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How DEMOCRATS colluded with Russia to rig the election

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+7 more 
posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 04:11 PM
Of 1984. Yes that's right Ted Kennedy was so scared of President Reagan, he asked Soviet Russia to help defeat him in the presidential election of 1984.

If these progressives want to know what actual treason looks like, they should consult liberal lion Ted Kennedy, who not only allegedly sent secret messages to the Soviets in the midst of the cold war, he also begged them to intervene in a U.S. presidential election in order to unseat President Ronald Reagan. That’s no exaggeration.

According to Soviet documents unearthed in the early 1990’s, Kennedy literally asked the Soviets, avowed enemies of the U.S., to intervene on behalf of the Democratic party in the 1984 elections. Kennedy’s communist communique was so secret that it was not discovered until 1991, eight years after Kennedy had initiated his Soviet gambit.

Picking his way through the Soviet archives that Boris Yeltsin had just thrown open, in 1991 Tim Sebastian, a reporter for the London Times, came across an arresting memorandum. Composed in 1983 by Victor Chebrikov, the top man at the KGB, the memorandum was addressed to Yuri Andropov, the top man in the entire USSR. The subject: Sen. Edward Kennedy.

“On 9-10 May of this year,” the May 14 memorandum explained, “Sen. Edward Kennedy’s close friend and trusted confidant [John] Tunney was in Moscow.” (Tunney was Kennedy’s law school roommate and a former Democratic senator from California.) “The senator charged Tunney to convey the following message, through confidential contacts, to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Y. Andropov.”

Kennedy’s message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election. “The only real potential threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations,” the memorandum stated. “These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign.”

Kennedy made Andropov a couple of specific offers.

First he offered to visit Moscow. “The main purpose of the meeting, according to the senator, would be to arm Soviet officials with explanations regarding problems of nuclear disarmament so they may be better prepared and more convincing during appearances in the USA.” Kennedy would help the Soviets deal with Reagan by telling them how to brush up their propaganda.

Then he offered to make it possible for Andropov to sit down for a few interviews on American television. “A direct appeal … to the American people will, without a doubt, attract a great deal of attention and interest in the country. … If the proposal is recognized as worthy, then Kennedy and his friends will bring about suitable steps to have representatives of the largest television companies in the USA contact Y.V. Andropov for an invitation to Moscow for the interviews. … The senator underlined the importance that this initiative should be seen as coming from the American side.”

Kennedy would make certain the networks gave Andropov air time–and that they rigged the arrangement to look like honest journalism.

full letter here

Funny how the Democrats always accuse their political enemies of the things they themselves have been proven to have done in the past.

Nevermind what you learned. Don't pay attention to the collusion between Hillary and the MSM. No, nothing to worry about with friends of Bill. No no no nothing wrong with the DNC rigging the primary. Be afraid of the Russians!!!!! They will eat your babies after they steal your elections because Wolf Blitzer said so!!!

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: FauxMulder

I see people blaming the Russians, not accusing Trump of treason. Odd, the #1 thread on the front page is accusing Clinton of treason because her mail server may or may not have been hacked.

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: FauxMulder
This is very useful information. However, I can't actually see in the full letter any indication of what help Kennedy might be expecting in exchange. All I can see is an argument which I might summarise as "If Russia can present itself as more friendly, and reduce tension, that will undermine the support Reagan gets from sounding militaristic".

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 04:22 PM
Can we please stay in the present?

This is 2016

This is about Trump and Russia.

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 04:23 PM
While I am torn as to what the truth is on this topic. I will say this all boils down to the memory of Victor Chebrikov, former head of the KGB. So I take what he says with a grain of salt. Plus the letter has never been produced to the best of my knowledge? Seems like something they would have done in the era of the cold war.

But... if true, he's closer to being guilty of treason than Trump is.. As Kennedy would be communicating during the middle of a cold war, while note its not an active war and thats important to treason laws. Still, I find the potential of Kennedy's act for worse... if true.

Interesting counter article...

Maybe not true?
edit on 12-12-2016 by bknapple32 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: DISRAELI
However, I can't actually see in the full letter any indication of what help Kennedy might be expecting in exchange.

I believe the argument being made is Congressional representatives cannot negotiate with foreign governments, that is the purview of the President.

Ted Kennedy was a scummy human being for many reasons, this only adds to the lengthy list.

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: reldra
a reply to: FauxMulder

I see people blaming the Russians, not accusing Trump of treason. Odd, the #1 thread on the front page is accusing Clinton of treason because her mail server may or may not have been hacked.

politico says treason

daily beast says hairs breath from treason

Shall I go on?

+5 more 
posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: Annee
Can we please stay in the present?

This is 2016

This is about Trump and Russia.

This is the HISTORY forum
edit on 12-12-2016 by FauxMulder because: THIS is SPARTA

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus
I take the point that he is in the wrong to be running a private foreign policy.
I was just questioning how much this could be described as "getting help to fix the election".

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: DISRAELI

I see your point but he wanted to work with them to set their narrative that Reagan was dangerous. Even get tv interviews for the commie to get their "message" across to the American public.

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 04:32 PM
Is there more proof?

Seems a little light.

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 04:33 PM

originally posted by: DISRAELI
I take the point that he is in the wrong to be running a private foreign policy.
I was just questioning how much this could be described as "getting help to fix the election".

I agree that to me there is less here about election rigging and more about highly inappropriate behavior in regards foreign policy, but I am not surprised since the Kennedy name and highly inappropriate political behavior are virtually synonymous.

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 04:39 PM

originally posted by: Annee
Can we please stay in the present?

This is 2016

This is about Trump and Russia.

What this is about is manipulating information to push an agenda. Ignoring history is one way to do that.

We can ignore history when it dose not favor our position or use history to justify ones actions.

It's like only looking in the mirror when some one says you look good. Yay I'll always be beautiful👎
edit on 12-12-2016 by Observationalist because: Clarify sentence

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: FauxMulder
A fair point. He was thinking ahead, though. He wasn't standing in the 1984 election (sorry, I mean "running"). I see from the letter that he was expecting the Democrats to call on him in 1988, implying that he was also expecting them to lose in the 1984 election itself.
So his argument was that a less aggressive-looking Russia in 1984 and later would help him win in 1988, and benefit the Russians by providing them with a more co-operative American President from 1988 onwards.

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: FauxMulder

Deep inside the dems psyche there is a globalist will to put foreign interest before american interests. This OP is just a reminder of this simple fact that continues until this day.

We all saw how the White House spokesman defended a corrupt dictatorship that steals industrial and military secrets from the US companies.

What a shameful way to end a shameful mandate. Corrupt OBAMA
edit on 12-12-2016 by Pablito because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 04:52 PM
For years Democrats have been claiming the cold war is over and we need to work with, support, and otherwise embrace "Russian" things. Yet, when things go "south" for them, the Russian are the first to blame.

Go figure.

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: DISRAELI
a reply to: FauxMulder
A fair point. He was thinking ahead, though. He wasn't standing in the 1984 election (sorry, I mean "running"). I see from the letter that he was expecting the Democrats to call on him in 1988, implying that he was also expecting them to lose in the 1984 election itself.
So his argument was that a less aggressive-looking Russia in 1984 and later would help him win in 1988, and benefit the Russians by providing them with a more co-operative American President from 1988 onwards.

I think it's more than just his presidential ambitions. I think he and many of his colleagues back then (maybe even some politicians today) were sympathetic the the Soviets and Communist ideals.

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: DISRAELI
a reply to: FauxMulder
This is very useful information. However, I can't actually see in the full letter any indication of what help Kennedy might be expecting in exchange. All I can see is an argument which I might summarise as "If Russia can present itself as more friendly, and reduce tension, that will undermine the support Reagan gets from sounding militaristic".

Kennedy actually went to Moscow 1986 with Reagan's approval for arms control negotiations with Mikhail Gorbachev, and the release of dissidents.
If there was any political dirt it was actually ongoing by Reagan/CIA to wreck the Soviet Union's economy.
I don't know if Kennedy knew about that.
Keyname, for more information Max Kampelman Reagan admin.
edit on 12-12-2016 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: Annee

It's in the history forum...should we not be allowed to discuss history?

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 06:28 PM

originally posted by: ksiezyc
a reply to: Annee

It's in the history forum...should we not be allowed to discuss history?


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