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Bigfoot spotted on police dash cam and on baby eagle hatching cam

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posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 07:37 PM
Here's two cool You Tube vids of possible Bigfoot sightings. This first one of the police dash cam is definitely something strange and you can tell by the voice on the officer and his ride-along guest that they saw something quite strange walking on two feet. It may have been a bear, but worth a look. The second video may be less ominous, probably a hoax by someone who knew the DNR cam was set up to watch these baby eagles hatch. Either way, it's still worth a look. Enjoy.

This one of police dash cam was posted on Sept. 22, 2015

This one from Michigan was posted on Sept. 15, 2016.

My bad if these have been posted, I did a search and didn't see them.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 07:53 PM
Often you can debunk bigfoot videos if you are looking for just a bear standing up (often when bears hurt their front paw, they will walk upright everywhere...which no doubt can freak people out..especially on blurvision).

In saying that, the second video does look a lot more primate than bear. the first video however could be just a standing bear

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 07:54 PM
The first vid is cool. I wish they would have caught more detail on the cam. As you mention, you genuinely hear the surprise and confusion in the officer's voice. Any more info on this incident? Location? I used to drive the back roads of southern Ohio leaving work at night and it can be pretty creepy in areas with dense forest. I always had this fear that I would see something like this on or near the road. I also drove a Jeep at the time and during the warm months I would have the top off. Sometimes my mind would screw with me so bad, I would keep thinking about something jumping into the back seat. Freaked myself out, lol.

The second vid could definitely be somebody messing around knowing the camera is there but I feel it would be awfully hard to know if you were in frame or not. It also moves oddly for somebody trying to pull a hoax. I feel like they would want to stick around longer.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: Rezlooper
Didn't see much in the first one, but the reaction seems pretty legit, except they don't mention "bigfoot/yeti" or something which seems like a choice that would come up even if were in a humorous sense.

The 2nd one was a great gag. Nice, I love Bigfoot footage no matter how zany it is.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 07:59 PM

originally posted by: ugmold
a reply to: Rezlooper
Didn't see much in the first one, but the reaction seems pretty legit, except they don't mention "bigfoot/yeti" or something which seems like a choice that would come up even if were in a humorous sense.

I noticed that as well, but probably didn't want to mention it knowing he was mic'd up. He would probably be ridiculed by his fellow officers for days. Reminds me of how airline pilots usually won't report UFO's for fear of backlash.

edit on 3-1-2017 by jtrenthacker because: words is hard

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 07:59 PM
I love it when they make us wait thru four minutes of video to see two seconds of blur at the end.

The first one skip to the end...

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: jtrenthacker

originally posted by: ugmold
a reply to: Rezlooper
Didn't see much in the first one, but the reaction seems pretty legit, except they don't mention "bigfoot/yeti" or something which seems like a choice that would come up even if were in a humorous sense.

I noticed that as well, but probably didn't want to mention it knowing he was mic'd up. He would probably be ridiculed by his fellow officers for days. Reminds me of how airline pilots usually won't report UFO's for fear of backlash.

I agree with you here. You can tell it's on his mind and it's what he's thinking but he'd be crazy to say it.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: intrptr

I love it when they make us wait thru four minutes of video to see two seconds of blur at the end.

The first one skip to the end...

To get the full effect, I think it pays to hear the officer and guest's reactions when they first spot it. Also, to spot it in real time is important when they first drive by it.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: Rezlooper

originally posted by: intrptr

I love it when they make us wait thru four minutes of video to see two seconds of blur at the end.

The first one skip to the end...

To get the full effect, I think it pays to hear the officer and guest's reactions when they first spot it. Also, to spot it in real time is important when they first drive by it.

I strained the whole video, the only blur I got was at the end. I did hear the sheriff say, 'that was on two feet wasn't it' ?

Can't rule out some guy in a suit though, can we?

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: intrptr

originally posted by: Rezlooper

originally posted by: intrptr

I love it when they make us wait thru four minutes of video to see two seconds of blur at the end.

The first one skip to the end...

To get the full effect, I think it pays to hear the officer and guest's reactions when they first spot it. Also, to spot it in real time is important when they first drive by it.

I strained the whole video, the only blur I got was at the end. I did hear the sheriff say, 'that was on two feet wasn't it' ?

Can't rule out some guy in a suit though, can we?

We never can. I live in the northwoods, grew up here, and I remember about 15 years ago, my wife and I, along with two friends in the back seat were coming up in the night time on a corner similar to the video and we saw a dark shadow way up ahead duck off the road real quickly. It was standing on the road and ran off into the shoulder, running on two legs, but looked huge like a bear. All we could do was assume it was a person as well, just didn't want to be caught doing whatever he was doing, I guess. Still, we talked about that event for years wondering just what it was. Pretty cool either way.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 08:38 PM
They ruled out a prank pretty quickly when the lady says " if we were near some houses or something I think it would be a prank"

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 08:53 PM
"Eagle Cam's": cool! It never occurred to me to go look for videos of such things.

Here's one a live feed FL bald eagle nest:

You'd think he knows hes on TV being all awake and sort of posturing at this late hour. Would be extra interesting watching such a nest during a huge storm...

Only one parent? Never thought they'd have fresh hatched chicks on New year's. It's about to be DAMN cold soon...

OH, down here "Big Foot" are known as "Skunk Ape's", big foot's stinky cousin!
edit on 3-1-2017 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: Rezlooper

I live near bear country west. Been in the hi sierra enough, seen brown and black bear, too.

Sometmes standing on all two...

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: intrptr


I know You enjoy the "cop take" or retired cop take...

This is just to fulfill the quid pro quo end of a chat-forum, I see someone has awarded You Your Tejas (Lone Star) so I'll provide a quick 2 second glance w/out even viewing the video..

Terrible Officer Safety- To quote a salty old street cop that used to work Narcotics when it was "lid of grass" and "2 decks of skag" When the dope was coming in from Vietnam, in which the U.S. Military was busy "fighting" (the FACT that every time the U.S. Military™ gets involved it isn't too much longer that the United States of Taxpayers experiences an illegal drug epidemic. This time the Hair-On is coming from Afghanistan but that is another thread...)

"You going to shoot 'em w/Your flashlight?..." #326

Now if the unk. creature is a cranked out TURD who just killed 3 people and attacks the cop He better drop the flashlight and grab His gat...

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 09:31 PM
Awesome vids, definitely seen the dash cam video on here before but always good to bring it back with a repost.

I think the genuine reaction is key here, he actually says in the video that he's been there since he was 12 years old, seems like he would be comfortable with the wildlife to not freak out about something ordinary. He actually hits the lights and turns around, so something def. peaked his "something is wrong or out of place" police sense. Also, you are either brave or stupid to walk around in a huge fur suit in the middle of the night and choose to run across the road in front of a sheriff's cruiser.

The second one is pretty mind blowing as well, its clearly SOMETHING..nobody ever wants to admit it's real but if I saw that from up on high somewhere, I'd be out of there in a heartbeat.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 10:14 PM
Sad the officer is talking about killing somebody and "shooting first and asking questions later"


posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 10:38 PM
My buddy saw a bigfoot on Ettersburg road near Garberville last month. It was 330am. It was standing up, and had longer legs then a bear. The arms and legs were massive. It was just barely under 7 foot tall. He was slowing for a hairpin turn and it was standing on the side of the road looking at him. It looked very unhappy. It was black and the face was furry except around the mouth. It had a similar face to a human, and was not ape or bear. He was 20 feet away. As he slowed down for the tight turn, it began running with a great stride, very fast toward the turn as if to cut him off on the other side. He said it could have easily flipped his truck over ( Toyota with a lift kit) He hit the gas coming out of the turn, pedal to the metal. He was really scared. This same guy sees bears and mountain lion all the time. He also used to hunt wild boar and is not afraid of any of these other animals. This thing scared him bad. Other friends in this area see these and hear them often. It is on the edge of gov property that goes on for a very large area. Very mountainess. He sat right here and we discussed this at length. He was not lying. 20 feet is very close. He could see its face and expression. This is a true story
edit on 3-1-2017 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 11:06 PM
Whatever it was only took two steps to cross from the center of the road to the shoulder, so it has to be pretty tall with a pretty big stride, not sure a bear on two legs would have a stride like that. .?

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 01:57 AM
a reply to: Rezlooper

They are real I assure you. Not only did I have this one sighting in 40 years of hunting, but the Georgia DNR cast tracks and I heard it scream in our hunting camp of 5,000 acres that backs up to the Okefenokee Swamp in North Florida and Southern Georgia. The swamp is 864 Sq. Miles in size.

My BFRO Report of a Class A Sighting

edit on 4/1/17 by spirit_horse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 02:11 AM
If Bigfoot truly is real I hope he stays "undiscovered" per se. It would be a shame for someone to shoot him or stick him in a zoo which would be pretty inevitable if they found him. Plus I love the mystery and the excitement of watching videos trying to cypher if they're real or not. Not much to see on the police cam, but the eagle cam is very intriguing and is probably the best footage of a possible Bigfoot I've ever seen.

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