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The Fall of the New World Order?

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posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 08:35 PM
Back up ahead wow . Trying to figure it all out in a one stop shop for the truth is not possible imo but if you stitch together what was is and is to come you get a very nasty picture of the powers behind the scenes . This vid is a reminder of why leaks are so important for us to factor into our world view .

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 09:41 PM
Cartoon says it all.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 09:45 PM
I have a hard time believing there was any chance of success to defeat the nwo. I think 2016 elections has been a very deceptive tactic even Sun Tzu would be impressed. We are celebrating their defeat, when the nwo just performed a coup de grace on us.

We'll find out soon enough.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 10:35 PM
Tells me you hate Jews but thats about it. You do realize is real is a democracy. And con teary to popular belief isreal has many different citizens including palistinians. Funny how people day stupon things about Israel having never even bothered to look in to it. Don't take all palistinian propaganda at face value.It's in there best in treat to paint Israel with the zionist brush or call them nazis.

Problems on the middle east will never get solved if we keep trying to make one side out to be evil. I disagree with things both sides do but when I see this your no longer even attempting to hide your hate.

Life isn't black and white I'd day that's the first lesson you need to learn.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 10:56 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: Willtell

You're all over the place!

So which is it today?

Our whole government is corrupt?

The Republicans are the destruction of mankind?

Last but not least, the Democrats screwed up?

I would respect you a tad bit if you would recognize our whole political system is corrupt to the core, but you seem to be Bi Polar when presenting your beefs against those whom rule over you?

Thanks for the political psychoanalyses.

There are two kinds of OP’S here. Ones own opinion and one that acts as a reporter and analyst.

This OP was an objective analysts of other peoples opinions or maybe obsessions.

How you derived all that from this OP is beyond me.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 11:09 PM

originally posted by: GodEmperor
I have a hard time believing there was any chance of success to defeat the nwo. I think 2016 elections has been a very deceptive tactic even Sun Tzu would be impressed. We are celebrating their defeat, when the nwo just performed a coup de grace on us.

We'll find out soon enough.

I agree. As soon as nanotechnology is capable of replacing all manufacturing processes with self-replicating robots the planet will be cleansed. Unless the culture created by 7 billion people is valued then maybe we have chance. But either way, the world banking system, the old world order, will always be more powerful any any NWO.

"Give me control of a nations money supply, and I care not who makes it’s laws". Mater Amschel Rothschild

I don't understand why everyone is so worried about the NWO. It seems to me the old-world-order is much worse than any world government will ever be.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 11:16 PM
Decent responses, nothing too crazy.


Listen up…

I Don’t believe the NWO is BEAT DOWN…

I believe Trump is a little old and maybe getting a little less swift in his thinking so is very malleable.

I believe that the NWO ALWAYS makes sure, since Kennedy, that both candidates are on their side.

They can say enie mennie minie moe which puppet is it Trump or Hillary
and be assured they’d have a subservient president.

As for the NWO getting a few black eyes, Brexit and Syria, oh well their just firing Hillary so they can claim less of a loss with one tactic, and hiring Trump to go another way: He'll start over concentrating on Iran and China.

The NWO never loses it just changes tactics

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 11:21 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr
Tells me you hate Jews but thats about it. You do realize is real is a democracy. And con teary to popular belief isreal has many different citizens including palistinians. Funny how people day stupon things about Israel having never even bothered to look in to it. Don't take all palistinian propaganda at face value.It's in there best in treat to paint Israel with the zionist brush or call them nazis.

Problems on the middle east will never get solved if we keep trying to make one side out to be evil. I disagree with things both sides do but when I see this your no longer even attempting to hide your hate.

Life isn't black and white I'd day that's the first lesson you need to learn.

What the heck are you talking about? Are we Americans or Israelis?

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 11:34 PM
In the political landscape of America, the wealthy plutocrats, always have a political game or charade, called the elections, where the mainstream politicians pretend to be independent candidates with an independent mind. Nothing is further from reality. The US presidential candidates are always handpicked by the wealthy plutocrats that choose them, usually at the yearly conference known as the Bilderbergers.

In the brandy and cigar-filled back rooms, the elite members of the oligrachy, choose the next political leaders of the world to play the election game–-it is a pure show for the gullible and ignorant public who are under the mistaken impression that these elections are legitimate. They are legitimate as far as any game, or charade goes. In the case of the American election for instance, the behind-the-scenes masters always give the chosen two candidates leeway to cheat as they see fit, lie as much as they can get away with, and within the tight parameters of what they allow--these elections have an appearance of legitimacy. But in reality they are exercises in political fraud and gamesmanship---a narcotic for the sheep! Depending on what the plutocracy wants accomplished at any given four-year election cycle, will determine the winner, whether it be the bad cop conservative republican, or the good cop liberal democrat, or a neutral politician at times.

They've chosen the bad cop republican for the reason enumerated above.

Therefore the notion that the NWO is beat is an absurdity on its face. A notion peddled by hysterical and obsessed wishful thinkers, and ignorant people who know very little about the varying levels of political reality.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: Willtell

A good hopeful OP, and well put. Thank you+bumped.
As many of the veils have been lifted, and the spectacle
exposed, I wonder if they will pull it out of the fire
one more time.
It was said, and regularly reinforced that our last two world
wars were begun with a series of small skirmishes before the
big shooter kicked off. I hope also past Hell the next one
fizzles out as well as detected so far-- and the damage gets
ended like ten years ago.
Sadly, the formulae and technology of millennia are against us.

posted on Jan, 8 2017 @ 12:52 AM
I don't outright see Infowars as controlled opposition as many CTs have been dicussing. Though, they are wrong from time to time, share disinfo, but in this case they are being optimistic when it's all very far from over. I don't see Trump from off from that either, maybe not controlled opposition, but he's not exactly as full opposition force(his chosen cabinet reflects that as does some of what he discussed about a database on all Americans, etc. Might as well have a Camp FEMA Patriot Act issued
). Also, he's not exactly a savior as many clamor on about, even if he wanted to be it will take time as with any incoming president to try to make things better, etc., in their own view.

posted on Jan, 8 2017 @ 01:04 AM
In a nutshell, here's what I think has been (and is) taking place...

To coin the words of a 1978 song by the rock group Van Halen....

I've been to the Edge
And there I stood and looked down
You know, I lost a lot of friends there, baby
I got no time to F# around!

-Van Halen, from the self-titled album Van Halen, 1978

I think the World populous has collectively 'been to the edge' and they've awoken to the perils which await them if globalism is allowed to take it's course. And much as David Lee Roth was singing the words to some fictitious person ("baby"), he was admonishing the disbeliever to see what he had seen (in the song). Similarly, the world is awakening, and progressively more doubters are being taken to the proverbial 'edge' and shown the consequences.

It will take time, and it won't happen overnight, but maybe it's the optimist in me who believes common sense will ultimately prevail.

edit on 1/8/2017 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2017 @ 01:07 AM
No one gave Trump a chance. No one took Trump seriously. Yet somehow he was an NWO puppet from the beginning? Doesn't make sense to me, I think people are giving the globalists a little too much credit, if they were truly this omniscient they would have taken total control long ago. Brexit was actually an NWO plan too, right? No, the globalists have tremendous power, but they aren't all powerful. Obviously we will have to wait and see what Trump does, but his rhetoric is unlike any globalist puppet I have ever seen. I just don't see a globalist puppet trashing globalism at every turn like Trump has, and has for the last 30 years, of course I'm sure the NWO planned Trump to be President back in the 80's, right? If Ron Paul had become President I'm sure many of you would claim he was an NWO puppet as well. Maybe Trump is controlled by the globalists, but I'll wait until I see what he does in office before I make that judgement.

posted on Jan, 8 2017 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: Willtell

They will be hoisted by their own petard.... I could give details but even to me it's unclear.


I think that covers it in order but like I said unclear as to the route

posted on Jan, 8 2017 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: seeker1963
All of you can try a novelty, testing to see if what is quoted below is true (and whether the book quoted below also has something to say about this notion of a NWO). That is... testing it without seeking out the arguments of bible critics or those undermining its message and credibility regarding history and current events.

John 17:17:

Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth.

A Message to The So-Called Truth Movement
Public Talk - PEACE CAN IT LAST. Bro Nathan H Knorr 1942

I also recommend my threads and my latest commentary about it. How the bible describes what's going on.

edit on 8-1-2017 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2017 @ 11:06 AM
Trump is part of the globalists. His wealth comes for investments in multinational corporations.

posted on Jan, 8 2017 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: Willtell

Maybe the whole Donald Trump against the NWO escapade is all an illusion, created by, well, the NWO!

Zionists are the ones who truly control the world, that's why Israel is allowed to exist despite it's obvious crimes against humanity. That's why the federal reserve bank is full of Zionists. That's why anyone who dares to speak out against Israel is vilified by the mainstream media.

Recent events have proved that Trump is very much a supporter of zionism. For this reason I wouldn't start writing off the NWO just yet, on the contrary, I'd say it's stronger than ever, just people are too stupid to realise it.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: theultimatebelgianjoke
Well then he might fit right in with the ATS crowd and humanity on average.

The Bible—Accurate History, Reliable Prophecy
edit on 10-1-2017 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 06:42 AM
No, not going to happen...Trump is NWO confirmed..

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