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Duterte admits to being a Junky and killing Drug suspects

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posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 06:52 PM
I will say this, my buddy who is from there and has plenty of family there, say's he is popular, that was many months ago I asked.

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: Korg Trinity

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: Korg Trinity

originally posted by: underwerks

You shouldn't assume for a second I haven't traveled to SE Asia or a lot of other places because I'm an American.

This isn't a show of "strength" or "force". It's a show of despotism. Any attempts to spin it as something else reeks of agenda. He admits himself what I said in the OP.

Most people that live in places where you can get killed over suspicion of something have only nice things to say about their leaders.

Funny, right?

Any Extra judicial killings are not being directly sanctioned by the President.

The president has committed some of the extra judicial killings himself, by his own admission. And by his own admission did it to show local police they could do it too.

In what way is that not sanctioning the killings? Are you listening to yourself? Duterte's own statements contradict everything you are saying.

You keep saying this... Keep saying it over and over and over won't make it any more true.

1. He never said he carried out extra judicial killings.

2. He outwardly denies ordering extra judicial killings.

Your persistence with no evidence can be construed in two ways... either you are a troll or you have an issue with the philippines...

Perhaps you are upset that the Philippines are going to kick the US out of there??


Since you refuse to read the OP before commenting, here you go:

"Rodrigo Duterte has announced he personally killed suspected criminals when he was mayor of his home city of Davao in the Philippines, cruising the streets on a motorcycle and “looking for trouble”. The country’s president made the comments in a speech late on Monday night as he discussed his campaign to eradicate illegal drugs, which has seen police and unknown assailants kill around 5,000 people since he became president on 30 June. “In Davao I used to do it personally. Just to show to the guys [police officers] that if I can do it, why can’t you,” he was quoted as saying by AFP, talking of his two decades as mayor of the southern city of 1.5 million people. “And I’d go around in Davao with a motorcycle, with a big bike around, and I would just patrol the streets, looking for trouble also. “I was really looking for a confrontation so I could kill.”

Link to the whole story is in the OP. Those are HIS OWN words from Monday. Not me putting a spin on anything.

Reading goes a long way.

edit on 14-12-2016 by underwerks because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-12-2016 by underwerks because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: Korg Trinity

originally posted by: vonclod
a reply to: underwerks

Cognitive dissonance run's so strong on ATS these days.

As does group reinforced ignorance coupled with a higher than thou arrogance!

originally posted by: vonclod
a reply to: Korg Trinity

It's going to end badly for many who are undeserving of capital punishment..I have heard Duterte say..go kill people..I will give you a medal, so I say he has indeed sanctioned it. And major outlets are running with the story he has personally killed.

WoooW the BBC says it, it must be true right??

Remember any of this??

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff
I think its easy for us in the west to judge but until youve spent some time in SE Asia you have no idea, its a whole other world.

If hes killing drug dealers Im all for it but the average junkie is a bit different.

Death for people who push death seems fair but vigilante justice can get messy, my issue is whats to stop someone killing their neighbour that they dont like and saying they were on drugs?

Either it's all ok, or none of it is ok. Drug users are also the suppliers the majority of the time, mostly from necessity.

This is often true. Former junkie here...

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: Korg Trinity

I don't care about the BBC or any other outlet as an absolute beacon of truth..just posting a major source link.
I have heard his previous words and have no trouble believing it.

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: Korg Trinity

What are you defending here. A killer president said hes a killer , and used to be a drug addict himself.
And yes he gave a green light for the police and vigilantes to be executioners. Its not bbc that said it, he did.

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: underwerks

In my opinion, any nation who is half as "hard" on drugs as the US is completely out of its collective mind.

The blood-thirsty serial killer president of the Philippines makes even the US anti-freedom, crime inducing, taxpayer money wasting, infective drug policy look sane, which, as has been obvious to anyone with even a spoonful of functioning brain cells, it most certainly is not.

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 11:12 PM
The problem with this topic is that it came from a polluted source. It is no secret in the Philippines that the author of the article Raissa Robles is a supporter of the losing candidate in the presidential election. Duterte won by a huge margin inspite the lack of machinery and logistics needed to mount a national campaign and why he resonates with the common people is that he knows what the problem is on the ground unlike the pompous asses politicians that used to rule and only concerned stuffing their pockets.

There's a media blitz ongoing trying to destabilize his administration so they can install the VP who won which most thinks was done dubiously because she was virtually unknown but backed up by the previous administration's money. The old oligarchy wants to get their power back. One senator who is being investigated with her links to the drug syndicates is now even being feted by the Soros group giving her an award for standing up to an "extremist" leader. Of course she would naturally go against Duterte because her illegal drug business is getting the heat.

The number of killings before with the previous administration were equally the same but it was never highlighted by the mainstream media and the sad thing was that most of those killed were law abiding citizens victimized by the drug addicts who robbed them just so they can get their fix of street meth. It used to be non-addicts and the law abiding were afraid to go out in the streets fearing for their lives but now it is the other way around. Those who were always in conflict with the law such as drug dependent robbers now afraid of their lives and made themselves rare out in the open.

What the mainstream media is hiding is that most of the killings were done by people also connected with the drug business. They're eliminating those who can implicate them. The previous rulers were so deep into corruption that drug syndicates were able to buy their way in into government and the police. Some elected local official were actually drug lords and they were able to elect one as a Senator. Had the previous ruling majority won with their presidential bet, the Philippines would be populated by now with zombies created by shabu.

A lot of the Philippine people are actually glad Duterte won even those who previously did not support his bid.

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 11:18 PM
If you people really want to get a more balanced perspective of things, try reading other sources too and not just rely on the mainstream media who is obviously bought by the Soros group..

I've been reading these sites below and they are actually more fair with their article than what the mainstream media regurgitates.

posted on Dec, 15 2016 @ 12:33 AM
A documentary from VICE on the drug trade business in the Philippines. This was published before Duterte was elected president.

posted on Dec, 15 2016 @ 12:42 AM
This one from Discovery Channel. A look inside the prison and the gangs operating in it. Lou Ferrente was even aghast to see Senator De Lima hobnobbing with a convicted criminal he commented that had it happened in the US, she would have lost her job that very evening. Senator De Lima was then the secretary of Justice at that time the documentary was done. The gang leader Sebastian who was with her as shown in the video pointed to De Lima as the person who asked them to raise money by selling drugs for her election campaign.

That's how #ed up was the Philippines before Duterte became President.

posted on Dec, 15 2016 @ 12:53 AM
So how does the bought media demonize Duterte. This below is an example. ail-quezon-city/

This problem has been already there even before Duterte was elected but the article put a slant that it only got worsened under his watch even if he is barely 6 months into office. The deplorable condition of the prison was due to the neglect of the previous Aquino government and his secretary of Justice at that time now senator De Lima. Below link is from the gov't agency.

OPNS DATA SEPT 2015 - Top Most Congested Jails

posted on Dec, 15 2016 @ 01:00 AM
Duterte when he was Mayor in his city of Davao has actually done more than the national government before when it comes to jail management.

Here are various videos to show it.

posted on Dec, 15 2016 @ 01:08 AM
Today the lady Senator, De Lima who is under investigation for her drug links is now going the rounds in the US, sponsored by Soros, is trying to portray herself as the victim when fact is it was her who had victimized a lot of her countrymen.

No matter how some people twist the truth here, it is the people in the Philippines who knows the real story and most of them are wary of going to become another Iraq or Libya where their elected and chosen leader will be subverted again by the cabal of evil people.

posted on Dec, 15 2016 @ 03:34 AM

originally posted by: marhaba
Today the lady Senator, De Lima who is under investigation for her drug links is now going the rounds in the US, sponsored by Soros, is trying to portray herself as the victim when fact is it was her who had victimized a lot of her countrymen.

No matter how some people twist the truth here, it is the people in the Philippines who knows the real story and most of them are wary of going to become another Iraq or Libya where their elected and chosen leader will be subverted again by the cabal of evil people.

Its no good I have tried... to coin a phrase the matrix has them... the people that see Duterte as anyting other than a force for good against a wave of coruption are viewing the world through thier msm tinted outlooks.

I find it highly rich when in the US we have this going on...

Warning Graphic Content ahead...

Sanctioned by the President of the US??

All the best,


posted on Dec, 15 2016 @ 03:45 AM
The killings should intensify. Next he should go after corrupt businessmen and the child rapist rich westerners. They're all connected the terrorist drug cartels that control entire regions of the country.

There is no legal process that can do it because the courts have been infiltrated by the cartels.

posted on Dec, 15 2016 @ 05:00 AM

originally posted by: Ohanka
The killings should intensify. Next he should go after corrupt businessmen and the child rapist rich westerners. They're all connected the terrorist drug cartels that control entire regions of the country.

There is no legal process that can do it because the courts have been infiltrated by the cartels.


posted on Dec, 15 2016 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Korg Trinity

You can pine all day about how much a good person Duterte is, but the OP features his own words. Not someone trying to spin them, not hyperbole by one of his opponents, but himself stating he personally has killed people "suspected" of crimes. And that he rode around on a motorcycle looking for people to kill.

Nothing you post can obfuscate or hide that little tidbit, even though you try. Looking at what you've said in your comments, it's obvious there's an agenda here, but it isn't coming from me.

posted on Dec, 15 2016 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: underwerks

originally posted by: kelbtalfenek
a reply to: underwerks

In any country where you can be killed for suspicion of something, any feelings of safety are temporary and fleeting. That's a fact.

Are you really going to voice your disapproval of the president if you could be dragged out back and shot if the authorities felt like it? On suspicion?

None of this leads to a safer society for anyone. Any temporary gains are inconsequential when compared to what this means long term for everyone except the president.

In public, not so much. But in private...absolutely. There have been anti-Duterte marches and protests. But in general, the government there is a lot like you said: powerful and able to get rid of people for suspicion.

Like I said, I don't agree with Duterte, but apparently the street crime was horrendous before his regime and now it's palpable. Is it temporary? Probably. But I don't live there so I cannot judge. Is it better to be labeled a drug pusher (ako si pusher) and be shot in the streets execution style, or to be robbed, raped and killed by home invaders that are needing their next fix? Neither option sounds good to me- from what I gather the majority of the citizens would rather take their chances with the "death squads" (which they actually deny exist) than the hold-nappers, kidnappers, rapers, killers and that sort.

posted on Dec, 15 2016 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: Korg Trinity


edit on 15-12-2016 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

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