a reply to:
Well my first experience was 25 years ago, sat down in meditation all the chakras opened shot up the spine in a flash in the bliss of kundalini... and
my dumb ass thought I achieved something. Lol so I ran around for about 10-12 years chasing the dragon of that and babbling on like I knew
Hard to tell any difference I suppose; still babbling on.
However; whatever practice it is you have chosen? Stick to it in ernest... all the hopping around even between faiths is a waste of time; there are
enlightened beings of every school of thought. Because it doesn't require thought.
That doesn't mean run around mindless; but with full intention as in knowing exactly why you are doing and saying every single thing in honesty not
lying to oneself or others, not contriving reasons or excuses for them or the doing. Of course that means cutting out intentions; if you have
intention then it is a manipulation of the moment and a contrived way to live, one calculated and self centered to get something out of it, other than
the simply doing for doings sake.
So in sitting, there is no reason for sitting other than sitting... if something arises other than sitting while sitting then you are no longer
sitting even if still sitting. It's basically be consciously aware, but not letting the mind run off from what is currently arising moment to
moment... with enough practice, the mind gets tired of trying to run off, chase thoughts babble on about what it sees, label what it hears and on and
on and it just dies. It turns off becomes wholly silent what is left? Reality itself... it was always there; just covered up with concepts, ideas,
dogma and a lot of jibber jabber.
As babies thats is exactly what the mind is quiet; it only responds to discomfort that isn't the comfort of the womb... supply what it is lacking to
mimmic the womb and baby is happy again. Of course as we grow and not necessarily progress not being swaddled, wet or hungry grows into an enormous
wall of requirements to be happy and satisfied or back in our little ideal space or womb... we got there by i lika this I dont lika that on and on
cutting more and more of the world and its magic off in an attempt at some personal ideal out of egotistical control, then we try to control others
mold and shape others bend them to our will... so environment control and other control is supposed to yeild the ideal and perfection?
Ha! So what can one control? Oneself, thats it... that run away baby however old trying to pick all it's favorites grab only those that bend to their
will and demands and desire to retreat back into their womb fortress of solitude in all fear and panic and madness that someone will try to take some
of it away or someone will flee... it will all go away that is the very nature of things in their arising and passing moment to moment given enough
time... that is just the nature of everything that has existed or ever will exist known and unknown: Impermanence it is ironically the only permanent
So trying to battle the impossible is a futility trying to wall oneself and others in out of some sort of control or ideal is also a futility. The ego
self will do harm harm to us and others than any enemy could ever imagine. The root source? The mind attached to temporary passing phenomina; seeing
this one misses that, thinking of this one misses the entirity of what is occuring... off in dream land of concepts and mental chatter.
Find a hitching post for the mind when it gets loose tie it back to that post over and over; it will then become tamed and docile become a tool
instead of a torture to run and chase and be at it's mercy. Eventually it will learn to shut up entirely become like that baby mind that didn't think;
just responded as was fitting the situation, no stress no pain and no suffering arising due to it; that doesn't mean any of it will leave the world at
all in the slightest... actually from that place of great peace? The suffering of others becomes magnified because there is no longer any grasping at
an ego self to miss out the needs of others so one is fully there, present and aware of their needs and can listen to them fully with empathy and
actually feel and know what they are saying without any thought involved.
As that empathy grows and extends out it is important to remember unconditional love; since the ego self isn't running around trying to satiate itself
in greed, hate and delusion in those illusiory ideas and concepts and contrived schemes and plots and maintanence and fear and worry and concern of
keeping what was gained in deciet in honesty it knows that all of that is suffering, pain, torture and having trancended that it is only to decend
right back into that ego self as you said in that fluctuation if empathy wasn't present.
So have compassion the attempt to try to understand or see as many perspectives from others as if you were saying whatever it is oneself; and the
reasons why you would say those things... if you have been in the situation then compassion is no longer compassion but empathy... you've been there
you know the struggle and in that moment their pain is your pain.
The same thing occurs on the world scale; empathy after all suffering for oneself has ended created by the mind; as it is gone done dead, one can't
help but feel compelled to extend the heart and hand where possible in empathy to ease their suffering; suffering is like the old saying salt has but
one taste suffering is the same way; when it moves from rote grasping and into direct experience of that then it integrates as simply reality... while
your mind may no longer exist and there is only consciousness in the sense sphere that you place awareness; and have ceased to suffer due to it; it
will be fully aware of all the sufferings of others and there is no need for compassion then because it is pure feeling direct empathy... no need to
guess a feeling it is right there and right then and the emotion is a reflection of whatever it is being experienced... and then one can help
accordingly in honesty of body speech and mind because there is no intent other than to help and be of service to others.
Thats my advice also be sure to show oneself some compassion and empathy when the going gets abit rough for oneself too... eventually, there will be
no need to bubble up and take a breather... used to be once a week I was an emotional wreck feeling all of the news headlines and energies and
emotions around me I'd have to take a breather weight of the world... shrug let others hold it for awhile, then once or twice a month shrug, then once
or twice a year shrug. Well, you see the pattern... in the same way of seeing patterns we can see what we keep repeating and doing to ourselves and
others that is of no real benefit to oneself or others; and we slow it down and stop grasping at things that only benefit oneself. We stop expecting
some reward or congratulations or anything of others; it's nearly impossible to live up to ones own expectations of themself so its irrational to
expect others to live up to your expectations if you can't even meet your own yes?
It's just one of those ways we sabotoge and aren't even aware of it... when aware then there's no excuse to continue on doing whatever it is that
appears to help and looked on honestly only serves oneself and harms others; sometimes an ego and a wry sense of humor can be difficult to