
a reply to: burdman30ott6

In the meantime people will die due to lack of insurance. And when new companies take up the mantle they will charge as much, if not more, because people are now desperate.

Not my circus, not my monkeys. That said, either those of us industrious enough to provide proper insurance for ourselves are gouged by a mandate so those who don't provide for themselves don't go without, or those who don't provide for themselves suddenly have some major decisions to make. Again, not my circus, not my monkeys so long as the sanctity of my wallet is left to me and me alone, I end the day with the same dozen damns as I began the day with.

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

You will pay. Hospitals will close and their rates for stays will escslate, the ones still open.

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 07:52 PM

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: burdman30ott6

You will pay. Hospitals will close and their rates for stays will escslate, the ones still open.

Well, as it stands now I end up paying higher premiums (because I'm told "I can afford it"), higher Deductables (because I'm told "I can afford it" but I can't afford the even higher premiums to lower said deductables), and higher office/hospital costs (because I have insurance and am employed, so I'm viewed as one of the honey pots that the hospitals in AK use to offset the costs of the uninsured and deadbeats.)

If the hospitals want to jack their rates, fine... let them do it. At least then I'm only shaken down when I actively enter a hospital facility (which is thankfully a rarity for me).

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 08:45 PM
There is no end to the level of MONUMENTAL ignorance about this issue. People are so ignorant they argue out of both sides of their mouths because they do not have the vaguest idea what insurance is.

In order for anyone to speak on the subject they need to replace the words "health insurance" with the words "only in case, upon approval..." Insurance is a system of making money, where one group of people is PITTED AGAINST another group of people, with the company in the middle taking money off the top. The company takes money in the form of premiums and then works to AVOID paying out money in order to profit!

Let that sink in. The job of the insurance company is to DENY claims for insulin, cancer surgery and life saving epi pens because it is their ONLY way to profit! Deny. Insurance is not an altruistic system, ever had a car insurance claim where they just threw money at you and said "we trust you?" No, they HATE the premium payer and they HATE paying claims, in fact people are fired for accepting too many claims.

There is no "Right" to healthcare as it is obtained by another.
There is no "Right" to have ANOTHER pay for your health issues.
There is no "government" moral clause that says, 'gee we all need antidepressants, they are expensive, can't someone else pay for them, please?"
You have a "right" to deal with your health issues yourself. "oh, but it's so expensive..." for god's sake that's because people are so ignorant.

For love of god people understand what the issues are, not what you think they are. The ACA can be replaced by a ONE WORD DOCUMENT tomorrow with no issue. The problem is the insurance people don't want to pay out, or loose money, the doctors and big pharma make HUGE MONEY off of having a system that no matter what "has to" cover the costs no matter what pharma says they are. So the simple solution will lie dead, not because it isn't possible, but because people do not even understand the way the system works - they actually, laughingly, think that you get your health "stuff" for free after you pay in - oh my, how the hell did the word "free" every get connected with something so expensive! OMG, I just can't accept how dumb people are.

Solution. 1. Earn under 20k per family, medicare INCLUDING TEETH AND EYES, is free. 2. Earth under 50k per family, medicare INCLUDING TEETH AND EYES is 100 per month per household. 3. Earn over 100k private insurance or medicare option at 250 per month.

Jam the pharma companies with a gigantic tax forcing them to reduce prices by allowing foreign drugs into the market at market rates. Ban any and all treatments, cancer I'm looking at you, that doctors themselves won't take, cancer I'm still looking at you.

None of this will happen, due to shear ignorance. The average US citizen can't seem to look up what "insurance" is and how it works, so they accepted this horrifying monster and cheered how paying a 5000k deductible a year means they have health insurance.

All this angst to get into a system the knowingly, and willing, admits to killing 250000 thousand people a year, has a huge portion of the population addicted to expensive drugs and is so grossly consumptive of so much energy as to be worse then war. Face palm, tears of pain.

(post by JW667 removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

You should prepare then for a major medical event as you age. Find ways of protecting your assets. We lost ours in 2007 and were left with 250,000 of medical bills

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

How is this a issue all of a sudden. We didn't know anything about the plan before the ACA got voted in except that we "could keep our current plan if we liked it" which also turned out to be a big fat lie. We had to first vote for it before we got to learn what the plan consisted off.

We found out why they did not want us to read it first. The affordable in the affordable health care act was not a part of it and it turned out to be a tax. They should have called it the THA aka the Taxable Health Care Act but i suppose that would have been a hint giving away what was actually in it when we were not allowed to read it.

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 11:16 PM
Now, the Obama administration was one of the first to generate FAKE NEWS, in order to perpetuate... and now to SAVE the Unaffordable Care Act.

""The Obama administration claims 20 million more Americans today have health care due to Obamacare. The reality is that when you look at the actual net gains over the past two years since the program was fully implemented, the number is 14 million, and of that, 11.8 million (84 percent) were people given the “gift” of Medicaid.""


Actually, most of the people who have ObamaCare health insurance would qualify for a lower-priced, lower-deductible underwritten policy that included 90% of U.S. physicians, if Obama didn't make those plans ILLEGAL.

Obama/Democrats made those plans illegal, and also added the 2.5% income penalty for not having insurance, in order to FORCE people to buy expensive Obamacare policies. You force people into your product, and then brag that 20 million are using your product. DUH!!! Thankfully, most Americans aren't buying it. Donald Trump will remove those chains and restore our personal freedom to choose the health plan that best fits our needs and budgets.

I hope the Republicans aren't so out-of-practice with actually getting things done, that they've forgotten how to implement legislation. How long has it been since they've formulated AND implemented anything worthwhile? Ten..or 12 years?!

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 11:50 PM
(LUCKY) Friday, January 13, 2017

In addition to the Senate, the HOUSE today, took it's first step to Repealing god-awful Obamacare.

""Republicans moved one step closer to repealing Obamacare after the House passed a measure this afternoon directing committees to begin working on legislation to repeal major pieces of the law.

The resolution cleared the House 227-198. Ten members didn't vote. Similar legislation passed in the Senate Thursday morning largely along party lines.""

Full Story:

edit on 1/13/2017 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2017 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254

The Senate tradition is called "vote-a-rama" — hours and hours of voting on amendment after amendment to a non-binding budget resolution.

At about 1:30 a.m. Republicans achieved what they had set out to do. By a final vote of 51-48, the Senate approved a measure which calls for eliminating key elements of the Affordable Care Act in a manner not subject to a Democratic filibuster.

Best guess is the Senate is still several weeks away from repealing Obamacare — and Democrats went into Wednesday night with a messaging plan. Use vote-a-rama to get Republicans on the record about what may come next.


I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet. At 1:30 AM this morning the Senate voted on the first step towards repealing the ACA. The final vote ended up at 51-48 in favor. The lone voice of dissent on the GOP's side was Rand Paul while Diane Feinstein was absent for the Democrats.

Other notable events that transpired is that the Republicans voted down amendments that would protect such popular provisions as allowing a dependent to stay on their parents' insurance until they're 26 and the preexisting condition clause.

While Trump claims he has a plan to replace the ACA the GOP senators gave no indication that they have any plan other than to repeal. This was the reason behind Paul voting the way he did. Even then the plan Trump outlined during his campaign isn't going to fix anything. He argued moving towards HSAs. The problem with this is that it does nothing for the working class. His other big proposition was allowing insurance companies to compete across state lines. But the largest insurance companies are already doing this.

The GOP have had years to come up with a suitable replacement to the ACA and yet now that they have their shot it seems like they're flying blind. If things continue down this path it will destroy the GOP's chances in 2018 and 2020.

July 7, 2017

We elect and pay our Congressmen/women $175,000 (minimum) a year, to work only 138 days a year, just to string us along like dumb-ass sheep?


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